Rant accepted

My game is really not that optimized , i did not do anything other than umbra occlusion culling and some texture resizing xD
Does my new game also crash on your PC ?
Since you seem like a nice guy, and you asked nicely, I downloaded and installed it.
I got to the 3rd line of the MC's conversation with his autopilot, and crashed (using the OOB graphics settings).
And yes, even on low graphics settings, it crashed my display driver (Win msg: "The display driver has stopped working, and has restarted." The game (Milky Ways) doesn't recover from that.
In fairness, I only tried twice with Milky Ways, but spent several hours with AAOTFL. I experienced a variety of symptoms, either resulting in a total crash to desktop, failed display driver, or, in one case a locked up PC. With the failed display driver crashes, I would either get a totally white game screen, or it would minimize to the taskbar, couldn't do anything with it (though the taskbar preview only showed a clear frame for the game), and Task Manager had difficulty ending the program.
For the record (unfortunately, I deleted the crash logs on the two occasions it created them) the following are my pc specs:
Dell Inspiron 3847 - Win 7 Home Premium (Service Pack 1) 64-bit
Intel Core i3-4130 CPU @3.40GHz, RAM - 8.00 GB, DirectX 11
Purchased 2/2014
Windows Experience Index (scale of 1.0 to 7.9):
Processor - 7.3 - 92.4%
RAM - 7.6 - 96.2%
Graphics - 6.6 - 83.5%
Gaming Graphics - 6.6 - 83.5%
Hard Disk - 5.9 - 74.7%
Base Score - 5.9 - 74.7%
Intel HD Graphics 4400
Monitor - G236HL - Flat Screen LED VGA 1680 x 1050, 60 HZ
Intel HD Graphics Control Panel:
General Settings - Quality
Application Optimal Mode - On
Truly, though I appreciate this is your baby, and you want it to work, I'm not going to spend more time on it. I've other fish to fry before I die.