Just as a **mere statistical curiosity**, with 317 renders this event is among the top 4 events by number of renders in the VN.
The exact place depends on how one wants to count the yoga event and the photo-shoot event (see explanation below).
Nevertheless, it's longer than the 3rd task and Nathalie's event on PD12 and only shorter than the Ellie and Julia event with Sophia at the pool on PD11.
Here is the top 30 chart (the numbers on the left are the PD the events belongs to)
View attachment 1925669
Note 1: I counted the renders based on the pattern L&P uses to name the images,
, with YY usually been a progressive ID for the event. Sometimes, especially early on in the game, the same event was split in a strange way so in that case I summed them together. In general, take the numbers with grain of salt as they might be some renders that were used to transition from one event to the other that are not included.
The purpose it was to give the idea and put everything in perspective.
Note 2: I split the photo-shoot event in two, whether it is Dylan alone (207 renders) or with Sam too (275). Together they make the 2nd biggest event with 482 renders. On the contrary I didn't split the Yoga event (Sam POV or Sophia POV) because he didn't separate the renders for the two variants and I'm too lazy to go check which render belong to which event. If someone has the info I can update the chart.
Note 3: the name of the events are from the titles of the walkthrough.
Note 4: it is already in cornflower blue