...you do realize that the lag....
Yeah, I do. 
Unity isn't inherently "bad". I even have a write up regarding the problem.
There are a few "controversial" issues.
But I can distill it to 4 or 5
1.) Windows 10 sucks... it is utter shit. I've had my frame rates go through the floor because of it.
That said.. here is a tidbit... SAVE THE FILE PERMANENTLY.. you might never see it again.
Q: When will the final Game Ready Driver that supports Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1 go public?
A: August 31, 2021 (R470 GA5)
2.) NVidia - For whatever reason end users that have to ask for Game Support... Or can Game developers do so? NVidia is a fucking mess. I can't even navigate the site without a headache. "Something as simple as how do I get my game Nvidia approved doesn't exist.
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"but i don't want a spotlight I just want presets that are compatible.."
It doesn't have a one size fits all for Unreal or Unity titles. Triple A studios have a mainline to NVidia for all we know.
2.) "We as users are sloppy" ... we have hundreds of assets/models/objects/mods/add-ons. a ton of background tasks and instead of trying to work from lowest settings to highest we typically jump right into the highest settings with little to no patience. (I'll be honest the 'gimmie gimmie gimmie' attitude makes me just...)
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3.) "Original Devs are sloppy". I will preface with saying NOT ALL.. but many.
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4.) Many modders have to make use of hooks to get anything to work properly with pre-built Unity.. They might not be privy to the underworkings of how unity does things.. I highly suggest ANYONE working on mods to PLEASE read the 7 tips here
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5.) Unity games can runs on EVERY OS.. Including Android..
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fixed by basic optimizations and settings tuning, otherwise we wouldn't have this issue?
Every Triple A title doesn't have this issue. But the truth is they do. Truth is the optimizations are
not basic. You actually have to do them.
Again.. My write-up for it.
(the bottom part that details cards, outfits and loaded mods is of big importance.)
Realized that most people don't know this information and hence made a topic in in Tools & Tutorials.
At the very minimum you MUST add the Illusion title TO NVidia Control panel.
This is applicable to Honey Select 1 AND both AI * Girl
(I must admit however the "agent" program that manages the girls is a CPU hog..) and Honey Select DX 2.