We have to lure
@Ignatz in this thread. Besides having the best Avatar of all Time that man is a freaking marketing machine for Games he likes
Thanks for the kind words. In honor of that, I downloaded the game to try it.
A lot to like and a bit to have some issues with.
- Good storyline, first of all. Lot of plot threads, but no obvious "tell everyone what is going on" - that's smart stuff.
- Potential trope characters used more originally, not falling into the trap of "I saw that guy in game X" - that's smart, too
- Renders are pretty clean and the female and male leads are distinctive - another box checked
- The character-driven humor is excellent. The dialogues feel real.
- The narrator concept is a tough one, especially when it breaks fourth wall. I'm not feeling it.
- The dev concept is outright awful. It's a cute conceit that probably makes the dev smile but adds nothing to the story (actually detracts from it, in my view, by breaking immersion)
- Similarly, all the self-references to porn games constantly reminds the player that he is playing a porn game rather than focusing on the interesting story and getting submerged.
- Some significant proofreading would be helpful to make this game sing.
All in, I'm not sold yet. I really like the themes and story concept. The art is nice and the characters
look new. I would recommend jettisoning the self-referential stuff and concentrate on the real writing. I think this story has some serious backbone to it and doesn't need the distraction of the forced humor of the narrator/dev comments.
Since that's a radical suggestion, I don't expect the dev will do that...nor should he, as I am just one voice and not even a patron. Plus, though I don't agree with his choice, I feel all devs should follow their own muse and not be overly influenced by outsiders (especially pirates...arr!).
I'm keeping my eye on it, though. This one has promise!