Oh my
Pheww.. Good thing i did not wrote that (I have a excuse xD)
(it was the one who started this thread and this was not me ^_^)
This is what i wrote in the readme file as well as the OFFICIAL download on my patreon page :
Some technical details :
- About 14500 VN frames.
- 5 GB unpacked
- Using DX 11
- Needs about 5! GB of RAM (heavy texture load , please consider to use the half texture resolution load!)
Not the best still but.. something.
I adde dthe sentence ion my read me to :
- Using DX 11 (built in grpahics card may not work ?)
What is a dedicated graphcis card
Made a way better explenation then i ever could >_<
@(BTW, what's wrong with my graphics card?)
I guess (a wild guess) is that the built in graphic card from your INTEL CPU is not realyl capable of storing all the textures needed since it has no dedicated graphics RAM and uses also the normal CPU ram.
@ The question was rhetorical to
@ Kerni, as to what
he considers a sufficiently powerful enough card to run his game
Mhnn... no idea xD
And since you get the game for free here you can just download and try out without need to buy anything =)
It was like that when i was a child... so.. 25 years ago...
Anyway , no money was lost and no one got hurt
Kerni, once again, let me say, I am not trying to be derogatory towards you. I would love to be discussing the game content, instead. From everything I have read in this thread, you have done a superb job, and seemed to have earned a reputation of being a decent guy (or girl, - the anonymity of the internet now demands one be open-minded).
UPDATE: While writing this post, I felt compelled to break away and research my graphics chipset. First result was the Intel Driver Support site. It showed driver updates from August, this year for my set. Moving to wife's Win7 machine, checking Device Manager shows version 9.something, 9/2013,
2GB graphics RAM. Using Win7 "Search Online to Update Driver" got "Best driver already installed" msg. Didn't buy it, 'cause I know machines are dumb, almost as dumb as M$ thinks WE are. Back to Intel site, shows v15.46, 08/2020, Win7 (?). DL'd & installed their Support Assistant, shows (1) update available. Installed updated driver, now have version 10.something, 8/2020,
1GB (*?*) graphics RAM, some additional settings options in Control Panel (left them alone), and both games now run just fine in the highest settings, though I found the text too slow, and lowered them to "Beautiful"/"High".
Currently am trapped behind guardrail in hanger, trying to install fusion device, because I can't jump over it, so will restart a new game, but at least now I have a chance to see what all the fuss is about for myself.
Still, am going to continue with this post, because I think this is an issue worth highlighting.
But the fact that you have pushed this game to the cutting edge has brought the issue of graphics chipset specs, and the expectation of prospective players to be advised upfront of that consideration, to the forefront, so let me take your response piece by piece.
Kerni: "This is what i wrote in the readme file as well as the OFFICIAL download..."
Up until a month or so back, broadband internet was unavailable to me, and I had to learn patience with DSL. At that time, a 10MB download took 1 minute. 1.85GB would take over 3 hours to download, additional time to unpack, before ever getting to the "readme" file. Thankfully, that is behind me now. It only took about 8 minutes for the download. From other threads I've read, there is an assumption on the part of many posters that broadband is universal. It is not. (You mentioned childhood 25 years back... I'm old enough to have endured 300 baud modems. That's 2.25KB a minute, or roughly 613 days to download your game.)
Kerni: "
- Needs about 5! GB of RAM (heavy texture load , please consider to use the half texture resolution load!)"
Doesn't specify graphics RAM, just RAM. (Given the "Update" above, 8GB cpu RAM, 1GB graphics RAM, a dedicated card doesn't seem necessary, though the texture load still needs the RAM, regardless of its location. (I suspect that's where optimization would help the most.
Must all textures be loaded before being needed?) As I recall, when graphics cards were first being introduced, the card was to
assist by offloading graphics functions the cpu was
capable of performing, in order not to bog down the cpu. At least theoretically, present-day cards should not perform operations the main cpu is incapable of.)
Kerni: "I added the sentence ion my read me to :
- Using DX 11 (built in graphics card may not work ?)"
I appreciate you are open-minded about this, but consider adding a "Developer's Note" to the OP.
Kerni: "I guess (a wild guess) is that the built in graphic card from your INTEL CPU is not realyl capable of storing all the textures needed since it has no dedicated graphics RAM and uses also the normal CPU ram."
anoldscrewup: "... what
he considers..."
Kerni: "Mhnn... no idea xD"
See, this is part of the problem. While the availability of ready-made game engines opens up a world of possibilities for devs and players, it is probably a very rare dev who will delve into the intricacies of the engines themselves. Easier to just trust the engine-maker's docs. I have no doubt you know far more about the Unity engine than I do (to be honest, practically nothing), but beyond knowing what it is capable of doing, do you know what it can't? Do you know whether a bug is yours or its? Although there are always going to be players whose knowledge of the engine is more extensive than yours, most players will unfairly assume you are an expert. I know the fun and satisfaction is in producing the content, but it is always helpful to understand your tools.
anoldscrewup: (Comment about needing to know graphic standards in advance.)
Kerni: "It was like that when i was a child... so.. 25 years ago... "
Yes, and no. Twenty-five years ago, I'd already been dealing with computers for 15-20 years. Sure you knew Super VGA wouldn't run on a CGA only machine, but you didn't really have to know whether version 7.4.1367a of some driver was substantially different than version 7.4.1367d. Most independently developed software was being written in ASM or C (or even BASIC), from the ground up, not wrapped around a pre-existing engine. (That has a lot to do with why I still prefer some very
old DOS programs.)
Kerni: "And since you get the game for free here you can just download and try out without need to buy anything =)
Anyway , no money was lost and no one got hurt

I've heard that before. Sure, no money changed hands, but at least some posters and players pay you back by being alpha/beta testors, providing bug reports, reporting playability issues, reviewing the game, spreading word-of-mouth, and providing YOU, the artist, with, if you are honest with yourself, the very human sense that your efforts at creating your work is appreciated by others. They have given their time (an
extremely valuable commodity) to you, as a reward for being good at what is essentially a hobby, 'cause I doubt you're in it for the money.
Anyway, enough ranting by me. Just wanted to get some things off my chest. I'm off to play a game.