nono..only me..i called dibs longggg ago
hmmm..i talk too much...
You called dibs on Shadow, you can't have everyone.
I called dibs on Mel.
And Alice but i'm not being greedy here.
Also Alison.
And the French girl who's name I know but can't spell without making myself look stupid and i've already done that twice today, that's my dumb dumb quota filled.
Also the drunk girl outside of the shop this upcoming update.
Also another girl in this update.
Also Nadia.
But everyone else is up for grabs I won't be greedy.
Jokes aside I did call dibs on Mel, Alice just sprang out from nowhere and hit me with all kinds of adorable.
I'm sure he means the other kind of boinking... (Steps away slowly.)
There is boinking, she is involved ... it counts ... honest.