Talcum Powder

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2018
There were 18 people in the bar.
Nathalie's event was 276 renders, the update was 873, quite a huge difference. Basically 32 percent of the update only.

Also another factor that contributed to the the huge fall was that 2 weeks in between he was not working, ( 1 week at a time twice during the cycle, 1 right before completing Nathalie scene and the other right before finishing Cathy scene ) he was out because of his personal work. The only output we got during that time was 15% for PS. So that is what caused the huge drop in speed. Without 14 days if work in between and the Big bar scene is what contributed to the fall in pace by 50%
Do we know if the Nathalie event was the first thing he worked on in v15.0?
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Jan 26, 2018
Agree 100%

It's one thing if Sophia is spying on solo masturbation. Such as with the maid. That wasn't bad...

However, it is another thing if Sophia is gonna be watching Aiden be a cuck with his girlfriend and friend but call it "Sharing" fuck that it is cuck shit...

The game isn't built up around Aidens girlfriend. It revolves around Sophia. To toss in some random slut sucking a dick is bad...

That kills Aidens character and turns him into such weak little bitch boy...

Adding "Cuck" to Aidens personality is something that will ruin his personality because Aiden is supposed to be a "Badass" character not a "Cuck"... He better be charging his friend to have his "Girl" suck his dick and be a "Pimp" not a "Cuck" or his his personality is ruined.

"Badass" and "Cuck" don't belong in the same character.
You guys really find this Aiden guy "badass/strong" or something like that? I mean, wtf.
The ones who I think would be more like that are the Sam's friends from his band. Aiden just seems like a playboy.


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
You guys really find this Aiden guy "badass/strong" or something like that? I mean, wtf.
I think the ones who I think would be more like that are the Sam's friends from his band. Aiden just seems like a playboy.
Maybe 'Bad Boy" makes more sense than "Bad Ass".
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Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
Here you go. Now you know.

Important news about 0.155

Content: 361 renders + 9-10 animations (24 fps) and 5 (10 fps)

So, as you can see, the "special add-on" are real 24 fps animations. It's a big step for my game and the organization of it was very tough. They are done with an additional program which I needed to get comfortable and bring my characters and environments there first.

The search for helpers was a horror! Most didn't even respond. The rest just said no. With the 1st helper I started to work on the 1st animation where I needed to explain her everything and give examples so that the animations fit into my scene together with my renders. She finished the 1st animation just half way and just left me. Thought another project is more interesting for her.

The 2nd animator I worked with 2 weeks who couldn't convince me. Then I found a 3rd one with whom I'm working with since 2 weeks now and we came already very far. What also makes the animations very difficult is that they need to fit artistically and stylistically to my versions in Daz Studio. That's very tough. We're working on it.

The animations we're talking about here are pure sex animations with multiple angles where you will see everything. Plus I got real voice actresses for them. This is why I told you, the wait will be worth it. So, not the animations themselves took that long but the entire organization before. Of course the creation of them is also very though.

I talked with countless of people on my search. It was also very tough for me to find a way how to import and adjust my characters flawlessly into the other program.

0.155 is completely finished just the animations are missing. We are working every day on it. Without these animations, the update wouldn't make much sense since they're an important part of it!

As long as the animations are still in development and are rendering, I will start with the preparation for 0.160 and also the work on it soon.

Without these animations the update would be already out a month ago!

So, now you know what was this all about and hopefully are a little calmer.
I knew it was going to be animations. That was the only logical outcome in direction considering how long this game has been in development and compared to others that have far more content, it's losing speed and relevance due to the time it's taking L&P to actually release updates. It might draw in more support but it's definitely going to get some criticism for dragging on the development time even longer. That is the very thing most people don't want and for whatever reason, he seems incapable or unwilling to understand that. Hopefully he reserves any future animations specifically to sex scenes only and possibly scenes of a sexual nature so long as it adds something extra that would keep people's attention and cut down on criticism to a relative degree.

No. It was when the Americans bombed Yugoslavia.
We could always bomb the russians...while they're in Ukraine. Get a nice threesome going. :devilish: (my empathy goes out to the Ukrainians though, if there are any around this forum, ya'll definitely didn't deserve that fucker Putin sending in his goons. Hopefully things get sorted quick.)
Voice actresses, finally.

Hope it is Sofia and not Jennifer
I personally think this was unnecessary and quite likely a means to extend the development time longer. Maybe he wants to make his game more unique but now he has to waste time on getting a voice actress recorded and then adding those sounds into the game itself. I'm starting to get the impression he doesn't actually want to finish this game. Just stretch it out as long as possible to make as much money as possible before he ultimately decides to quit. I hope i'm wrong on that however and that development time speeds up before the end of this year.

