Apr 1, 2022
I don't think no one it's more dangerous than Aiden in the gang. There is no realism at any point in this game. Being so demanding with the detail of the clothes is absurd. I think the game is following its own rules. From 1 to 10 how realistic is this game for you?

View attachment 1786880
11 out of 10, 10 for realism, and another 1 point for super-realistic high-quality animation of another level of understanding of life.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2017
I don't think no one it's older than Aiden. Surely Aiden and André are the most dangerous of the gang. André already received a slap from her and Aiden's reaction was like that of a small child. There is no realism at any point in this game. Being so demanding with the detail of the clothes is absurd. I think the game is following its own rules. From 1 to 10 how realistic is this game for you?

View attachment 1786880
Started at "7.5" in 2017-18. Now at "4.5" & falling, (& that's being generous). I don't want the realism, such as it still is IMO, to vanish entirely. I didn't say anyone in class was necessarily older than Aiden, rather that classes comprise people of roughly the same age. That's the case across much of the western world. 12-13 year olds are not mixed with 16-17 year olds. It tends to happen in poor rural areas in countries where educational facilities are scarce.

How would you describe the men amongst the group at the gang HQ? They certainly don't look like teenagers who've had a hard paper round to me. Andre reacted as any male might when slapped. He just wasn't one of those able to take it in his stride, especially because it came as a shock to him. That's often the case when it happens in RL. I asked "have you ever seen a gang?", now I have to ask, "have you ever been unexpectedly slapped by a woman?" [I have, before you ask. One I remember was a long-term girlfriend who opened her door & 'SLAP' before she even said a word & I could tell she meant it harshly! She wrongly believed I'd been two-timing her but I still had a lot of explaining to do as far as she was concerned].

You rightly reference the shota as one huge point representing the departure from realism in AWAM. I would say that compared to other offerings in the genre inhabited by AWAM, this game/VN still has a greater amount of believability. There's a problem with the current level & how fast it's disappearing.
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Apr 1, 2022
I don't think no one it's more dangerous than Aiden in the gang. There is no realism at any point in this game. Being so demanding with the detail of the clothes is absurd. I think the game is following its own rules. From 1 to 10 how realistic is this game for you?

View attachment 1786880
In fact, it's crazy that people spend time on this, it shows that the game is really a good erotic novel, I don't give a fuck at all what is realistic and what is not, within the framework of the game world itself, it's realistic, as long as the game works within its virtual rules, this is normal
For example, if aliens suddenly appear, or suddenly Sofia starts shooting lasers out of her eyes, this will be the destruction of the fictional world and its rules.
But there is already a question to the shota topic, he himself literally destroyed the logic of his game with this event, that is, there is just a complete contradiction to everything that happened before.
And as a result, dissonance is obtained

Ruby Tuesday

Jun 29, 2020
It's possible for even beautiful women to become distinctly undesirable if they so choose. That weapon does it for me, never having appreciated the "girls with guns" fetish myself. Come to think of it the clothes act as more of a deterrent than some oufits I could mention, as they display no flesh, (even sensible gun-toting gloves in situ) & are not ridiculously easy to access.

If you've ever worked on a building site, or similar, you'll know that there's a male group mentality which exists. So, a pretty girl walks by..... 1 young, fit man working alone, glances up & maybe smiles & probably stares after her/ 2 young men working, speak to each other & if in ear-shot might say something to the girl....probably not too obscene, or even relatively harmless &/or flirtatious/ 3/ 6/ 9/ [you get the idea]/ 25 men of all ages, react with gestures, obscene suggestions of what they'd like to do, make animal noises (customarily a wolf), perhaps produce hand & other mimes & generally act out in ways that they'd never do on their own, while possibly trying to outdo each other. All of this plus any specifics about an outfit or certain modes of dress will be observed (which I think I've already covered but which could be added to if really necessary).....they have their own 'traditional' comments. Then a Foreperson turns up & puts a stop to it....or does he just smile, depending on mood?

