I have some combat mechanics suggestions if you'd like to hear...
Can you make combo points / bufffs persist through battles?
Feels bad when you save like 10 combo points - enemies die and next battle you're back to 0 combo pts z:
Also buffs are very short... Can you increase durations by 1 turn at the very least.... ( I'd personally like to see longer buffs than +1 turn...it's very annoying how short they are )
Some skill issues:
Megumin is sooo weak compared to yunyun...
Like her dmg is either same as yunyun but costs more mana( -25 mana -50% dmg perk )
Or her mana consumption is insane ( 100 mana for +100% dmg ) Yunyun can do same damage with 2 cycles of her skills - 32 mana total.
Aqua can do similar damage too... Half the mana cost
So like she needs something to make her stand out... should be very simple - just buff dmg xd
Buff her base dmg of explosion - I don't know to what number... sorry
Her burn should do more dmg too - 10hp per turn is very weak against enemies in floor 2 - as game progresses she'll become a joke with this kind of dmg... ( They have like 400/500 hp already )
Maybe buff burn to 10% HP? ( That plays along pretty well - when she's knocked out enemies burn , or if you use perk for no knockout then you have 1 turn wait before her explosion is charged up )
*Maybe 5% if 10% sounds too high? I'm thinking whether enemies can kill you in 10 turns or not... Likely not so maybe 5% is better ( that gives 20 turns to enemies before they burn to death )
This forces players to upgrade burn so to balance it out and make the other perk next to burn more appealing:
Have like higher stun % ( 70/80% stun ) with tons of dubuffs - think of it like earthquake after explosion, enemies get dazed from it and receive tons of debuffs - stun, dmg reduction, accuracy reduction, dodge reduction , like everything xd ( You can pretty much put all debuffs that are in the game and have rng factor decide what gets applied, that would be fun you get different debuffs every time : Like 50% chance to apply on each debuff ? )
( Aqua's buff is pretty trash tbh... it's either single target dmg increase with very low duration - you're better off just doing dispell undead... you do more dmg this way.... Or it's a team wide dodge buff , it's too short for it to be of any use ) - this is a pain to keep applying especially with how bad in game controls are on mobile , it would be better if there's a skill path to make her buffs team wide:
Like one route focuses on increasing survivability , healing increased , dodge , etc. ( This is already in game )
The other focuses on increasing damage - dmg % , crit % , speed , etc.
Both routes should be team wide and longer lasting
Kazuma skills are ... lol I don't even know
I don't mind with how ridiculous raising her accuracy is... But maybe add some effect when she actually manages to land it ? ( No idea wot but something ? )
Her buff skill... Like what's the point of buffing everyone's armour , she's the one that's supposed to be hit not her team... ( Instead maybe have some damage sharing ? When ally gets hit darkness receives 80% damage for them ? Make this into a passive too o.o This would go perfect with her personality + gives a reason to bring darkness along to soak dmg for team )
As for her skills.... since the one above should be turned into a passive then for her active buff something like darkness dmg reduction?
Reduce dmg by 30/40% > Provoke all enemies > Buff speed of all allies ( You don't need to buff darkness speed )
Her weaken should be aoe skill ,maybe even buffed with new types of weaken?
Like add 2 routes:
- Reduce speed, armor, dodge ? Something that would make killing enemies easier
- Reduce speed , damage , accuracy ? Something to make enemies weaker , so the team can survive
When I play I only use Kazuma/Aqua/Yunyun
Megumin and darkness are a pain in the ass...
They do 0 dmg and practically bring nothing to the team, I'd really like to see them getting a buff
What do you think ?