Aiden and Dr Dre spit roasting Jenny & Sophia walks in on it
I'd rather it be Sophia catching them just after Jen gets undressed and tells her to get dressed and out while she reprimands Aiden and Andre only to wind up being the one that gets spit roasted. Since we all know she isn't going to be in a sex scene that soon with other men though, it very well is going to be Jen.

So the update will have a sex scene? most likely Aiden and André bj from Jen?
More than likely this will be part of the scene.

Maybe Aiden's real task is to force Sophia to follow them and watch, join in or simply catches them in the act and ends up in Jen's place instead. We'll just have to wait and see now at this point.
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Mar 5, 2020
OK just when you thought things couldn't get worse L&P surprises us again, this new course of action he is proposing is a terrible idea, rule number 1 in VN development you release the complete update or don't release at all , dividing it only creates more chaos, confusion, discomfort and delay, I just hope that L&P learns to organize itself since the mess he has created is monumental.
The funniest part is that all the delay and all the bullshit is due to a series of animations that I imagine will be Aiden and his friend fucking his girlfriend while Sophia masturbates watching them, a total cliché that I honestly think no one asked for .


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2020
My graphs are not bullshit at all, they are simply projecting the date he will comlpete 4x100% based on L&P's self-reported progress. They are not prejudicial one way or the other.

I don't track other games' progress or do render counts for any of them, but I'm fairly confident that 5.5 renders per day is piss-poor for a full-time dev.

The stuff happening behind the scenes would be worth considering if this was a one-off. Problem is, the last two updates were very straight forward in terms of production needs and his pace wasn't much better. The last update had about 800 renders if I recall, and he reported 2x100% after 130 days. That's averaging 6.1 renders per day. That is not exactly the mark of a pro.

Edit/Update: According to Sabertooth__ it was 873 renders in total, and he reached 2x100% after 106 days, so the overall average was 8.2 renders per day for creation and rendering.
Wait wait, how did you make it 106, firstly we included those 2 weeks in calculating the development time, that wasn't exempt. So please don't reduce the days just because I say it in this case. Also even if you are considering to reduce those 14 days, then 130 - 14 will be 116 not 106.

Just this much.
Jul 28, 2017
Wow stock walking and talking animations must be hard. I Mean no one has managed to acheive that in any other game.

I can see why there would be a delay, I mean since January when this awesome thing was happening he's acheived 1 of 10 animations.........

What an utter joke.


Engaged Member
Aug 23, 2020
Good lord, it's falling apart before our eyes.

Not only did he decide to add animations without doing any prep work before this update, but he decided to include not one, not two, not three, but ten animations. And now the animations are taking so long that he's thinking about releasing one as a teaser.

I'm sorry, but these are not the actions of person with any intention of finishing this game. I'm having a real hard time seeing this as anything other than a disingenuous attempt to advance the game. This isn't even a situation of diminishing returns anymore, this is outright negative returns. "Sabotage" may not be the correct word, but I don't think it's too far off. It's no longer an issue of him being disorganized, he's actively preventing the release of timely updates.

Where there's smoke there's fire, and right now there is smoke billowing from this game.


May 2, 2017
Good lord, it's falling apart before our eyes.

Not only did he decide to add animations without doing any prep work before this update, but he decided to include not one, not two, not three, but ten animations. And now the animations are taking so long that he's thinking about releasing one as a teaser.

I'm sorry, but these are not the actions of person with any intention of finishing this game. I'm having a real hard time seeing this as anything other than a disingenuous attempt to advance the game. This isn't even a situation of diminishing returns anymore, this is outright negative returns. "Sabotage" may not be the correct word, but I don't think it's too far off. It's no longer an issue of him being disorganized, he's actively preventing the release of timely updates.

Where there's smoke there's fire, and right now there is smoke billowing from this game.
Has the Dev thought about those animations just before the expected release date of the update? The progress bar was showing 100% completion in each segment?


Sep 26, 2018
When L&P said: The animation is done, I think he is referring to the motions of the animation is done, he has to re-render some pre- and post-animation images to match, this could take some time with how perfectionist he is L&P, and animation rendering could take 2-3 days + test.

Can someone confirm my interpretation of the L&P message? --> Will he only release the first animation without the game, and release the game when all 10 animations are complete?

