At the moment I think it's mostly annoying. To lug some bed or bookcase around thinking: "hmm, this might be useful with something" only to find out it's really pointless. The bed for example might aid with healing, the bookcase with solving some mystery, or by automatically writing your memoires could generate a modest but steady income. But had I known they wouldn't be useful, I'd just left them alone or used a cargo balloon.
Another problem with relics is the weight penalty. You want to take stuff with you to be prepared but it's often difficult. Especially to get to the lower levels and back you need a lot of food and water. This means that you have to plan which items you need and what you can leave in the inn. But for that you need to understand what the relics actually do. Or decrease the weight of items which may be useful but not essential.
Companions are a key part of the game and the only way to have more or less wholesome sex without tentacle rape. For an adult game, the last part is really important. For sure there are tentacle rape fetishists here but I'd say a large part (including myself) would rather avoid that.
Hmm, I see what you mean regarding weight and stuff like that. I'll add warning to relics that would have clear gameplay effects that aren't implemented and consider doing it for others as well.
And I agree about companions, so I've been especially hard at work in the next update adding content with them! I've written ~40 new short conversations where companions react to the Curses you've taken and 2 new sex scenes with them. One for Lily if you get the spade tail and one for Cloud if you take both submissiveness Curses.
I'll try and get more of them in the game for the next update too, since that's something a lot of people want, and I agree it seems like something important for the game.
Curse interactions:
Increased Sensitivity + Refractory Refactorization:
I've seen the event where each one of the fires, but never seen them firing together. Odd, considering the curses page claim they are a combo.
Gender reversal + Sexual Swictheroo:
Maybe I'm dumb, but are they complimentary or conflicting? If you take both, do they combine to make you more "opposite gender", or conflict and make you more "trap/reverse trap"?
Absolute Pregnancy + Omnitool:
1) How does it work with male pcs? So example, in one save file I've been fucking Lily non-stop, but she isn't getting pregnant. She doesn't have birth control.
2) Also, what counts as sex when it comes to Absolute Pregnancy? For females, the L2 wolfmen event and the L3/6 Tentacles can get your preggo, but the L2 and L3 events are written way too vaguely. Even worse for males, as there are very few events, if any at all, that even make use of the combo.
Speaking of, giving birth to a child as a result of Omnitool doesn't actually describe the child. It kinda be like, "A child is born", and simply leave it as that, no mention of who/what the father is. What?
Absolute Pregnancy + Increased Sensitivity + Refractory Refactorization + (Futa fun/Wacky womb):
Wouldn't the above combo result in self-impregnation?
Absolute Pregnancy + Semen demon:
Wouldn't using this combo always result in pregnancy? What if pc is male? does female companion get preg?
Shared Space + Pheromones:
Actual Rape aura centered and targeted on self? Each half on their own wouldn't do it, but together...
Sexual Hijinks - Comic relief:
In the 400 days of me having it, I've only seen 1 event go off. Huh?
While you would normally take this with comic relief, what if you don't? Become classical harem protag?
Sexual Hijinks + Absolute Pregnancy:
1) Again, what counts as sex when it comes to absolute pregnancy?
2) add Increased Sensitivity and/or Refractory Refactorization to the mix, and again, would it count if the male pc cums?
L2 corrupted water:
Is it not working? Getting pregnant/ Getting companions pregnant always seem to act as if only 1 child is born, not multiple as the curse should make it so.
Hypnosis happytime:
What event even make use of this?
What event even make use of this?
What event even make use of this?
Relic Interactions:
Managed Misfortunes:
1) How to let companions use them? It says it is possible, but how to do it?
2) How Managed Misfortunes breaks shit:
2.a) Free abortions: Be pregnant, then using a marble, store and activate switcheroo, then deactivate switcheroo. Pregnancy aborted!
2.b) Temporary amputations: Use and store the curses to lose an eye and an arm. Return back up to surface. Activate both curses, then install Moonwatcher and Glory's Gasp. Deactivate both curses. What happens? Do the limbs now super-impose over the relics, making a bio-magitechnetical hybrid, or does it result in horrendous and painful body horror?
2.c) Transfer and Share Shrines: Using a marble to store and activate a curse, then using transfer shrine to transfer the stored curse, deactivating the curse marble spits out an error. Using the share shrine won't result in an error, and either way gives the pc the ability to transfer curses.
2.d) Wacky womb: This curse is bugged when using this with marble. "You have a womb attached to your ." No option to where the organ shows up, also doesn't show up on appearance tab, because the location never existed.
2.e) Twins: How would this even work with the marbles?
2.f) Conjoined: How?
