Hello everybody!
I have a few questions about the game. I would really appreciate any help.
1. The girls I created in the game almost never dance. For some reason I always create an assistant (Getter and Driver lifestyle). It doesn’t work out to create a girl who dances (especially after the 4th phase, after the 4th phase no one dances at all). What needs to be done in the game for the girl to dance on the Pole Dance Stage, Sexy Dance Stage or on Dance Stage?
2. I have never seen girls use the "Swing" and "Slide." What character is needed? What Traits do you need to add to a girl?
3. My girls play with animals, but never catch them. Only one girl creates the "Spirits of Darkness" and quietly puts them in a chest. It's all. Only once did one girl bring me a cat (I went through the game 3 times to 100%, but this scene was only once). How to make them catch cats and chickens? What you need to do with them in the game to get the character traits of "Animal Lover" and "Hunter"?
4. In the gameplay-video, I saw several times that you can give the girl "Cold medicine" when she is "Exhausted". In the game, I saw this only once and only with the BP-Chan girl (not redacted) in the BetterRepack release 2.1. When the BP-Chan was "Exhausted", I took it not to the house, but to the base at "Shan House". So it was several times in a row. Then I fell asleep there myself. And when I woke up, I saw the face of "BP-Chan" who said that if I "tired" she would also bring me "Cold Medicine"

). The help in the game says that if you give the girl a "Cold Medicine" when she is "Exhausted", then the period of her recovery will significantly decrease. In the versions of BetterRepack, I can’t take any action with the girl when she "fell-down". Just take her to the bed and that’s it. In the original game, no mods occur as well? You can not give girls medication when they are "Exhausted"?
5. Here on the forum, in one of the posts, the User wrote about the girl "Harmony", which helped him treat other girls. Has anyone seen similar scenes in the game?
6. “Motivation” and “Fatigue”. My girls gradually lose motivation as they acquire skills. What to do in the game to increase their motivation? How to reduce the level of "fatigue" of girls? What needs to be done so that they rest, and not "fell-down" from "fatigue"?
7. A little more about animals ... In the game video, I saw 3 cats running after a girl, is this possible in the game? Do girls pierce animals to follow them?
8. I have seen many “Actions” of girls and mini-events. But what happens to the Large Battery? What are they needed for? (in construction mode, this item has action-icon ...)
9. Is a “pump” just a decorative item? Can't you get her to collect water? (I saw that the girls use a water pump, but is there any need for a pump?)
10. When I bring the girl in the "follow me" mode to the "sex machines", and she has a high level of "Humanity" when asked about sex, she answers - no, but the H-scene starts, is that normal? Same in the original game?
11. How to change the music in the game? How to use Entertainment Center, Jukebox, Gramophone? What files, in what format, where to put? (Let's say I want to add music from Honey Select, how can I do this?) Girls can switch the music themselves? Does additional music influence girls' desire to dance?
12. Is it possible to edit the Shan base (trader, ruined island)?
13. Is it possible to create zones with wild cats and chikens on "Housing Island"? How to train character traits "Animal lover" and "Hunter" on the "Housing Island"?
14. Is it possible to create "collecting zones" blue and orange on the "Housing Island"? Can there be any mods?
15. On the "Housing Island" you can create ruins. But the doors do not open in them, you can not use the stairs. This is normal? In the original game, too?
16. Is it possible to somehow configure the mod "skip_resources.cs"? I need only some resources and not in such quantity, can I choose what will fall into the inventory?
17. How to use the mod "mad_skills.cs"? Maybe screenshots of his work?
18. How does the "environment_control.cs" mod work? What is he for?
19. "BuildingAnyWhere.cs" How to use?
20. Where is "view_motivation_status.cs" located? (it is probably converted to a plugin, to use Agent Trainer v1.0.0, you need to disable it, where is this script / plugin? How do I generally look for hidden parameters of girls such as going to the toilet, the desire to go to the bath, get into the pool, etc. .?
(In general, I thought that the author of BetterRepack would update the Readme file and add descriptions of new scripts, but there are no descriptions .... )
About Scenes with Girls (mini events) ...
21. Girls invite you to dine with them, invite them to sleep with them, invite them to rest, ask about sex. In BP Release 3.0, the girl invited me to fish, the conversation went on, but visually I saw only a black screen. It was on the "Housing Island", on the "Ruined Island" the girls never even invited me to go fishing. Do these scenes work for you in version 3.0? Any other scenes? Screenshots with them?
Sorry that so many questions at once, just accumulated while playing the game. I read the topic for a long time, but did not find all answers. Something is on pages 186 - 190, but this is not enough to fully understand how everything works.
P.S. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!