There are 9 men in the place Sophia is attending & all are young, fit, of slightly varying ages & they already have a gang mentality, plus the foreperson is Aiden.....mood unknown at present. I rest my case.

Ooops just remembered, they're only there to add 'tone' to the scene. They'll all go away if he tells them to...... He will tell them...won't he?
What's a foreperson, and d'you get forepersons on building sites?
Apr 1, 2022
It seems to me that the topic of the Shota could have been more interesting to do, well, fuck it was really to focus on the fact that they are fucking children, it was possible to make them teenagers exactly. (Sam,Zack and so on)
And let's say a part-time job as a private teacher, leave everything the same, even models, and it would literally change nothing at all, and make sure that they come up with a plan how to use Sofia.
Thus, there would be no problems at all, 3 perverted teenagers are the same age as Sam and Dylan.
Although, again, this is for my taste, there is just a poor implementation of this route.
an example of a film in which this topic is well implemented, I'm about home schooling.
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Sep 15, 2018
How can you post such nonsense here or even seriously believe it!
Here times a somewhat different quote:

"Another possibility is that the psyche "re-switches" the unbearable violent states, so to speak, to make them more bearable. Some abuse victims report that they themselves were aroused - even if only for short moments.
Victims' realization of having been aroused themselves for moments is quite horrible for them, because they cannot place it because the situation itself was unimaginably horrible. But when the body gets into an unbearable situation, it tries to help itself. When there is pain, endorphins are produced. With sexual arousal, adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine and prolactin rise (see Focus.de). When stress hormones are elevated anyway, emotions can easily turn around as well.
Sometimes unbearable experiences are also "sexualized" in retrospect, in memory, so to speak. The "reworking" in the psyche causes the violence to be experienced differently in memory than at the moment it happened. So it may be that arousal is added later when the horrific situation is remembered. These connections may also explain why abuse victims often feel so guilty."

Your quote, taken out of context, is meant to suggest something quite different.
Sophia needs nothing at all from her blackmailer, indeed she enjoys aspects of the events, but that is all! The rest takes place in the imagination of the player.
This is a bullshit. You speak about victims of sexual abuse. Did you ever in your life been with a real woman? Masochism is a real thing. Masochism is even if girls enjoy to be spanked while you fuck her, and want to hear that she is dirty slut. Masochism is when she enjoy in role play rape situation or to be choked or blindfolded and face slapped during sex. It is obvious that Sophia is aroused with humiliation, and this is a masochism. I was newer said that she is into urination, skin burning or electrical shocks, but blindfolding and humiliation is obvious . Here is some more text from msdmanuals.

Sexual masochism is a form of paraphilia, but most people who have masochistic interests do not meet clinical criteria for a paraphilic disorder, which require that the person's behavior, fantasies, or intense urges result in clinically significant distress or impairment. The condition must also have been present for ≥ 6 months.


Sadomasochistic fantasies and sexual behavior between consenting adults is very common. Masochistic activity tends to be ritualized and long-standing. For most participants, the humiliation and beating are simply acted out; participants know that it is a game and carefully avoid actual humiliation or injury. However, some masochists increase the severity of their activity with time, potentially leading to serious injury or death.


Activities with a partner include being
  • Bound
  • Blindfolded
  • Spanked
  • Flagellated (whipped)
  • Humiliated by being urinated or defecated on
  • Forced to cross-dress
  • Part of a simulated rape

Treatment of sexual masochism disorder is often ineffective.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2020
This is a bullshit. You speak about victims of sexual abuse. Did you ever in your life been with a real woman? Masochism is a real thing. Masochism is even if girls enjoy to be spanked while you fuck her, and want to hear that she is dirty slut. Masochism is when she enjoy in role play rape situation or to be choked or blindfolded and face slapped during sex. It is obvious that Sophia is aroused with humiliation, and this is a masochism. I was newer said that she is into urination, skin burning or electrical shocks, but blindfolding and humiliation is obvious . Here is some more text from msdmanuals.

