Verified facts ?
"L&P's rendering quality is a lot better than the other top dev's and is achieved with repeated revision process and various maps of each asset."
This is subjective and depends on what Dev's you refer to. There are too many to make a broad brush statement like this. His quality is top notch is a far as you can go. After that you are subjective not quantitative.
"L&P's rendering quality takes a lot more time than the other dev's."
This is totally unsupportable. This is nearly a reverse trolling statement. You have no idea how long his renderiing takes especially, with his current rig exceeding his previous rig by magnitudes. Also, where is the rendering information on the other dev's. Not like there is a database available for comparison.
"L&P has been truthful about his work process and time. "
You only have his statement and that is not verifiable. And highly unlikely to be truthful, IMO, from my experience with him. You need an independent source and this is not available.
Trolling claims
Not hard to factually support all of these and I am sure there are many others that are thoroughly unsupportable claims.
It is ultimately the question why does he engage the trolls and ignore the interested?