
Sep 19, 2018
DeepSleep Conrgats for your great work
can you please make a Gangbang Orgy scene with Anna and Emily and give a little more Attention to Emily
(sorry for my english)


Jul 31, 2018
Ok wait, there is emilys brother and hobos now? What is the latest version? I'm not getting that scene.


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2019
Ok wait, there is emilys brother and hobos now? What is the latest version? I'm not getting that scene.
emilys brother appeared when he hit anna with his car and will come next update. hobo is totally new and a fan fav. he will also come next update.


Jul 31, 2018
emilys brother appeared when he hit anna with his car and will come next update. hobo is totally new and a fan fav. he will also come next update.
Oh, so not yet added? I thought i was missing something, but no. Hahah thanks for the info.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2016
Oh, Starke is back. Lurking around other game threads and posting shit.
This is what rumors do. :LOL:

I am not starke, I never claimed to be starke or associated in any way shape or form with starke. One person made that rumor in the Fleeting Iris thread and people have been riding on it since because I didn't put a stop to it just because I thought it was pretty stupid to assume I was so I didn't bother to shut it down.

But let's say just to amuse you that I was indeed him. How does that make what I said less factual? How is that an argument against you milking the fuck out of people?

What's incredibly funny to me is that even though I am not starke I get so much shit just from people thinking I am. Which makes me somewhat understand why he was constantly arguing back in ULMF which by the way.

Last time some guy around here told me "starke was a piece of shit troll back in ULMF" I actually took some time to go look at his post history and check if he really was the person who a lot of people claims he was. Not once I saw him do anything but reply to pretty obvious trolls. I would actually love to see anyone say something credible and backed up by empirical proof against him other than "he put translations behind a paywall" which is the only thing negative I found in about an hour of amusing arguments and trolls, some of which I have recognized the same nicknames here, being shut down.

Honestly, some of you people can be seriously fucking stupid at times and just vomit a bunch of crap with absolutely no facts to back anything you say up. Sheeeeesh.

Bruv you from Ealing Bruv? ;)
Acton bruv.
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Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2019
This is what rumors do. :LOL:

I am not starke, I never claimed to be starke or associated in any way shape or form with starke. One person made that rumor in the Fleeting Iris thread and people have been riding on it since because I didn't put a stop to it just because I thought it was pretty stupid to assume I was so I didn't bother to shut it down.

But let's say just to amuse you that I was indeed him. How does that make what I said less factual? How is that an argument against you milking the fuck out of people?

What's incredibly funny to me is that even though I am not starke I get so much shit just from people thinking I am. Which makes me somewhat understand why he was constantly arguing back in ULMF which by the way.

Last time some guy around here told me "starke was a piece of shit troll back in ULMF" I actually took some time to go look at his post history and check if he really was the person who a lot of people claims he was. Not once I saw him do anything but reply to pretty obvious trolls. I would actually love to see anyone say something credible and backed up by empirical proof against him other than "he put translations behind a paywall" which is the only thing negative I found in about an hour of amusing arguments and trolls, some of which I have recognized the same nicknames here, being shut down.

Honestly, some of you people can be seriously fucking stupid at times and just vomit a bunch of crap with absolutely no facts to back anything you say up. Sheeeeesh.

Acton bruv.
idk who you are or starke is but you just came here to post some negative out of place comment which is totally subjective.
Let’s you are right and deep would try to „milk“ us: there are plenty who do MUCH worser! I can’t effort his bigger tiers atm and he still responds to me unlike others and even said it’s totally fine.
he has more reasonable tiers than many other patreon creators.
And he tries to deliver at least every 2 (sometimes 3) months which is also relative rare cause even there are some who update maybe every 2 weeks or month, there are plenty who update their game every half a year or longer. Or don’t update anymore. Idk what standards your have but mine are not low and I am still thankful and happy about most stuff deep is creating and doing. He is a cool dude with some nice fetishes which seem to be more minor and he still does it unlike others who make e.g. futa content do earn more money instead of stay true to their roots.
He also created one of the by far best female girls which is almost the perfect woman for me personally look wise.
How dare you to flame him?! Can you do better? Are you some royal prick who thinks his opinion counts more and is „the truth“? No. No I don’t think so.
Have a nice day and think more before posting. Thank you.