Vector pipe: The ONLY 2 caveats right now is that the pipe has a 90 deg bend at the end, and objects already fast doesn't get much faster. Therefore:
1) Have you ever seen an industrial waterjet cutter? Have you ever seen an industrial blowtorch? Imagine a system that spews flames (flames are physically plasma) at such high speeds that you now have a 40ft beam of plasma that cuts basically anything (if the plasma pressure doesn't cut it, the heat will, and if the heat can't cut it, it would weaken it enough for the plasma pressure to cut it). This can be achieved with either a sunbeam or simply a torch. Of course, using this combo is awkward, and (might) burn your hands, but it is a powerful combo none the less. Or you know, let the relic workshop handle this.
2) Fus Roh Dah: simply blowing into the pipe could work as a weapon. Does it actually harm others? Maybe not, but the winds you can make by blowing into the pipe is excellent crowd control, a useful weapon. Combine this with Breathless Exhale relic for Galestorm levels attacks that definitely wreck things. Again, the bend does make it awkward to use, but the relic workshop might be able to do something.
3) Speaking of, does anyone else notice the potential here for INFINITE ENERGY? KE=m(v^2), where m is mass and v is velocity. Vector pipe increases velocity of input item (in this case a fluid such as water) at a logarithmic scale. Let us say that s represents the output speed. ke=m(s^2), s>v, thus ke>KE. Insert turbine at output to convert some fraction of ke (the fraction is everchanging due to change of efficiency at different speeds) into electricity. The remaining ke of the fluid can then be fed back into the vector pipe to restart the cycle. The end result is perpetual motion and thus infinite energy.
3.a) You can't really claim that the pipe reduces mass of the object fired to keep the balance, because that opens the can of worms that is converting mass into energy with no method of reversing the process, meaning the world would very quickly end up being a entropic stew of void and star matter.
3.b) Of course, given the size of the pipe, the maximum size of said infinite energy machine will not be large enough to power a city, but it is large enough to be insanely powerful and versatile. Make a powersuit/exoskeleton/mecha suit or at least, a kite shield sized, well, shield, that houses that energy source, and watch the uses unfold:
- Infinite Light source
- Infinite Heat Field to protect team from cold.
- Infinite Cold Field to protect team from heat, using electric compression and generation of cold liquid oxygen/ liquid nitrogen.
- Weaponized Cryogenics.
- Weaponized Electricity, using Tesla coils, Coilguns, Railguns, Lasers, etc
- Weaponized Plasma, creating a wall dome of plasma around yourself and your team. It's not a shield, it can't block attacks, but it will burn any unprotected entity that tries to breach the dome to reach you and your team.
- Plasmathrowers, like flame throwers, without the need for fuel.
- Plasma Cannnons
- Air Compressors, Rope, and a spike/hookhead makes a strong pneumatic grapple hook gun/ harpoon cannon. Usable as both traversal tool and weapon.
- Mini Water purification plant, free purified water.
- Water hydrolysis, oxygen for breathing where oxygen is lacking.
- Weaponized Hydrogen, be it as fuel for an actual flamethrower, or as explosives.
The list can go on and on.
3.c) Duplicate vector pipes for multiplied insanity.
Speaking of, duplicating relics:
1)If I duplicate enough wings for the whole team, Why can't I pass everyone a set of wings, and we all fly together? No moral lost, no leaving anyone behind. Combined with infinite backpack, and the downside is gone.
2)Duplicate Managed Misfortunes for more curse breaking shenanigans.
Side note, How dafuq do I survive L8? The moment I enter that layer, its guaranteed death for me. I always get stuck in a loop of demented horror leading to ego dolls leading to demented horrors leading to ego dolls. Even the threat details doesn't make it clear to me.
Regarding gender reversal + sex switcheroo, they complement each other. So if you start female, then take 5 levels of gender reversal and sex switcheroo, then you'll look like a typical man.
For the sexual hijinks one, there's currently only 1 event written for it, but a framework to add more. I'll try to add more eventually.
For all of the pregnancy combos, those are good points. I'll try and improve the pregnancy system to incorporate some of those, though it can get a bit complicated to implement haha.
Actually, to start with, I just added the L2 corrupted water, so that now it references the number of babies you have in the birth scene! So that will be present in the next update.
Hypno happytime influences the robot rehabilitation scene on L7.
Lightweight currently doesn't influence any scenes. I might make it cause the tentacle-fucked status to last longer due to increased susceptibility to aphrodisiacs though...
Dom/Sub/Sado/Maso influence how a variety of scenes with companions play out which are gated on being either dom/neutral or sub/neutral. I'm also adding some scenes in the next update that depend specifically on having these Curses, such as a few sex scenes with Cloud if you are submissive enough.
So, Managed Misfortune is really complicated to change haha. I see that it definitely does have some shortcomings, but I'll see what I can do to improve it. You also can't use it with the twin curse for sure. Conjoined also shouldn't work with it.
