3.90 star(s) 31 Votes

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
Just let the dev finish their game, there are gonna be different routes. Some of you NTR haters are so insecure that any hint of it and you shit the bed screaming about it. So sad to see many devs leave their original vision due the behavior of entitled self-serving whining brats.
Literally the thread has pages of people just complaining over and over about the same thing and saying how the dev is shit for including content not suited of their tastes.
LMAO oh dear. Thanks for the laugh.

How about you have a look in the mirror. Nearly every post you have made is you complaining about people complaining about NTR in a game that has no NTR and a game the dev has said numerous times will never have ntr and was never apart of the devs original vision of the game. Just because a tag popped up one day on a pirate porn site, will not make it so.

You could actually contribute to the discussion like a civil adult. You want to change peoples mind, make a fucking effort instead of sulking about it. All you are doing now is making yourself look stupid. Is that what you want?


Active Member
Dec 11, 2021
LMAO oh dear. Thanks for the laugh.

How about you have a look in the mirror. Nearly every post you have made is you complaining about people complaining about NTR in a game that has no NTR and a game the dev has said numerous times will never have ntr and was never apart of the devs original vision of the game. Just because a tag popped up one day on a pirate porn site, will not make it so.

You could actually contribute to the discussion like a civil adult. You want to change peoples mind, make a fucking effort instead of sulking about it. All you are doing now is making yourself look stupid. Is that what you want?
Have you not looked at your own posts and actions? Going as far as contacting the dev to express your dissent towards it? All because they didn't "warn" about certain tags/content. As if games in development don't/can't even change halfway thru. How about just letting the dev do want they want? But no, all you are doing now is making yourself look entitled.

Steve Carter

Apr 28, 2017
can you rephrase that in a more civil way? i'm proud that this thread has gone on for pages upon pages of discussion without devolving into nastiness.
Also Pr0GamerJohnny

This is such a lazy platitude
Don't you get it though?
"Can you please rephrase that more civilly? Oh, and by the way, if you disagree with me it's because you're lazy and don't understand because you can't possibly wrap your head around my profound genius."

He's just here trolling, I'd ignore him if I were you.


Active Member
Dec 11, 2021
Also Pr0GamerJohnny

"Can you please rephrase that more civilly? Oh, and by the way if you disagree with me it's because you're lazy and don't understand because you can't possibly wrap your head around my profound genius."

He's just here trolling, I'd just ignore him if I were you.
What else is new? It's hypocrisy at it's finest, on a pirate porn site nonetheless :ROFLMAO:


Forum Fanatic
Sep 7, 2022
Also Pr0GamerJohnny

"Can you please rephrase that more civilly? Oh, and by the way, if you disagree with me it's because you're lazy and don't understand because you can't possibly wrap your head around my profound genius."

He's just here trolling, I'd just ignore him if I were you.
I agree, "lazy platitude" wasn't civil, I changed it. I didn't mean "dont you get it" in a condesecending way, unfortunately tonality doesnt always carry through text, I meant it more for emphasis at the contrast between Steph's two different interpretations.

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
Have you not looked at your own posts and actions? Going as far as contacting the dev to express your dissent towards it? All because they didn't "warn" about certain tags/content. As if games in development don't/can't even change halfway thru. How about just letting the dev do want they want? But no, all you are doing now is making yourself look entitled.
The option to engage with him is there why wouldn't I talk advantage of that option? The dev actually invites feedback and plenty of others have engaged in dialogue with him, not just me. I didn't call him names and whine like a baby, I gave him reasons and explanations and when he asked for them I gave him text references as to why I was unhappy with different things and I also passed on to him things I liked about the game as well. He wants CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. What he does with that is entirely up to him. I don't expect him to change anything, even though he has changed a couple of things. There is a difference between invited communication and making posts insulting people. I don't just start attacking him and calling him names its absurd.

The last thing I will say and to keep in mind is, the dev monitors this page. So there is incentive for people to have their say and explain why they have a problem with something in the game or why they like something in the game. So people aren't going to be silent to make you happy when they have a chance to influence the dev. If everyone is saying the same thing then the chances are the devs are going to take note and some times they have. The dev has indicated, he has concepts set in stone like the MCs unconditional love of Steph, but the script is not set in stone which is why he is constantly changing the game, its fluid and people have a chance to influence it. He wants feedback. Why wouldn't people take advantage of that?