Active Member
Nov 8, 2016
I'd rather have an argument with someone that didn't always metaphorically sound like they had Deep's balls down their throat. I mean, you're famous for sucking up to him but let's ignore that for the sake of the argument. Perhaps I should start calling you DeepSleep and make a rumor you're him because apparently that's how these rumors start.

Let me tell you something that will also work for real life and pay close attention to it because it's a really important guideline: Other people being shit does not give you an excuse to be shit. If I kill two people and you kill one, doesn't make you less of a murderer. I called him on making consistently smaller patches. Slowing down the progress at which he releases patches. Changing his attitude towards patrons and the community the more money he made. These are all facts that I can easily provide data for.

What he "tries" to deliver is what's subjective. Are you next to him checking what he's doing or not? Obviously, that's rhetorical because you either aren't or you're shilling which makes in both cases, your affirmation pointless.

I make my judgement based on attitudes and what he releases. Quantity, quality and speed. Not what he says he or his computer most of the times, is doing. You're taking his word at face value. He's given me personally and according to my standards many reasons not to believe what he says at face value. In my line of work we don't take people's word for facts until they are backed up by facts. We give them the benefit of the doubt until they are shown to be loyal or disloyal in their intentions and make judgements based on empirical proof.

I don't think you have standards let alone high standards. Anyone who thinks this is a good RPG has an horrible taste in RPG Maker created games or hasn't done any research. People already proved this should've been a Renpy game from the get go. The images are really well done but that's it. This game could easily be a web comic like the little stories he does now and then but those don't generate as much money so it's disguised as a game. There's absolutely no gameplay, the story is garbage and the hentai scenes are short and poorly written which again, is kinda saved by the quality of the images/animations.

Want an example of a 3D rendered game that is heaps ahead of this and makes it look like trash? Look at Jessica O'neill Hard News which I never claimed to be milking, I stated it was ironic that the developer used to give people shit about their delays and is now on a near to a month delay himself but regardless, he is creating a good game with a good story, pace, dialogue, scenarios and everything that composes a good VN. Anna's is garbage in everything other than the 3D renders.

And that's why I don't have to say if I could or would make a better game. From a consumer point of view I can point out terms of comparison as to why this game is shit instead of having to do better myself. This game is shit because the story is nonexistent, it's buggy and poorly coded, you have to press enter to go through maps, some animations hang, you can climb on tilesets you shouldn't be able to constantly, the map is horrible and non intuitive, soundtrack is mostly taken from other games and the dev can't even bother to go online and look for "original" stuff himself, sprites last time I checked were crap, hentai scenes barely have any dialogue and its crap, grammar is crap. From any point of view you judge this game for other than the images, it is crap.

I didn't flame Deep. I pointed out a simple fact, he got butthurt because that's what he does.

Have a nice day as well.
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Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2019
I'd rather have an argument with someone that didn't always metaphorically sound like they had Deep's balls down their throat. I mean, you're famous for sucking up to him but let's ignore that for the sake of the argument. Perhaps I should start calling you DeepSleep and make a rumor you're him because apparently that's how these rumors start.

Let me tell you something that will also work for real life and pay close attention to it because it's a really important guideline: Other people being shit does not give you an excuse to be shit. If I kill two people and you kill one, doesn't make you less of a murderer. I called him on making consistently smaller patches. Slowing down the progress at which he releases patches. Changing his attitude towards patrons and the community the more money he made. These are all facts that I can easily provide data for.

What he "tries" to deliver is what's subjective. Are you next to him checking what he's doing or not? Obviously, that's rhetorical because you either aren't or you're shilling which makes in both cases, your affirmation pointless.

