
Feb 24, 2018
I'd rather have an argument with someone that didn't always metaphorically sound like they had Deep's balls down their throat. I mean, you're famous for sucking up to him but let's ignore that for the sake of the argument. Perhaps I should start calling you DeepSleep and make a rumor you're him because apparently that's how these rumors start.

Let me tell you something that will also work for real life and pay close attention to it because it's a really important guideline: Other people being shit does not give you an excuse to be shit. If I kill two people and you kill one, doesn't make you less of a murderer. I called him on making consistently smaller patches. Slowing down the progress at which he releases patches. Changing his attitude towards patrons and the community the more money he made. These are all facts that I can easily provide data for.

What he "tries" to deliver is what's subjective. Are you next to him checking what he's doing or not? Obviously, that's rhetorical because you either aren't or you're shilling which makes in both cases, your affirmation pointless.

I make my judgement based on attitudes and what he releases. Quantity, quality and speed. Not what he says he or his computer most of the times, is doing. You're taking his word at face value. He's given me personally and according to my standards many reasons not to believe what he says at face value. In my line of work we don't take people's word for facts until they are backed up by facts. We give them the benefit of the doubt until they are shown to be loyal or disloyal in their intentions and make judgements based on empirical proof.

I don't think you have standards let alone high standards. Anyone who thinks this is a good RPG has an horrible taste in RPG Maker created games or hasn't done any research. People already proved this should've been a Renpy game from the get go. The images are really well done but that's it. This game could easily be a web comic like the little stories he does now and then but those don't generate as much money so it's disguised as a game. There's absolutely no gameplay, the story is garbage and the hentai scenes are short and poorly written which again, is kinda saved by the quality of the images/animations.

Want an example of a 3D rendered game that is heaps ahead of this and makes it look like trash? Look at Jessica O'neill Hard News which I never claimed to be milking, I stated it was ironic that the developer used to give people shit about their delays and is now on a near to a month delay himself but regardless, he is creating a good game with a good story, pace, dialogue, scenarios and everything that composes a good VN. Anna's is garbage in everything other than the 3D renders.

And that's why I don't have to say if I could or would make a better game. From a consumer point of view I can point out terms of comparison as to why this game is shit instead of having to do better myself. This game is shit because the story is nonexistent, it's buggy and poorly coded, you have to press enter to go through maps, some animations hang, you can climb on tilesets you shouldn't be able to constantly, the map is horrible and non intuitive, soundtrack is mostly taken from other games and the dev can't even bother to go online and look for "original" stuff himself, sprites last time I checked were crap, hentai scenes barely have any dialogue and its crap, grammar is crap. From any point of view you judge this game for other than the images, it is crap.

I didn't flame Deep. I pointed out a simple fact, he got butthurt because that's what he does.

Have a nice day as well.
I really don't want to poke this, now that it seems to have finally stopped, but my curiosity is far greater than my better sense of judgement. I want to make it clear that I do not intend to be insulting or judge you in any serious manner. I will try to avoid being nitpicky and too unjust, although I do not guarantee that I might not rub off in having "Deep's balls down my throat" especially considering my other posts. For the same reason I will not respond to any answer, whatever that response could be.

I find it slightly amusing that you point out very accurately that some things are subjective and also point out things that are your opinion, however, at the same time you push very subjective things as facts. Almost everything you have written, which you implicitly seem to consider as facts, are very much subjective. The fact that so many people disagree with you is proof of that in some form, even though you might question the credibility of said proof. You consider them to be wrong according to your morals and experiences, but that does not necessarily mean they are wrong. In the same vein, yes, it does not mean you are wrong either. The majority is not always right and sometimes people can actually be wrong without it being a subjective opinion. The issue is that the subject material in this case is very much subjective as well as your proposed data. That data is interpreted by you but not everyone expects the things you expect which means someone could interpret that data differently. The credibility of that data can not only be judged by you, the judgement of said data is another topic entirely, and I have not, and will not do that topic justice here.

The subject material in this case, which in short is entertainment, is one of the most subjective topics there is. People will eagerly defend things they are passionate about, it is natural, I would imagine you have also felt this urge in your life. I for one, as an example, can recall a reviewer of a video game criticizing certain gameplay elements they considered was a detriment to the game. I remember feeling that urge to defend the product because I considered those very gameplay elements to be a positive element of the game and very much to my enjoyment. In the same way, that passion can make you more eligible to defend a developer of something you enjoy. That urge came from a place of passion but it also showcases the extremely subjective nature of entertainment.

You voice some opinions about standards. Standards are often a way of creating more objective methods to categorize subjective opinions. Some people have high standards others have low standards, this is just a way to put consumers in a category which best depicts their opinion and tastes compared to the rest of the consumers. The very nature of low standards is that some people are just satisfied with less than most others and don't really need all that flair to be happy. You undoubtedly have high standards, due to the fact that many of the flaws prevents you from enjoying the product. It does not matter that some of the flaws are subjective and some are factual, the last point still remains. Many people use standards wrongfully as something to drive home their opinion, having high standards or low standards makes absolutely no difference in how much your opinion matters.