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2021
In theory, we don't understand what the game is, it started with an idea, but it gradually revolutionized that idea
I think that is an accurate way to look at it. It wasn't a diversion or a trick to get people to believe it was one thing and swap it for another thing. It is a new thing. Some will like it, others will not. Me? I am torn between both worlds.


Oct 14, 2020
I think that is an accurate way to look at it. It wasn't a diversion or a trick to get people to believe it was one thing and swap it for another thing. It is a new thing. Some will like it, others will not. Me? I am torn between both worlds.
Now it looks like a scam. The author may, for some reason, change the concept of the game, I don’t argue. I am not a principled opponent of ntr. But then the author must go one of two ways:
1. Must openly announce it, talk about the new concept. Players should be able to evaluate the changes. How, not by night, the mentioned ntr, the author wants to add such a route, let him do it, but he will say it honestly. Now the game is imbued with the spirit of ntr, the game has many components that are defined as ntr. It's like wet clothes - water doesn't flow from them, but they are wet. And, oddly enough, MC is tightly tied to Steph, one of them. This causes negative emotions. If the author had announced this openly, made it a separate route, there wouldn’t have been such negativity.
2. I like this option better. Deliver the game as promised, introducing new ideas with additional content, giving players who don't like the changes a way to bypass them. But announce the changes openly.
Now this is all done in secret, nothing is explained, so the players feel deceived. It's my opinion.

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
In theory, we don't understand what the game is, it started with an idea, but it gradually revolutionized that idea
I missed your post until Nurikabe replied. Its an accurate theory.

I think that is an accurate way to look at it. It wasn't a diversion or a trick to get people to believe it was one thing and swap it for another thing. It is a new thing. Some will like it, others will not. Me? I am torn between both worlds.
I am out of reactions as usual ugh.
It seems there is still much the dev hasn't decided on. There is much more change to come. We have parameters from the dev, but still a lot of unknowns. Limbo is an apt description as well.
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Forum Fanatic
Nov 1, 2017
I've only done two playthroughs on the most current version. One low confidence and one high confidence, although I did explore different branches in each. It does kind of make me wish that I did play the earlier versions so I could evaluate the changes that were made. As we are working on our own VN we are always looking for the elements that don't work as much as the ones that do. It would be an interesting case study. Writing is rewriting and both are hard work. Anybody who tells you anything different than that is probably trying to sell you something. So I can't really speak to whether the changes are for the better or worse but it is doubtful that they are without purpose. The only caution I would give to the author of the VN is that it is a mistake to react only to the squeakiest wheels. In all likelihood, those are the folks that will never like your game no matter what you do.

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
I've only done two playthroughs on the most current version. One low confidence and one high confidence, although I did explore different branches in each. It does kind of make me wish that I did play the earlier versions so I could evaluate the changes that were made. As we are working on our own VN we are always looking for the elements that don't work as much as the ones that do. It would be an interesting case study. Writing is rewriting and both are hard work. Anybody who tells you anything different than that is probably trying to sell you something. So I can't really speak to whether the changes are for the better or worse but it is doubtful that they are without purpose. The only caution I would give to the author of the VN is that it is a mistake to react only to the squeakiest wheels. In all likelihood, those are the folks that will never like your game no matter what you do.
Sage advice.
I find writing a lot of fun, its the rewriting I find hard work.

Most of the regular posters here loved the game. We loved it so much we bought the game and had some awesome conversations about it and had a lot of fun with it. Then 1.06 was released and that soured the game for most of us for several reasons, for example, the game wasn't going to be a swinger game as we expected and was advertised. 1.07 is heading back in the right direction and we are hoping the next update that brings the big reveal will put to bed a lot of doubts and answer some important questions about the direction of the game. To complicate that, the dev has opened up a Pandora's box of reveals that has added fuel to the fire , for example, Tori and Steph have been involved in some sort of deception dating back to the Christmas party, which brings the validity of our beloved Friday night in to question. Suddenly, the main reason we loved the game could be a lie, that pissed many of us off. I hope that brief summary helps you understand a bit better.

Surprise & Delight

Active Member
Game Developer
May 28, 2020
I am definitely in the camp of "let the dev create the game according to his vision."