I make my judgement based on attitudes and what he releases. Quantity, quality and speed. Not what he says he or his computer most of the times, is doing. You're taking his word at face value. He's given me personally and according to my standards many reasons not to believe what he says at face value. In my line of work we don't take people's word for facts until they are backed up by facts. We give them the benefit of the doubt until they are shown to be loyal or disloyal in their intentions and make judgements based on empirical proof.

I don't think you have standards let alone high standards. Anyone who thinks this is a good RPG has an horrible taste in RPG Maker created games or hasn't done any research. People already proved this should've been a Renpy game from the get go. The images are really well done but that's it. This game could easily be a web comic like the little stories he does now and then but those don't generate as much money so it's disguised as a game. There's absolutely no gameplay, the story is garbage and the hentai scenes are short and poorly written which again, is kinda saved by the quality of the images/animations.

Want an example of a 3D rendered game that is heaps ahead of this and makes it look like trash? Look at Jessica O'neill Hard News which I never claimed to be milking, I stated it was ironic that the developer used to give people shit about their delays and is now on a near to a month delay himself but regardless, he is creating a good game with a good story, pace, dialogue, scenarios and everything that composes a good VN. Anna's is garbage in everything other than the 3D renders.

And that's why I don't have to say if I could or would make a better game. From a consumer point of view I can point out terms of comparison as to why this game is shit instead of having to do better myself. This game is shit because the story is nonexistent, it's buggy and poorly coded, you have to press enter to go through maps, some animations hang, you can climb on tilesets you shouldn't be able to constantly, the map is horrible and non intuitive, soundtrack is mostly taken from other games and the dev can't even bother to go online and look for "original" stuff himself, sprites last time I checked were crap, hentai scenes barely have any dialogue and its crap, grammar is crap. From any point of view you judge this game for other than the images, it is crap.

I didn't flame Deep. I pointed out a simple fact, he got butthurt because that's what he does.

Have a nice day as well.
Post your valid sources then.
And btw: JOHN?! Of all possible examples your bring this game? And call me a balls deep sucker? lmfao
stoper quality is good and he shows he can do better regarding his comic Bella’s first Sin. But his updates are more or less shit, his story is maybe more consistent but only cause his updates are poor and damn delayed. his characters are mostly well written but still boring, his mc looks pretty but Anna looks far better than Jessica.
much fewer fetishes (far too much boring husband and lesbo stuff)

with your „valid“ arguments nearly every game here with 3D renders could just be a comic lol smh.

My gosh pls come down from your high horse or i have to vomit.

and thx for wishing me a nice day! will try to have one;)

Edit: hate to be rude but your wording is very provocative.
And I like stoper he is a nice guy too and JOHN is more or less good and solid game. I just pref AEA more. So I apologise of this sounded more negative.

Deep sorry that such stuff happens in your thread. ._. At least you know how to react and work with such stuff
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Game Developer
May 8, 2017
I'd rather have an argument with someone that didn't always metaphorically sound like they had Deep's balls down their throat. I mean, you're famous for sucking up to him but let's ignore that for the sake of the argument. Perhaps I should start calling you DeepSleep and make a rumor you're him because apparently that's how these rumors start.

Let me tell you something that will also work for real life and pay close attention to it because it's a really important guideline: Other people being shit does not give you an excuse to be shit. If I kill two people and you kill one, doesn't make you less of a murderer. I called him on making consistently smaller patches. Slowing down the progress at which he releases patches. Changing his attitude towards patrons and the community the more money he made. These are all facts that I can easily provide data for.

What he "tries" to deliver is what's subjective. Are you next to him checking what he's doing or not? Obviously, that's rhetorical because you either aren't or you're shilling which makes in both cases, your affirmation pointless.

I make my judgement based on attitudes and what he releases. Quantity, quality and speed. Not what he says he or his computer most of the times, is doing. You're taking his word at face value. He's given me personally and according to my standards many reasons not to believe what he says at face value. In my line of work we don't take people's word for facts until they are backed up by facts. We give them the benefit of the doubt until they are shown to be loyal or disloyal in their intentions and make judgements based on empirical proof.