Sexual masochism is a form of paraphilia, but most people who have masochistic interests do not meet clinical criteria for a paraphilic disorder, which require that the person's behavior, fantasies, or intense urges result in clinically significant distress or impairment. The condition must also have been present for ≥ 6 months.


Sadomasochistic fantasies and sexual behavior between consenting adults is very common. Masochistic activity tends to be ritualized and long-standing. For most participants, the humiliation and beating are simply acted out; participants know that it is a game and carefully avoid actual humiliation or injury. However, some masochists increase the severity of their activity with time, potentially leading to serious injury or death.


Activities with a partner include being
  • Bound
  • Blindfolded
  • Spanked
  • Flagellated (whipped)
  • Humiliated by being urinated or defecated on
  • Forced to cross-dress
  • Part of a simulated rape

Treatment of sexual masochism disorder is often ineffective.
Yes, I am with a real woman.
You are NOW talking about sexual practices. You generalized that in your first post to the point that you sounded like a very sick person. I have contradicted this statement. If you continue to write such nonsense, without any context, then I will continue to contradict them.

Ruby Tuesday

Jun 29, 2020
Is that the gist of their contribution?
A blackmailer becomes trustworthy?
The blackmailer keeps what - his promises?
Sophia has been allowed to observe the situation with Jennifer. Not only that it should have become clear to her that if she doesn't manage to get rid of Aiden, she might end up as a "betting debt" at some point. And what is even more important, Aiden will never let her go, he will always threaten her with the danger for Dylan - as forgetful as he is - just like he does with Jennifer.
Also that he sticks to the terms of the assignments is not true. The 3rd task clearly showed that and that with it Sophia didn't feel "comfortable" or relaxed in a "subtle way" at all.
It may be that in her virtual world Sophia is such a stupid cow, with an infinite reset ability or forgetfulness, but not in my game.
Thanks for posting your views.
I think our difference of opinion is a perception issue, so I'll try to clarify mine.

My statement clearly reads, Sophia is "beginning" to become comfortable around Aiden. That's important to digest.
In other words, after four assignments, and reading the dialogue from task 4 outside the classroom, I believe a "subtle" shift in Sophia and Aiden's relationship has definitely taken place. You don't agree, that's fine. Since that first relatively modest task to go bra-less, I think otherwise.

You write Sophia has been "allowed" to witness the Jennifer scene.
Wrong. Sophia CHOSE to do so. In addition, and against her teacher responsibilities she chooses not to intervene, observing practically everything to the end. That's a big difference to being allowed, which implies third party involvement, or shifting the obligation from Sophia.

You refer to blackmail. Again, that's arguable. A mutually agreed DEAL exists between Sophia and Aiden, established and agreed at the hangout after Dylan and Zac elected to confront Aiden and his gang, and came off worse. Remember, Dylan and Zac chose to challenge an established school hierarchy controlled by Aiden, and unsavoury as most agree bullying is, it exists in RL, maybe even having its place.
Sophia may not like the arrangement with Aiden (despite admitting to each task increasingly arousing her), but agreed and signed up to a deal to protect her son rather than assigning Dylan to another school.
A definite, prescribed agreement therefore exists between Sophia and Aiden, hardly blackmail. Sophia had, and still has a choice to end it remember, there are alternatives.

Trust. I maintain Sophia trusts Aiden because he has, 1) not only kept his word (so far), 2) also kept Andre and his school henchmen in check by exerting authority over them. Zac and Dylan remain unmolested.

Back to Sophia "beginning" to become comfortable in Aiden's presence, and the third task where you quite rightly state Sophia wasn't comfortable. Understandable when posing semi-nude first time in front of a group of young artists, but that's missing the point. Sophia didn't actually know the guy behind her in the studio WAS Aiden at all, and once again admitting to being aroused by the task.
I'm not claiming she's comfortable doing the tasks either, far from it, I'm merely highlighting a shift in the Sophia/Aiden relationship, which is entirely my point.

