Engaged Member
Sep 28, 2021
View attachment 2614644
there's no option for her to dress in the bikini infront of mr harris

what to do?
Most things in this game depend on previous choices, she does actually wear the bikini, it's just normally a choice whether she wears a see-through robe or the robe in the picture but there is also a prerequisite, not sure what stat it is, it might be the bad wife stat has to be higher than good wife stat, it might be if Sophia has had sex with Liam or not, can't quite remember.


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Each of us gets to have an opinion and agree/disagree with others who don't feel as we do - that is all good.

Given that you are making sweeping statements about why AWAM will fail while you have been on F95 with this ID for < 1 year means that you have likely missed Many of the conversations we've had (the greater AWAM community here on F95) for years.

A few points for you to consider:

Many of us were AWAM supporters for a year or years - I certainly was.

Many of us provided feedback to L&P regarding our concerns about how long AWAM was taking to create and suggested ways to help speed development while Not cutting corners on quality.

We've been ignored and had posts deleted while watching L&P regularly move the goal posts for what he will do when certain levels of support are reached.

He has little to no credibility with many of us for the above reasons and others...

If AWAM fails - it is because L&P has decided that that he Will Not Adapt, no matter what happens; if enough of us stop supporting AWAM until he implements real change, then he can either adapt or abandon - the choice is Always in his court.

The reality is that AWAM is an AVN that is taking roughly 2 years RL/Playable Day - meaning that it will not be complete until some time > 2050 - That is ludicrous.

So, is you are looking for this community to be lemmings and just support AWAM blindly for another 30 + years, you will be sadly disappointed.

If you are a supporter of AWAM, then ask L&P how he is going to actually improve speed of development so that AWAM is done before - let's say - 2035.

Then ignore the commentary on this thread and focus just on what actions L&P takes.

Does he make the changes needed to have a reasonable chance to meet the new target completed by year?


Does he give you variations of the same tired excuses that we have all heard before.

Let His actions determine if you continue to support him for the long term or not, and at what level.

This is your money, your time, and your choice - no one here has the right to expect you to stop supporting AWAM because of what We say - make your decision based on L&Ps actions.

Is he walking the talk?

Cheers and GL!
Well, you didn't make any suggestions about the game, or how things could be improved. Obviously you like to keep your ideas to yourself, in case they were to draw criticism. [Hint... they would]. What you did was to repeat, (albeit with an explanation), your negative opinion about me. Do you have any original thoughts on AWAM? Perhaps not, except the one that runs, 'if only nasty negative people would go away...not that AWAM would improve...I just don't like to hear's so pointless.' Are you aware of the "ignore" function? Speaking of negativity in general, perhaps you should know that I've never left any commentator a facepalm, on any thread, even those who unleashed vicious personal attacks, that make your puerile insults pale into insignificance. I've never reported a single comment either. I believe in free speech you see. You might think, 'well bully for you,' but I say that's quite an achievement after 5+ years activity on this thread, waiting for AWAM/L&P to fulfil their potential, while watching the game deteriorate, especially recently. That includes 5+ years of hearing astonishing levels of crud from sycophants, boot-lickers & those simply in denial about the reality of the situation. Yours is a case of, "we musn't talk about it."

I don't need to justify my pirate status to you or any of your fellow-travellers, because this is a "pirate forum" & you call ME simple minded. I was on the verge of becoming a Patron years ago, when RL circumstances intervened & prevented this. When I was next able to subscribe, the rot had set in & you should know that I'd never willingly pay anybody with the little effort & motivation, not forgetting the lying, that L&P has shown, over the last few years. He's demonstrated that he's averse to suggestions & all but impervious, (these days), to criticism from this forum.

I presume that you've heard the well-worn phrase, "there's no such thing as bad publicity." What is generated on this & other threads would, in RL, cost 1,000s of $, £, Euros & Yen, because paid for publicity isn't cheap. AWAM, despite everything, is immensely popular. Comments on this thread, both good & bad, have played no small part in that achievement. There is no way, now or in the future, that this game will fail because of the likes of me. It will fail & indeed, from my POV, it's already failing, because of the choices the author has made.

It's a fact that, in the past, I've not only defended the Dev but have written complimentary mini-reviews & given praise where it was due & I was happy to. I was never shy of answering the critics of particular story developments, whenever I thought the Dev was correct in what he was doing. I certainly didn't start playing in 2018 with any negative opinions. It was, in fact, the reverse, as I thought this was the best VN on the forum. All that has changed & that's down to L&P's choices again....not mine. It's the height of naivety to think that repeating some well-founded criticisms will cause the game to be abandoned. When it is will depend on when the Dev runs out of whatever motivation he has left & will be at a time of his own choosing. You don't give him enough credit for a thick-skin, arrogance or plain common sense. AWAM is a lucrative & steady income stream. Those are 2 things not to be discarded easily & might be risky to try to re-create.