Here's what the game shows so far, at least on some paths (haven't played new version on all paths yet):

[Steph and Tori meet at the office party. Tori tells Steph about the swinging lifestyle and she is intrigued. Tori also tells Steph about Jason's sexual prowess and she is intrigued by it as well. The three of them plan to let MC decide.] Jason offers to let MC fuck Tori and the mere thought of it is enough for MC to push Steph into fucking other guys. After all, in his mind, he doesn't have to feel guilty for cheating if she fucks someone else too.

[The part in the brackets above is speculation, and may only be true on the lower confidence paths.]

The MC is not the "good guy" in this story, all paths. He may ultimately be a bit of a fool and he is definitely a bit of a tool, but he is not a good guy. The whole point of the game is that he thinks he can manipulate his wife into letting him fuck a woman he finds hot. In fact, he wants to cheat on his wife so bad that he is willing to let her fuck other guys, just so he doesn't have to feel guilty. This is not "swinging"; it is attempted manipulation.

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
I am definitely in the camp of "let the dev create the game according to his vision."

Here's what the game shows so far, at least on some paths (haven't played new version on all paths yet):

[Steph and Tori meet at the office party. Tori tells Steph about the swinging lifestyle and she is intrigued. Tori also tells Steph about Jason's sexual prowess and she is intrigued by it as well. The three of them plan to let MC decide.] Jason offers to let MC fuck Tori and the mere thought of it is enough for MC to push Steph into fucking other guys. After all, in his mind, he doesn't have to feel guilty for cheating if she fucks someone else too.

[The part in the brackets above is speculation, and may only be true on the lower confidence paths.]

The MC is not the "good guy" in this story, all paths. He may ultimately be a bit of a fool and he is definitely a bit of a tool, but he is not a good guy. The whole point of the game is that he thinks he can manipulate his wife into letting him fuck a woman he finds hot. In fact, he wants to cheat on his wife so bad that he is willing to let her fuck other guys, just so he doesn't have to feel guilty. This is not "swinging"; it is attempted manipulation.
That is a pretty depressing but accurate view of the low confidence path.
And the reward for the MC is even even more pathetic. He turns his demented wife in to a whore and does all this to probably be the 1000th guy to fuck a broken degenerate woman well past her prime and even more messed up in the head then his wife is all because he thinks she is hot. I think I just depressed myself :LOL:

I haven't seen your game before. I'll check it out when I get a chance.


Oct 14, 2020
I am definitely in the camp of "let the dev create the game according to his vision."

Here's what the game shows so far, at least on some paths (haven't played new version on all paths yet):

[Steph and Tori meet at the office party. Tori tells Steph about the swinging lifestyle and she is intrigued. Tori also tells Steph about Jason's sexual prowess and she is intrigued by it as well. The three of them plan to let MC decide.] Jason offers to let MC fuck Tori and the mere thought of it is enough for MC to push Steph into fucking other guys. After all, in his mind, he doesn't have to feel guilty for cheating if she fucks someone else too.

[The part in the brackets above is speculation, and may only be true on the lower confidence paths.]

The MC is not the "good guy" in this story, all paths. He may ultimately be a bit of a fool and he is definitely a bit of a tool, but he is not a good guy. The whole point of the game is that he thinks he can manipulate his wife into letting him fuck a woman he finds hot. In fact, he wants to cheat on his wife so bad that he is willing to let her fuck other guys, just so he doesn't have to feel guilty. This is not "swinging"; it is attempted manipulation.
I see the situation from the other side. I’ll try to explain my position; it’s easier to think than to put into words.
MC victim. The author constantly says that the level of confidence only affects the attitude of other characters towards the MC. The level of confidence does not affect the characters' personalities, their goals, or the direction of the main plot of the game. On all routes of MC's confidence, he is surrounded by the same people. They don't change. The masks they wear change, the tone of the conversation with the MC changes, but these are the same people, the same goals. Therefore, if in the LC route Steph directly tells the MC “I want to become a whore,” in the HC route her goal is the same, but she does not say it openly. If on the LC route Tori tells the MC “there will be a line at your house, but you won’t be there,” on the HC route her goal is the same. Only the words in which these goals are wrapped change. A frank conversation with a weak, insecure MS, a conversation in which the MS is humiliated. With a confident MC, the conversation is structured in such a way as to hide the true goal, but keep the MC on the hook. It was Steph/Jason/Tori who planned and created the whole situation, they are the ones who are manipulating the MC. The MC, to put it mildly, is not a genius, and that’s exactly what Steph/Jason/Tori took advantage of. That's why I consider MC a victim and Steph/Jason/Tori his enemies.
Something like this.