If so, from March 1 the game will be released. March 1st is the date that Patreon charges.
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Active Member
Apr 27, 2017
The way he speaks about his "helpers" makes me think that he isn't paying them anything for their contributions. I mean when he says that the first helper just left halfway through the first animation because another project was more "interesting". That just doesn't sit well with me. You don't just leave a project if you are getting paid for it. Yes you can quit it but everybody would then know you're a quitter. To me this all sounds like he got them, perhaps even from this very forum for free, and not from online listings where you can see their work and even reviews of their work. It sounds like he wanted to keep all the money for himself.
Maybe, maybe not. I just don't see why anyone would perform animation work without being paid for it though considering the time it generally takes to complete. Maybe he's not paying them all that much and they find someone else that's willing to pay them more. Could be any reason really. He definitely shouldn't be mentioning it on his patreon though, not to that degree anyway. At the most he should have just said he'd gone through several different people that didn't work out and left it at that. Would have been far more professional. I suppose we do have to remember that L&P is more than likely rather young if he was or still is in college when first starting this game. Youth rarely possesses the wisdom or experience of the old. He'll learn these things just like we all do eventually.

It's still the same blouse Sophia is wearing all the time. Sophia only enhances the breasts more.
So, you're telling me she can self inflate her air bags? Plastic Surgeons of the world are about to lose some customers if this secret gets out.

He always has been. There is nothing "badass" to resort to blackmail to get favor from a woman. Even worse not being able to do anything alone, without his uncle or gang friends help.
Bingo. You nailed it with this about his character. Guys like him in real life aren't badass, they're just faking it with false bravado, intimidation, and the illusion of power that comes from having a gang of friends and uncle that holds real power in regards to the law. (some of which looked more badass than he does).

Valid argument, but at the same time he does own a motorcycle and beat people up. I took his blackmail as him being "Ruthless / Cunning / Villainous" not so much being a little slime ball, but I can see how you take it that way.
Aiden is more of a manipulator so the cunning part definitely fits him. Ruthless? No, but he's definitely petulant if he doesn't get his way which is why he resorts to saying he'd go right back to beating up Dylan if Sophia doesn't agree to his "offer". That's intimidation he's using in the hopes she'll fall for it. Being smarter and just letting Dylan learn how to fight would be far better. Dylan beating the crap out of Aiden at some point in the story would humiliate him in front of his own gang and he'd ultimately lose their respect and their support because of something like that.

Someone like Don Morello could be referred to as ruthless considering he operates his own casino and quite likely other businesses in the city. It takes a certain degree of experience in that regard to achieve such success. If he really is a mafia Don (Boss), that'd make him even more ruthless considering what he likely did to get there. That is not someone you want to cross not even to a minor degree. Aiden is a pussycat in comparison to that.

Villainous? No. Aiden isn't anything remotely close to it. I'd say at the most he's arrogant and mainly because of who his uncle is and how easy it is for him to get out of trouble so long as it's nothing overly serious. Schoolyard fights might land him in detention or possibly expelled if he beat someone up too bad but isn't going to land him in jail. Manipulating a teacher into taking her clothes off or eventually having sex with him won't either cause he could just say she was the one that started everything and have his gang back him up. Students in the classroom would also corroborate that by saying how she wasn't wearing her underwear during class and giving them all a peep show. That'd land Sophia in trouble rather than Aiden. So, yeah, he's more of an arrogant manipulator than anything else. Obviously that's worked for him so far but with the options in game, if people make the right ones, he'll likely wind up with his ass getting beaten down by Dylan once he learns martial arts. His gang will lose respect for him over something like that and walk away from him as i already stated earlier in the post. I doubt most people give a shit about that though if they're playing on the filthy route. They want to see Aiden take advantage of Sophia in the end.


Jun 7, 2019
I personally think this was unnecessary and quite likely a means to extend the development time longer. Maybe he wants to make his game more unique but now he has to waste time on getting a voice actress recorded and then adding those sounds into the game itself. I'm starting to get the impression he doesn't actually want to finish this game. Just stretch it out as long as possible to make as much money as possible before he ultimately decides to quit. I hope i'm wrong on that however and that development time speeds up before the end of this year.
For me, animations don't matter much. But it would be wrong to say that they don't give an impact.

But the voice makes a difference, atleast for me. It pleases to hear a chick enjoying her time.


Aug 9, 2017
its just a fkn joke at this point xD

being a dik is getting released at 4 march and this one does not even has a date yet. how can someone still defend this insane lack of information and communication? first we talked about releasing mid feb, then he brings up exuses and tells us the finished game (4/4 on 100%) gets delayed because of add ones. basically no one knows for sure what add ons he means and how long it really coud take, but the most people were thinking about a release around end of feb/beginn of march.

another week whent past of no informations about the game and now we get this update were he tells us that the "add on" will be animations and he did not even start the first one. so we can think of what? release end of march beginn of april? what is this bullshit.
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