Sure this game has flaws, everything has flaws, but if you enjoy something enough you can see past those flaws even without being overly passionate about something, just your enjoyment of the experience will often prevent you from focusing too much on the flaws. This applies to almost everything, be it a video game, a good friend or the love of your life.

I have no idea what your line of work is but to the very limited information available to me at a glance I can only assume you are a lawyer? Then you should very much be aware of the subjective nature of mankind. You should also know that even though most justice systems have an objective and impartial mindset and structure, the people that wield that justice are emotional creatures. You can mimic being impartial but no one is truly unbiased no matter how hard you try, even though it is plausible to mimic it well enough. Judgements can, have and are made without definitive empirical proof although it is rare nowadays to the best of my knowledge. I will not put much weight behind this paragraph, especially the last sentence, since my judicial education is extremely limited and barebones as well as most likely not even from the same country as yours, so feel free to ridicule me.

Finally I would like to point out that you do not have to stir up a fanbase. I am guessing you find some form of enjoyment from it, but if you consider people to be so moronic and, implicitly expressed, beneath you then why waste your breath, why care so much. Just live your life, sure you can voice your opinion but why bother trying to convince people so much? Most of the people that agree with you have most likely already come to the same conclusion as you. All this arguing will not lead anywhere and it is quite frankly not unique, almost every thread has this opinion whether it's deserved or not it will always be there. I can't say for certain as I don't really care enough to dig into your posts, but I have seen you around in other threads and it seems you often fight against the fanbase. You could make an effort in not sounding so brash when raising your opinion, I would wager that it would really help you out in not being sicced on by so many fans.

Again I have nothing against you, I just felt compelled to give an answer be that more from passion or something else. I just felt you were a bit adamant in what is correct and what is wrong, and I hope I gave you a well explained reason for my criticism. In the end we are all just a bunch of nobodies behind a computer screen that enjoy porn. Have a good day and thanks for reading! Especially if you are not even apart of this discussion, there really ought to be better things for you to do!


Mar 25, 2019
Well, holiday season is upon us, so I am writing a letter to Santa, and including you all.
Dear Santa,
We are semi organized bunch of pervs, and have been really good all year (wanking vigorously, playing dirty games and so on), we would like to ask for something nice this Yuletide. So in our Xmas stocking we would like our gal Anna, without stockings or any other piece of clothing, doing all that kinky stuff. Come on, Nicky, judging by all those games, you are the biggest perv of us all, do us that little thing, it is just an update of our favorite game. You should try it, bet you would like it.
Sincerely yours, Pervs of the World Unite.
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Engaged Member
Mar 25, 2019
i wanted the first time try to replay option with the IPad thingy but its bugged it seems. i always get jeremy bdsm scene without pics after entering the room and then after patricks son it blacks out and i can't do anything
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Engaged Member
Mar 28, 2019
i wanted the first time try to replay option with the IPad thingy but its bugged it seems. i always get jeremy bdsm scene without pics after entering the room and then after patricks son it blacks out and i can't do anything
Let Deep know. ;-)


Engaged Member
Mar 28, 2019
i wanted the first time try to replay option with the IPad thingy but its bugged it seems. i always get jeremy bdsm scene without pics after entering the room and then after patricks son it blacks out and i can't do anything
Maybe DeepSleep favorite scene? :unsure::ROFLMAO::love: hihi


Active Member
Jun 20, 2018
28-2 spa 8.jpg

Weekly update

Hello, dear Patrons!

A quick update on the progress of the next release.
I have not much stuff to add at the moment. Most of the scenes are done and rendered so that's good and everything goes according to the plan. So far everything runs smooth and I'm happy about it.
Here you can see a spa scene again. By the looks of it, there should be a naughty outcome. It is so, but it all will depend on your choices both in this scene and in a previous job scene at the hotel. I think that it will make it a bit more interesting.

At the moment a planned scene list is following.
Added scene with Alfred's friends, Emily (and his brother), Spa, Bar, Industrial district (new character), John and Adult shop.

I think that the next update is going to be hot. A lot of action and naughty stuff for you to enjoy.
Thank you again for your amazing support!



Engaged Member
Mar 28, 2019
View attachment 481700

Weekly update

Hello, dear Patrons!

A quick update on the progress of the next release.
I have not much stuff to add at the moment. Most of the scenes are done and rendered so that's good and everything goes according to the plan. So far everything runs smooth and I'm happy about it.
Here you can see a spa scene again. By the looks of it, there should be a naughty outcome. It is so, but it all will depend on your choices both in this scene and in a previous job scene at the hotel. I think that it will make it a bit more interesting.

At the moment a planned scene list is following.
Added scene with Alfred's friends, Emily (and his brother), Spa, Bar, Industrial district (new character), John and Adult shop.

I think that the next update is going to be hot. A lot of action and naughty stuff for you to enjoy.
Thank you again for your amazing support!

Thank's for sharing brotha :-D
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