I fail to see any place where Aiden has gone back on his word. That's a reasonable foundation for an existence of trust between Aiden and Sophia, an element also critical in leadership. Indeed out of the two, it is Sophia so far who has defaulted on her word.

Let's just say trust is to be applauded, but rarely infinite.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2021
You refer to blackmail. Again, that's arguable. A mutually agreed DEAL exists between Sophia and Aiden, established and agreed at the hangout after Dylan and Zac chose to confront Aiden and his gang, and came off worse. Remember, Dylan and Zac chose to challenge an established school hierarchy controlled by Aiden, and unsavoury as most agree bullying is, it exists in RL, maybe even having its place.
Sophia may not like the arrangement with Aiden (despite admitting to each task increasingly arousing her), but agreed and signed up to a deal to protect her son rather than assigning Dylan to another school.
A definite, prescribed agreement therefore exists between Sophia and Aiden, hardly blackmail. Sophia had, and still has a choice to end it remember, there are alternatives.
You pretty much described the definition (or one of the definitions) of Blackmail while saying it isn't Blackmail. Sophia agreed to the Blackmail to protect her son Dylan and his friend Zac from physical harm. So yeah, it obviously is a deal, a deal that is clearly Blackmail and not something Sophia does willingly out of joy or whatever. Having alternatives doesn't make it any less of a Blackmail. You always have a choice with any Blackmail, no matter the outcome, but it's still Blackmail.

"Blackmail is an act of coercion using the threat of revealing or publicizing either substantially true or false information about a person or people unless certain demands are met. It is often damaging information, and it may be revealed to family members or associates rather than to the general public. These acts can also involve using threats of physical, mental or emotional harm, or of criminal prosecution, against the victim or someone close to the victim. It is normally carried out for personal gain, most commonly of position, money, or property."

In this case it's the threat of physical harm against her son and his friend. Clearly Blackmail.
Apr 1, 2022
You pretty much described the definition (or one of the definitions) of Blackmail while saying it isn't Blackmail. Sophia agreed to the Blackmail to protect her son Dylan and his friend Zac from physical harm. So yeah, it obviously is a deal, a deal that is clearly Blackmail and not something Sophia does willingly out of joy or whatever. Having alternatives doesn't make it any less of a Blackmail. You always have a choice with any Blackmail, no matter the outcome, but it's still Blackmail.

"Blackmail is an act of coercion using the threat of revealing or publicizing either substantially true or false information about a person or people unless certain demands are met. It is often damaging information, and it may be revealed to family members or associates rather than to the general public. These acts can also involve using threats of physical, mental or emotional harm, or of criminal prosecution, against the victim or someone close to the victim. It is normally carried out for personal gain, most commonly of position, money, or property."

In this case it's the threat of physical harm against her son and his friend. Clearly Blackmail.
I think one of the reasons why he deleted the twist with Dylan.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Poser Voyeur, I'm thinking we are now into the 2040's, given 18 playable days left and more than 1 year (at current pace)/playable day update. To put it in perspective, AWAM's total development time will, if completed, span as much time as the period from the end of WW I to the beginning of WW II.

How many more playable days will go by before we get the...' Renpy/Daz/xyz software has changed so much that I am going to have to do a remaster, starting from day 1, but it's okay - everything will be in 8K with many animations (getting pushed on a swing, jumping on a trampoline, drinking coffee).'
I understand. I was trying to be optimistic!!

Ruby Tuesday

Jun 29, 2020
You pretty much described the definition (or one of the definitions) of Blackmail while saying it isn't Blackmail. Sophia agreed to the Blackmail to protect her son Dylan and his friend Zac from physical harm. So yeah, it obviously is a deal, a deal that is clearly Blackmail and not something Sophia does willingly out of joy or whatever. Having alternatives doesn't make it any less of a Blackmail. You always have a choice with any Blackmail, no matter the outcome, but it's still Blackmail.

