
Active Member
Mar 29, 2018
but thats true for any artform or even anything you try to create for a mass of people out there. i would say that discussions about VNs and especially this thread are actually quite civil compared to some other artforms out there. So if this is already too much for you to handle then you'll probably have some tough times ahead for you in life.
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New Member
Sep 19, 2018
Not planned to play in 7 episodes, but seeing that it has already been translated into my native language - I couldn't resist. And I only have 2 thoughts - either in spite of criticism from all sides have thrown this nonsense (because at first he wrote that a new episode will be released until November),or he has a very strange understanding about what should be like an erotic game. I think the purpose of this game was a lot, and the only one he managed to intrigue. As for the rumors about the 22 paths, this is nonsense that he tried to justify himself and at the same time reassure the public which the plot twists starting with the ending 6 do not like.


May 27, 2017
Wasn't expecting this from the genre tags or the story when played, what started as a nice story with fun, engaging characters and with a bit of drama thrown in, suddenly went bat shit crazy dark, now if I had been expecting a thriller, with the tags to match, then I would be saying ok, it went dark a bit too fast....but ok, instead I'm like wtf.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
Yeah i see that some people talk about tags i think that they should be updated for this game here.
I personally when looking for some game i go to tag search and adjust to my likings or even when im not doing that and see tag for example ''futa'', ''graphic violence'', ''Rape'' not under optional tag i stop checking that specific title.

Just to add that someone let's say depressed already IRL or someone overall feeling bad is checking AVN by tags that interest them wanting some chill, fun or happy experience to relax a little and there's a moment that evolve's story into somethin really fucked up dark, grim and violent.
These things dont really do much to me, but probably there are others that got hit hard and by suprise. Some might liked it, some don't and felt even more bad after that.

I don't think ''Thriller'', ''Drama'', ''Tragedy'' tag would hurt and spoil whole game for someone right of the bat.


Jun 1, 2017
I think the game is still interesting and I like the story focus... I just wish I knew what I was getting into when I started.

I mean I don't play these games with the expectation that I'll actually have to feel feelings. Or at least not much serious.

I do like Japanese visual novels (not nukiges, but the story focused ones) so I'm definitely not opposed to a game with a more serious tone. But I feel like the tonal shift kind of came out of nowhere. I mean there were always drama elements in the story, but I never expected it to actually be a life and death drama which cause the main character to go through some serious trauma. Not exactly what I'm looking for in afternoon fap material. Also, some of the twists and turns here seem a bit diablos ex machina... which is a minor complaint, but still worth mentioning.

I'm still going to keep playing the game and supporting it to see how things turn out. I'm actually glad that an English made adult game is actually trying to tackle more dramatic subject matter than "Will they bone or won't they?". But I think the author should be much more clear about the directly he plans on taking his projects in the future if things are going to take a serious turn like this. That way people who legitimately don't enjoy this kind of drama can know it's not worth their time before they get invested in the game.


Co-Writer: Retrieving The Past
Game Developer
Jul 10, 2018
After this episode, this game went from top 3 to meh.
A lot of people were not happy with the overall plot direction, or at least with it being completely different to the game genre they'd been led to believe they were getting into. But plot itself is only one factor of many that go into a game.

The game has often been praised for its writing, and the changed direction still has words, still coming from the same writer.

The game has often been praised for the characters, especially Liam. Liam is still in it, and still being beautifully characterised.

Are there flaws? Yes. As someone else I was speaking with pointed out, just as the main, positive characters are brilliantly observed and portrayed, all of the 'villains', whether Dick, or Peter, or Leah, and even Ana, have been very poorly observed, shallow, and one dimensional. Overly simplistic stereotypes with no personality, no backstory, no rationale. But those flaws were there as soon as Dick first came along, right back at the beginning. If you'd rated that as a top 3 back then, well, this is where those flaws lead eventually.

There's still a ton of good about this creation, and personally I think it is still a landmark in the genre. Other writers and developers can learn a lot about how to create wonderful, engaging characters by studying how this game did so. They can also learn about a few things that they might want to do differently - like ensuring people know at least roughly what kind of game they are getting into at the start.

Lots of people have come to this thread to post for the first time. That's great. Discussion is how people put ideas together, and explaining one's thoughts to others is one of the best ways to solidify those thoughts. This game brought that to happen.

You don't like where the plot has gone, well, that's fine. Nobody says you have to. I don't like that it was sprung on me either. But to dismiss everything that is good in the game just on that basis is rather petty and petulant, I think.


Devoted Member
May 10, 2018
i believe DrPinkCake left left the forum after the outcry when it was shown Liam was the sick one at the hospital...thats when the harsh comments flared up..i might be mistaken..but i recall him chatting us up prior to that...personally i've enjoyed the trip so far...i want to be entertained not just engorged..and this game entertains me..as does this collection of commentors...


Jun 29, 2018
wow its getting deep and dark love it, it has evolved into something completely different, im enthralled, fantastic writing, and most attached to characters in any game i have played so far although haven't played a huge amount
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Jul 18, 2018
Is there a way to choose with Leah which does not give a nightmare ending? I used to love this game, very sensitive and well written. Now I am very hurt and upset that the characters I cared so much about were so carelessly discarded. I wish I never played past the first part of chapter 6.
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