Things that confuse me so far:
1. I had one girl faint - 0% satiety (I will not call it hunger, because "0% hunger" means full to me, not starving), 100% fatigue -, carried her to that it? Seeing how I cannot interact with her in any way, means I am not meant to feed her or anything. Do they recover on their own over time?
2. Sometimes, I get this weird effect of "stretching ears" a-la elf on characters - putting aside the MC that I created by taking a vanilla card and changing nothing but clothes and hairstyle, even Shan gets this weird effect sometimes (to silly proportions once during aftersex "cutscene", clearly something glitched out). Is there anything I can do about it? At least some specific direction I could dig towards in search of the perpetrator?
3. I am clearly a dumbo when it comes to this: is it possible to save plugin settings somehow? I start a game, disable shadows via Graphics plugin (the F5 one; that alone is +20 FPS for me, so yes, I am), but every time I switch to character editor (via data terminal) or close the game and start it up again - those settings are back to defaults with shadows back on etc.