"Blackmail is an act of coercion using the threat of revealing or publicizing either substantially true or false information about a person or people unless certain demands are met. It is often damaging information, and it may be revealed to family members or associates rather than to the general public. These acts can also involve using threats of physical, mental or emotional harm, or of criminal prosecution, against the victim or someone close to the victim. It is normally carried out for personal gain, most commonly of position, money, or property."

In this case it's the threat of physical harm against her son and his friend. Clearly Blackmail.
Interesting, I see you had to look up definitions to prove your point before responding. Presumably because you weren't sure yourself. That's ok. My posts are here to comment, argue and explore various facets of AWAM, so you and others can take it which way you want, there's no winning or losing. If I'm wrong, or you disagree I'll hold my hands up.
Only one thing.
Your definition clearly states blackmail involves threat of revealing or publicising true or false information. You just wrote it. Only I see no conflict or debate about information here in any form, true or false.
So unfortunately for you, your argument doesn't apply in our exchanges because Aiden is insuring Dylan and Zac against assault (which the two boys first instigated themselves) if Sophia agrees to their demands via a closed ended deal made with mutual agreement. Which is entirely different, especially when Sophia has a clear choice to remove Dylan to another school and opt out. Blackmail is far more sinister and frightening with little or no options for the victim.
Also worth remembering, had Zac and Dylan gone through the correct channels in challenging Aiden's bullying regime instead of going in feet/fist first, then none of this would have happened in the first place.
Perhaps you'd care to respond so we can leave this on a mutually happy note, or even agree to disagree. Cheers.


Creating "Aiden's Revenge"
Game Developer
Dec 2, 2019
I don't think no one it's more dangerous than Aiden in the gang. There is no realism at any point in this game. Being so demanding with the detail of the clothes is absurd. I think the game is following its own rules. From 1 to 10 how realistic is this game for you?

View attachment 1786880
play the good wife path and you will get some realism


Aug 26, 2017
play the good wife path and you will get some realism
I said that long before.

follardo said:
Name of the game give you a clue what the game is about. Looks like question "how far you go?" it's not for Sophia, it's for player. You always have Good Wife or Filthy choices. If you want a completely realistic game, you have the green button option. If you want a corruption game sacrificing pure realism, you have the red button. So the game is made for all kinds of players.
(7) [VN] - [Ren'Py] - A Wife and Mother [v0.160] [Lust & Passion] | F95zone


Active Member
Jan 18, 2021
Interesting, I see you had to look up definitions to prove your point before responding. Presumably because you weren't sure yourself. That's ok. My posts are here to comment, argue and explore various facets of AWAM, so you and others can take it which way you want, there's no winning or losing. If I'm wrong, or you disagree I'll hold my hands up.
Only one thing.
Your definition clearly states blackmail involves threat of revealing or publicising true or false information. You just wrote it. Only I see no conflict or debate about information here in any form, true or false.
So unfortunately for you, your argument doesn't apply in our exchanges because Aiden is insuring Dylan and Zac against assault (which the two boys first instigated themselves) if Sophia agrees to their demands via a closed ended deal made with mutual agreement. Which is entirely different, especially when Sophia has a clear choice to remove Dylan to another school and opt out. Blackmail is far more sinister and frightening with little or no options for the victim.
Also worth remembering, had Zac and Dylan gone through the correct channels in challenging Aiden's bullying regime instead of going in feet/fist first, then none of this would have happened in the first place.
Perhaps you'd care to respond so we can leave this on a mutually happy note, or even agree to disagree. Cheers.
Technically speaking, what Aiden (but also Bennet) is doing is extortion. Blackmail is a form of extortion limited to asking money/services under the threat of releasing compromising information. Extortion is a more general crime that instead includes asking money or services from another person (e.g. sexual favours in basically all VNs of the genre here) under the threat of, among others, physical violence (e.g. beating Dylan and Zac).
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3.20 star(s) 483 Votes