If you're any good with regex, you can fix some text spelling errors within StoryMod.js using this:
(story_hashtable\["MainText"\] = ".*==LEFT==)==CONTENT==(==RIGHT==.*")
This regex essentially only searches lines involving the main text (so you don't accidentally change the spellings of the other hashtable variables and break the game). It's somewhat hard to explain but you want to replace ==LEFT== and ==RIGHT== with the boundaries for what you're replacing and obviously replace ==CONTENT== with what you wanna replace.
(only copy stuff within the {}, sorry no inline rn)
For instance, the way Pervy Rogue's mode uses double periods (end..) instead of triple (end...) kinda annoys me. The regex for replacing this have {[^\.]} replacing ==LEFT==, {\.\} replacing ==CONTENT==, and {[^\.]} replacing ==RIGHT==. If you're using a JetBrains IDE, in the replace bar you can put {$1...$2} for replacement purposes. It's hard to explain but yeah, using regex can fix ALOT of the small spelling mistakes and such in the game.
Edits using the Jetbrains replace (make sure to enable match case?) (description: original -> replacement):
Remove uncapitalized i's: { i } -> { I }
Remove unnecessary spacing: {(story_hashtable\["MainText"\] = ".*[^ ])[ ]{2,}([^ ].*")} -> {$1 $2}
Remove spacing between puncuation (question mark, etc.): {(story_hashtable\["MainText"\] = ".*[\w]) \? ([\w].*")} -> {$1? $2}