So, you're kind of correct about the vector pipe. But in practice, you definitely wouldn't be able to build any sort of mech suit like that during your expedition, so that won't have any effect on gameplay. But it is far from the only Relics that would theoretically break physics.
Can you not duplicate Managed Misfortune? You should be able to. And that's a good point about duplicating the Daedalus Mechanism.
Regarding L8, I'm nerfing the difficulty a bit in the next update due to common feedback about the difficulty of the layer I've gotten.
The Pipe was in my head whenever I clicked "use some combo of relics to defeat this threat!" Also L8 I had no issues with (though I did have like wings, an admantium skeleton a firesword and an invisibilty cloak so the ratio of dolls I could kill was pretty high). I wonder if you might have been accidentally drinking the water or something? L7 was the death of me because I couldn't get the hypnobots to fuck off and (maybe bc I had hypnohappy) they would bad end me after 25 days spent in layer due to the "ignores you if you have over 500 coins" thing not actually working.
What version are you playing on? I think I fixed the 500 doubloon robot bug in, but I may not have fully fixed it...
something to bring up, if we're talking about curses
i don't remember the name, but the curse that increases breasts/dick breasts+dick should be changed into two seperate curses IMO. one that changes breast size, one that changes dick size. i play a futa character but the description puts me off when i have a massive schlong - which is what i wanted - but i also have gigantic tits and, from what i can see, there's no way around this.
That's a good point, I'll consider adding an option to the Curse to choose one or the other if you have both.
Ok that's neat. It's good to hear such things are being addressed. It's just that I had a really frustrating experience with this game.
After actually reading all the different relics and wonders I came up with an idea:
1: Use the curse to amputate all 4 limbs to gain a good chunk of corruption.
2: Copy Glory's Grasp once with Kin Shifter and twice with Maw of Kimaris to have 4 of em.
3: Use Granted Granite to make all 4 Glory's Grasp indestructible.
4: Use the space wonder to increase the range of one of the Glory's Grasp by x100.
That would give me a very light body, 2.5km gravity control and 4 indestructible limbs.
The problems:
1: Maw of Kimaris won't copy Glory's Grasp.
2: Granted Granite is completely unimplemented
3: Even if you copy Glory's Grasp with Kin Shifter the workshop will only attach ONE of them with no further options.
After going through the trouble of coming up with that combo just to be thwarted at every corner my disappointment was immeasurable.
The ring that lets you absorb relics also doesn't work. If such unimplemented items are put in the game they should have a clear disclaimer that they are not currently working and are only good for sale.
There is also a gameplay issue with layer 8: Removing all limbs using the curse drops your effectiveness against the dolls EXTREMELY. Even though I had a full party with Sunbeam, the weaponised Joyous Sunder, the weaponised Brave Vector and the Daedalus Mechanism (and more). So my party was loaded with weapons and my char should still be able to easily prevent being kissed by just flying away. But it's basically impossible to escape the layer due to the long travel times. You have to use the Daedalus Mechanism to fly up and leave your party behind. They also take way longer to catch up then it would have taken you to ascend normally which was also weird.
Losing your limbs shouldn't decrease your effectiveness vs the dolls that much when you have a full team to fight and the Daedalus Mechanism for movement. Or at least you should be able to tell your team "I will literally die here if I don't escape right now so I'm flying on ahead" with no morale penalty.
Sorry you had a frustrating experience.

I hope I'm able to address at least some of your concerns in coming updates.
The Maw of Kimaris is an oversight when I initially added it and will require a rework, so I'll add that to my todo list.
I'll try to implement Granted Granite soon.
Hmm, the current check for Glory's Grasp only account for one limb, so that will require a rework too.
I've added a disclaimer to the Ring of the Devourer for the next update!
Even if you have a full team, you're combat effectiveness still suffers if you're totally helpless and need to be protected, but you're right that it should be mitigated by the Daedalus Mechanism, so I've changed that for the next update. The Daedalus mechanism can compensate for both legs being gone and will remove all movement and combat penalties associated with missing legs if you have it equipped in the next update.
so i just had the single most frustrating experience of my life. i travelled down to layer 5, with the mayflies, right? so i read the description of the flies carefully and it says they come out to mate for a day, and then hide for 7 days. now, here's me thinking that this means all i have to do is rest a single day after entering, and the flies won't bother me.
the flies bother me every. single. time i do anything. sometimes when i deal with them THERES A-FUCKING-NOTHER ONE AFTERWARDS. back to back mayflies that i have to deal with that just eats away at my food and water. and i think it might be a bug or something, but there's this issue i'm having where an injury makes literally anything i do with a time value on it take thrice as long when it only says it adds an extra day. so a BACK TO FUCKING BACK fight with mayflies is killing me. every. single. time. without fail, i will die on ten food and ten water with two flasks as well, and a light injury.
this is, to say the least, p r o b l e m a t i c
see, the thing is, this is fucking compounded by the fact that i have an injury that won't go away FOR 88 DAYS. and that's with Cherry's 'supposed' ability to help with injury recovery. so here i am, with ten water and ten food, trying to retreat into the previous layer, dying constantly because every. single, time i do ANYTHING i get attacked by mayflies. retreat? flies. go forward? flies. rest for two days? flies. try to get a relic? flies.
and as said above, this ALWAYS, without fail, ends with my death of dehydration or starvation. despite having ten food and ten water.
so yeah, needed to vent that. i'm gonna have to start all over again because i think the game's bugged or something. joy.
