I'm sorry in advance, but I still can't understand what u guys find sexy on Melissa ... evil face, weird short (black! no way!) hair ... ring in nose ... her personality (fuck with stranger on the first day, rly?) ... it's nothing offensive, just i'm surprised that so many guys here likes her (the model is graphical just awesome, but not my taste). Kill me now.
Since I cannot help but project myself into the MC's viewpoint (I have to omit some bits of his backstory of course, haha), I didn't immediately become attached to Melissa because I didn't know her. I shied away from her little footsie at the cafe and even admitted to Megan that my first impression was that she seems a little wild (I wanted my response to hint at that, like Megan, felt that it be might be front for something else). Also, I have to believe that outside of what is presented to us, Megan must've talked about the MC to Melissa prior to their first meeting at the cafe in which Megan had already presented the MC as "great guy" and "saviour". It makes Melissa's forwardness upon that first meeting even more curious.
But I think her background scenario is what makes her attractive to a lot of players. She's this tough, sexy rebel girl fronting a hard personality because she's living in an abusive home with a drunk. Never underestimate the "Savior" fetish
Never actually knew if there exists a "Saviour" fetish, but now that I think about it I can't see why not. And in some way that's how I perceive Melissa to an extent; that she is the one who has this kind of fetish towards the MC (which can be greatly reinforced through the MC's actions as the story goes along).
I like Melissa's personality way more. I love an aggressive woman. She lets you know what she wants. She's flirty.
I cannot disagree that she appears as an aggressive and flirty girl, but in my opinion I'm not so sure if she knows what she wants.
When going down a Melissa + Megan path, there were a couple of instances that to me reinforced my initial feelings about Melissa not knowing what she wants.
The first instance was when Megan (and I'm going to paraphrase a bit here) asked when Melissa had sex with the MC and whether it was just for fun, and Melissa seemed to have an unconvincing response of "...Yes..."
The second instance (which actually happens relatively shortly after the first) is when Megan tells the MC that Melissa is probably in love with him, and Melissa's reaction seemed actually like admittance to her own conflicted feelings (whether or not that statement is true plus add in the fact that what is happening can possibly ruin friendships).
That's the awesome thing. We don't all have to have the same tastes. Not one of us is right or wrong.
Not too much to say here except that I agree. I never claim to be an expert of people (their beliefs, feelings, etc.), and most people probably think I'm a dork for thinking so much on fictional situations. I just love hearing different sides to something I enjoy and the discussions that follow (which in this thread seems to be continuing in a polite and constructive manner for the most part - and that's awesome!).
Hell it's the same with Liam. Tons of people post how much they love him. I like him well enough. Sometimes I think he's funny. In my playthrough he has been 100% my boy but I could easily do without his content.
Funny to think that this is probably considered a controversial statement in this thread, but I share your feelings on Liam. He is definitely an anchor for the MC story-wise (how much more of one is still yet to be shown in future installments), but I don't think his comedic scenes are the only things that define him which I feel a lot of people attach to his character upon meeting him. And just so everyone knows I don't believe that's wrong or anything...but I'm just in the same boat as some others who might think people may be putting Liam on some sort pedestal (and I mean this jokingly, so please Liam fans don't take this "too" seriously).
Gonna keep an "all girls" save going just for the sake of getting the fully gallery unlocked and such... but, really just want to see how the relationships with Megan and Melissa shake out.
For the sake of this just being a fictional VN, I definitely have my own personal "true playthrough", but I definitely have other paths going as well for pretty much the same reason as I too just want to keep the gallery at 100% (haha) and I'm curious where DrPinkCake is going to take the different scenarios.
And thanks for your posts & answers that can help me understand what you love on Melissa ... but still, in real life, i totally don't like these types of girls ... so maybe I'm the wrong one, not you all
You're definitely not wrong. If anything, thanks for sparking this Melissa discussion!
I feel like maybe I needed to spoil-tag some of things I said here. If that's true then I apologize and I'd be more than happy to edit my replies if needed.