in regards to the pregnancy feature, make it a mid to late game feature, early game should be about making relationships and sexing the waifus. plus from what people say about the LN, Darkness makes sure to make projects about building orphaneges and is a big sister figure to the kids as well as her cousin Iris.
back on topic, we should have focus on building a roster of women to waifu, and some girls already in the game need more scenes. Apperently we with get a Library which includes a Librarian lady, so possible new waifu as well.
That’s kinda of an asshole behavior tho, and knowing her she would restart chugging the day after, better if both of them agree on it and…
Wait why are we talking about pregnancies?!
When there is still no Yunyun scenes yet!
Knowing Kazuma he either would escape or go through 50 existential crisis before accepting the fact
agreed, focus on the girls and then, very very very far into the game's cycle the "Kazuma got game to the point all his waifus are pregnant by him" posssible ending would make more sense.
speaking of waifus, what do you all think about my comment regarding possible new addition to the roster of ladies? it is not a "do it nowz. or me angy, grrr!1!!" question, but a "if we are going to talk about this game, let's talk about what ladies you want to see" sort of question.