Haha, this is simultaneously hilarious and also unfortunate to hear lol. It sounds like there was either some misunderstanding or something was bugged, since they shouldn't be that much of a problem!
Your injury lasting for 88 days actually isn't a bug I think. The burns caused by the drifting swallower last indefinitely unless you heal them, so you probably want to use a medkit! Rather than making it truly indefinite, I just set the duration to 99, so I'm guessing you traveled 11 times since getting the injury? I'll change the wording of the alert there to say "indefinite injury unless you heal it" or something similar to make that more clear.
I suspect that injury is probably hurting you quite a lot by increasing travel times, so then that causes you to run into more flies, which results in more time wasted...
Or maybe it's a bug? In the programming sense, not the mayfly sense haha. Do you have a save you can share on the Discord server? If you do, we can check it out and see if there's an issue for us to fix.
If it truly gets too frustrating or you believe you've found a gamebreaking bug, you can also add extra food/water to your inventory from the Adjustments menu in the Use Items and Relic page. That way you can at least feel a little less frustrated by compensating for the bug. Though I'm not sure exactly the issue that happened here, so that may not be an appropriate solution.
Good game so far. I'd personally want to implement a time system with activities taking certain amounts of time each (such as foraging) and random encounters when doing things. Definitely needs a bit more enemy variety. And smut variety, along with actions one can take to get scenes. And much more descriptive scenes. It's definitely a great start though
ah, and one other thing. Potentially like a trigger disabler which is funny probably going by what this is based on but would just be nice
dialogue options and actions you can take with party members would be good too
Hmm, foraging currently works as more of a continuous thing you do, except for going to the river on L3/Oasis on L5. Was something like that, when you fill you flasks on L3/L5, more of what you were thinking? I'm not sure I'm picturing exactly what you mean here.
What do you mean by trigger disabler? Do you mean like content warnings?
More dialogue options and actions with party members are coming soon! There should be many more interactions with party members coming in the next update!
The whole game seems kind of pointless to be honest, the player gets quite the heavy punishment from going back to the surface, there's no reason to go back besides to get the phone
I will give a Spiffing Brit-tier exploit walkthrough to those who have issues going past Layer 4
But yeah this will allow players reach Layer 9 with tons of points to spare, mind you, this is the bland/straight walkthrough, those who don't care can just get around thrice the points, yet shows that trying to go back is quite expensive.
Nice guide! That certainly isn't the only way to play, since I've seen at least 2 other builds that I'd consider just as optimized as that, but it's a nice guide for a easy playthrough.
I'm having a problem with the moonwhatcher relic, I go to the relic workshop but I don't see any options related to the relic, I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or it's a bug
Yeah, actually when I changed things so you could install the Moonwatcher in an empty eye socket, I also noticed a bug with installing it at the workshop. So that's broken in the current release, but should be fixed in the next update.
Honestly this game is GREAT and an unfinished mess and simultaneously a diamond of raw potential and incredibly interesting concepts, additionally the game is just incredibly difficult and surviving is impossible on certain layers long term with no counter play regardless of relics/equipment just food/water limits it frankly needs ALOT of cleaning up to work properly
If I were you id add some basic stats IE STR,DEX,CON,INT,WIS,CHA and add plenty of random events hostile or not to each layer, quests for each settlement for more relics/corruption/food/water and the game needs a home base option to store heavy items/upgrade old ones.
Thanks! I'm glad you see potential haha. I'll try and polish up the diamond to make a great game. I was fortunate enough to start from a good base, but now it's my responsibility to make it into a full game I think.
Which layers is it impossible to survive on? I think every layer has counterplay, and I'm nerfing the Inanis Ego in the next update due to feedback on their difficulty.
How do you think stats like that should be implemented into the game? It doesn't seem like it would quite fit with how the game works now and I'm not inclined to add even more numerical systems haha.
One VERY needed change is the way stats are updated. The code makes it so it always resets the companions' bonuses at every move, making the Grimoire useless. For example, if you increase Saeko's corruption cost reduction, the second you click on "Return to exploring" the game sets corRed to 0, and then adds the base reduction.
Oh! Good catch! That was totally broken and I didn't even realize it! I just fixed that now, so the Grimoire will be totally fixed in the next update!