Thanks mate I appreciate that. Its all good, I don't think he is a bad guy, I think we will have more creative differences with this next update

. I have more questions than answer out of him. He got plenty out of me the turd. I don't know much extra. I do know Jason is definitely a piece of shit and a dumb ass moron. Friday night that I really enjoyed is not what it seemed and that really disappoints me. Tori is a conniving piece of shit, but she may or may not have a reasonable motive. The phone call has nothing to do with the secret. I still want answers to it because that pissed me off and I want answers
I definitely know as of now Steph and Tori are working together to manipulate the MC
I know Jason is just a moron they tried to use but he fucked it up in the office with the MC, he messed up the proposal he was suppose to make.
I know all three are lying pieces of shit.
Tori/Jason annoy me and I can skip them one way or another so no big deal.
Steph, I'm waiting for this great reveal and see how that goes. Steph is the problem as she IS the story.
I know her problem is a mental health problem
I know she went to Tori instead of her husband.
I know you won't get a choice to dump her lying deceiving ass which I find ridiculous and if there are no consequences for what she has done, that is going to undermine the whole story. It will be meaningless without some sort of redemption or fall from grace.
Normally in a VN you get a choice to dump her ass and choose another woman but I know you aren't going to get that option.
Anyway guys, I recommend waiting for the next update and seeing how fucked up Steph is and if the story is really fucked up or if the story will be redeemed.