I don't think you have standards let alone high standards. Anyone who thinks this is a good RPG has an horrible taste in RPG Maker created games or hasn't done any research. People already proved this should've been a Renpy game from the get go. The images are really well done but that's it. This game could easily be a web comic like the little stories he does now and then but those don't generate as much money so it's disguised as a game. There's absolutely no gameplay, the story is garbage and the hentai scenes are short and poorly written which again, is kinda saved by the quality of the images/animations.

Want an example of a 3D rendered game that is heaps ahead of this and makes it look like trash? Look at Jessica O'neill Hard News which I never claimed to be milking, I stated it was ironic that the developer used to give people shit about their delays and is now on a near to a month delay himself but regardless, he is creating a good game with a good story, pace, dialogue, scenarios and everything that composes a good VN. Anna's is garbage in everything other than the 3D renders.

And that's why I don't have to say if I could or would make a better game. From a consumer point of view I can point out terms of comparison as to why this game is shit instead of having to do better myself. This game is shit because the story is nonexistent, it's buggy and poorly coded, you have to press enter to go through maps, some animations hang, you can climb on tilesets you shouldn't be able to constantly, the map is horrible and non intuitive, soundtrack is mostly taken from other games and the dev can't even bother to go online and look for "original" stuff himself, sprites last time I checked were crap, hentai scenes barely have any dialogue and its crap, grammar is crap. From any point of view you judge this game for other than the images, it is crap.

I didn't flame Deep. I pointed out a simple fact, he got butthurt because that's what he does.

Have a nice day as well.
I feel your pain. Everything will be alright someday :)


Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2019
What with the hobbo talk? If there is a hobbo I hope to see rape, because I don't see Anna, or any other girl for the matter, fucking a hobbo just for fun.
rape seems like a „fun“ idea but pls without that extrem kinky bdsm stuff.(Personal opinion)

on the other hand:I think it’s more about Annas big heart and how she tries to help him cause she feels worried about him. I mean that’s what pretty hot girls should do in real life:dont fuck for money and connections but for pleasure and caring:p
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Engaged Member
Mar 28, 2019
rape seems like a „fun“ idea but pls without that extrem kinky bdsm stuff.(Personal opinion)

on the other hand:I think it’s more about Annas big heart and how she tries to help him cause she feels worried about him. I mean that’s what pretty hot girls should do in real life:dont fuck for money and connections but for pleasure and caring:p
Are you referring to me??? :unsure: "but pls without that extrem kinky bdsm stuff." :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: Just kidding brotha. ;)
I agree on that (no bdsm/bondage for the hobo, but some kind of "rape" maybe:unsure:) That stuff fits better to Ash and Jer for us who like them;)
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Aug 31, 2019
Judging by the render, this action will take place in the same area where the bar, i think it would be better if Patrick made Anna fuck with a tramp o_Othe plot can beat like this, Patrick has money problems as a result, he can lose his business, he has very little time to raise money, he doesn’t know what to do, and then Anna catches his eye, he remembers what she owes him and what she did for him, shone her pussy and boobs all over the bar, sucked dick from clients only because he told her so that he fucked her when she was drunk, he sees how visitors look at Anna, and understands that if he gives them the opportunity to fuck her, they will give any amount of money for it, he invites Anna to his office and tells her that she has the opportunity to pay off all her debts, and she will be free, after which he tells her what Anna needs to do for this, they begin to swear Anna says that she is not a whore and runs from Patrick’s office to the street right in the bar dress, through the back door, evil Patrick follows Anna to the street, where he tells her that this was not a request, she simply has no choice, anna in shock can not believe that she really has to do it, she does not understand when she managed to turn into a whore, in the background, Patrick notices a trampr who has an erection from Anna's appearance(she is in a bar dress) he gives a dick and begins to masturbatehe gives a dick and begins to masturbate, patrick decides to teach Anna a lesson, he tells Anna to turn around and says that this is her first client, she should serve him as a result, Anna gets fucked with a tramp!!!!Of course, there will be a choice, if Anna agrees to Patrick's proposal in her office, then this scene will not be.
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