If you had taken the time to understand my posts properly you would have realised that far from wishing for an end of the game, I was proposing either a concentration of incest-driven events to bring about a logical ending, (a development I would detest but which would be logical, given AWAM's current average teen porn direction & might lead to less than 40 years to finish time), OR, the sale of the game, to whoever could afford it at a fair price & was prepared to put in the effort required. It's well-known amongst all shades of AWAM followers that the game is under-performing money-wise, in relation to popularity. That's fine, because it's up to the Dev & money isn't everything. Anyone buying it, however, would have a great chance to become a millionaire, or millionaires, provided they knew how to make the most of AWAM's potential.

L&P would then be free & clear to make a new game, having banked his cash, along with the many valuable lessons learned during the production of AWAM. There would be an enhancement to his reputation, not the bad rep you are so negatively suggesting. I don't see that as a bad thing.
Hu guys!
You know that you are trying to discuss with one of L&P biggest white knights or his very own sockpuppet? We already had a sampling of the hints several times earlier, why "our good" karleston could very well be L&P in disguise! Among them that he is almost exclusively active in the AWAM threads and his agressive and insulting writing style is very similar to L&P.
And now I wait how long it will take for "karleston" to send a rant against me and set a facepalm emoji.

Addendum: Always funny ro see nexer come running to help certain other members. Shamed be he who thinks evil of it!
Last edited:


May 20, 2022
Hu guys!
You know that you are trying to discuss with one of L&P biggest white knights or his very own sockpuppet? We already had a sampling of the hints several times earlier, why "our good" karleston could very well be L&P in disguise! Among them that he is almost exclusively active in the AWAM threads and his agressive and insulting writing style is very similar to L&P.
And now I wait how long it will take for "karleston" to send a rant against me and set a facepalm emoji.

Addendum: Always funny ro see nexer come running to help certain other members. Shamed be he who thinks evil of it!
you don't even deserve an answer. So please don't quote me again


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
you don't even deserve an answer. So please don't quote me again
The Truth hurts, isn´t it? But fear not, I won´t quote you often again, since I am far more interested watching how this interesting trainwreck and testament of patron stupidity develops onward than doing a fruitless discussion with the Dev and his merry band of shills in the thread.:)


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
How can i get DOL version of 0.185???
Sign up as a patron. Question is, why would you want it? It's pretty unplayable, and many of the scenes taken out. The entirely of Part 2 is likely just the 5 minutes or so of content you get if you're playing the GW route.


May 24, 2020
View attachment 2614644
there's no option for her to dress in the bikini infront of mr harris

what to do?
Are you sure it's an actual scene? There's a lot of AI and photoshopped fan art going around at the moment, so it can be hard to tell.
Step 1. Either stand up or not for you mom (Sophia) against 3 hobos in the park.
Step 2. Act like a man and warn Sophia or chicken out and enjoy the view in the hair parlor.
Step 3. You'll get the choice below.
Step 4. Under any circumstance don't listen to Alley_Cat, unless there's a magical word "Ellie" in the sentence. Then he may be correct about his assumptions.
Someone just found out that was an in-game image, not an AI or fan art render.


Devoted Member
Jul 20, 2019
Step 1. Either stand up or not for you mom (Sophia) against 3 hobos in the park.
Step 2. Act like a man and warn Sophia or chicken out and enjoy the view in the hair parlor.
Step 3. You'll get the choice below.
View attachment 2615301
Step 4. Under any circumstance don't listen to Alley_Cat, unless there's a magical word "Ellie" in the sentence. Then he may be correct about his assumptions.
View attachment 2615313
Someone just found out that was an in-game image, not an AI or fan art render.
Or Patricia ;)


Engaged Member
Jun 23, 2017
Just wait for Steam release.
Thanks for this joke in the evening!:LOL: You know that for a Steam release L&P would have to do something he has sworn to himself to never do anymore? Work FAST and STEADY on your updates! :ROFLMAO:Because if you do not do that, the Steam gamers and reviewers become no less pointed and pissed off than the F95 members are. Steam review backlash can be really nasty to your chances in the game industry, if with evidence. The moment the Steam gamers would get wind that the ETA of the end version of AWAM/DOL is somewhere in the 2050s at best...
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