3.70 star(s) 36 Votes


Apr 2, 2020
10 penths worth it had very little to do with if it was or wasn't NTR for the majority of players so stop trying to make it just about that.

It was mostly about two things since Kim is supossed to be the MC's sidekick, BFF.
Could she be forgiven for what she did as the Dev had hopped she could when he made the Original Sex scene.
Or if the majority of players would consider her to of stepped way to far over the line for redemption.

the first reason was about her having sex with MC's mom and if infact it could of possibly fuck up MC's life in a far worse way than it was before.
the second was her attitude on returing to the present.
Mainly because of the fact she was far more concerned about leaving her Jacket than the possibility of how she might of fucked up the MC's life.
And yet didn't think the MC had a right to be anoyed at her.

And despite the fact she did improved his life the Majority of players believed the sex with Mom meant she had infact overstepped the mark so much so most players wanted the MC to kick her out of his life completely and some even wanted her dead.

And so after seeing the reactions here and elsewhere and then talking on discord to people who's judgement the Dev trusted he decided to change it to a Kiss.

Some still hate Kim but now atleast most agree that a kiss although it may still be overstepping the mark by a little margin is still enpugh to get anoyed at especially after Kim had the nerve to warn the MC off her own mom.
And because it is still time travel we talking about here.
Even something as simple as kiss could still have the potential to fuck up the MC's future.

Luckly for Kim she did improve the MC's life but more by luck not judgment.

And so the majority are even if for some of them grudgingly willing to except she's just an anoying twat.
But can be forgiven if she stops fucking with the timeline and lets the MC fuck with it instead.

As for how a kiss changes the Moms sexual prefrence well your forgetting it may only have been a kiss,
But it was a kiss that happend years ago and both the Mom and the Teacher have been very close friends ever since that day.
Maybe kim kiss peaked Moms interest and the Teacher did the rest who knows.
Lets face it she's had plenty of years to work on Mommy dearest.

Infact its been so many years that Mommy and the Teacher may have not only forgotten the two strangers the met altogether let alone the girl Mommy kissed or what either of them looked like.
But in Teachers case odviously she's also seems to have forgotten who she gave a blowjob too.

Just sayin.
How fucking DARE you use rational thought and explain things in precise and rational manner! :p


To Obtain My Infinite Dream I Shall Even Sink God
May 9, 2017

Altered Destiny V0.05 Progress Report - 12/22

Hey everyone,
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone! I've been working on the 'intermission' scenes between the lewd ones for Natalie's story. Her story intersects with Professor Perl's a little bit so before I finish her content for the next update, I'll be working on the Perl sex scene. Once I get a more intruging photo to post with the next progress report, I'll post it, so for now here is a little holiday themed photo for ya. Thanks!


May 4, 2020
View attachment 1558372

Altered Destiny V0.05 Progress Report - 12/22

Hey everyone,
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays everyone! I've been working on the 'intermission' scenes between the lewd ones for Natalie's story. Her story intersects with Professor Perl's a little bit so before I finish her content for the next update, I'll be working on the Perl sex scene. Once I get a more intruging photo to post with the next progress report, I'll post it, so for now here is a little holiday themed photo for ya. Thanks!
Nice picture, what's up with his right hand? Has he transcended his humanity and became Yoda?

Echo Castronaut

New Member
Mar 1, 2021
Just finished main storyline and I must say I can't wait for when it's fully completed.
My one question would be is there any other way to increase hearts beyond 1 besides Silvia?

To all the naggers and moaners complaining about it, piss right the hell off. The games obviously is still in development and majority of you are whining about not getting your way and quite honestly it's sad. You complain about something someone made for bare duckets and not even one thing of positive reaction.
You want to make it your way? Make your own damn game. Maybe then you'll see how "easy" it is to try and please everyone.

To the Main Dev, my hats off to you sir. Good job in making another installment to add to your repertoire. My critique to you sir is to not rush it, regardless of what these impatient assmonkeys say, you do you boo boo.


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
jedon't see the frog in the pound where is she exactly please?
frog is on the leaf on the second pond that you click to get to.
And the second pond is behind the first pond that you come too.


To Obtain My Infinite Dream I Shall Even Sink God
May 9, 2017

Altered Destiny V0.05 Progress Report 1/6

Hey everyone,
I hope you had a great holiday and a good start to the new year. I ended up coming down with a pretty intense flu for about five days. Luckily, it wasn't covid, but just a normal sickness/sore throat/tiredness/etc. Ended up taking a break from image creation and took time doing text and other stuff that is a little more chill. Haven't been sick in years and I forgot how much it sucks, though now I'm feeling great and back at it.
I'm starting up a couple perl lewd scenes. For the first, I was debating on whether to add a "requirement" to achieve it in some way, but it felt forced so it will be more of a watch and enjoy. As soon as I get a good image that isn't too spoilery for it, I'll add it with a new post update. In general though, I have about 5 total scenes left to do, though each one is rather large in scale, but hopefully I can get through them at a rather quick pace.


To Obtain My Infinite Dream I Shall Even Sink God
May 9, 2017

Altered Destiny Progress Report 1/15

Hey everyone,
I'm currently working on the more juicy part of the first Perl lewd scene. Like I mentioned before, she'll get two lewd focused scenes with one being a full on sex scene. Her beginning scenes are just a bit 'different' as she is a rather experimental scientist. Anyways, as soon as I get this scene done, I'll be working on the actual sex scene of her and will post some sneak peek images as soon as I get into it.
Once these two scenes are done, I'll be doing the last Natalie lewd scene for the update.


New Member
Jun 24, 2017


Hey everyone,
I fully finished the first lewd scene with Professor Perl. Ended up spending a couple days putting together some needed code for the next scene of hers. To keep things fresh for myself, I'm focusing on the last lewd scene with Natalie for the update before I move back on to the last scene of Perls. Above is one of the images from that scene.
I basically need to do this last Natalie scene, the last Perl scene, and two others before I have all the content ready for release. I'll then move back onto FILF content for a good bit. Thank you and I hope you have a good weekend!
3.70 star(s) 36 Votes