Ilcoriglianese forte

Active Member
Sep 7, 2023
I am definitely in the camp of "let the dev create the game according to his vision."

Here's what the game shows so far, at least on some paths (haven't played new version on all paths yet):

[Steph and Tori meet at the office party. Tori tells Steph about the swinging lifestyle and she is intrigued. Tori also tells Steph about Jason's sexual prowess and she is intrigued by it as well. The three of them plan to let MC decide.] Jason offers to let MC fuck Tori and the mere thought of it is enough for MC to push Steph into fucking other guys. After all, in his mind, he doesn't have to feel guilty for cheating if she fucks someone else too.

[The part in the brackets above is speculation, and may only be true on the lower confidence paths.]

The MC is not the "good guy" in this story, all paths. He may ultimately be a bit of a fool and he is definitely a bit of a tool, but he is not a good guy. The whole point of the game is that he thinks he can manipulate his wife into letting him fuck a woman he finds hot. In fact, he wants to cheat on his wife so bad that he is willing to let her fuck other guys, just so he doesn't have to feel guilty. This is not "swinging"; it is attempted manipulation.

I don't see it that way, with all due respect, MC is totally stupid, first of all he doesn't need to have to tell his wife, the first clue that he is stupid is that he doesn't tell Jason what it meant that he had to bring Sthep to meet too, first Bip, if you want to have a threesome with my wife which means to me that you must invariably have the other wife too, then find the lunch receipt and it's nothing, then at the bar, as MC himself confirms, it was Sthep who chose that place and in the evening, and then not noticing that Domy and Sthep glance at each other even before, Mc has no obligation to take the girl home, but there are cases of trust where when he goes home he finds Sthep fucking, a smarter MC he would have started screaming and chasing away both Dommy and his wife, what does he do, he turns around, I could continue, and then end up at the conversation with Tori where she tells him that he is just a side effect, because they were looking for Sthep, who coincidentally, Jason fucks himself while he's on top, basically how can't you call a man stupid and incompetent if he gets fooled by Tori's smoke, they throw bait at him and he falls in with all his pants on, one of the most idiotic MCs in history, but I must say that he is in excellent company, if MCs like him didn't exist, games about cuckolds, sharing, etc. wouldn't exist.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 7, 2022
I am definitely in the camp of "let the dev create the game according to his vision."

Here's what the game shows so far, at least on some paths (haven't played new version on all paths yet):

[Steph and Tori meet at the office party. Tori tells Steph about the swinging lifestyle and she is intrigued. Tori also tells Steph about Jason's sexual prowess and she is intrigued by it as well. The three of them plan to let MC decide.] Jason offers to let MC fuck Tori and the mere thought of it is enough for MC to push Steph into fucking other guys. After all, in his mind, he doesn't have to feel guilty for cheating if she fucks someone else too.

[The part in the brackets above is speculation, and may only be true on the lower confidence paths.]

The MC is not the "good guy" in this story, all paths. He may ultimately be a bit of a fool and he is definitely a bit of a tool, but he is not a good guy. The whole point of the game is that he thinks he can manipulate his wife into letting him fuck a woman he finds hot. In fact, he wants to cheat on his wife so bad that he is willing to let her fuck other guys, just so he doesn't have to feel guilty. This is not "swinging"; it is attempted manipulation.
I feel similar towards this as the way I felt towards steve carters posts a few pages back.

You're not wrong, but that's only looking at 50% of it and applying a double standard.

Sure, MC could be seen as a manipulator, trying to get Steph to come along so he can fuck Tori. But then, Steph is also a manipulator, posturing as this demure wife early on oh-so-offended at the thought of swinging when she's written to crave sex with others. Tori and Jason are both obviously manipulators, no explanation needed at this point.

So everyone in the story tends to be a sad sack who wants to use others. Under this framing, I still give the mc a little more sympathy because while everyone's trying to manipulate everyone else, the writer has decided MC should be the one with the least power to actually do that.

hence why I sound like a broken record describing this as a fundamentally ntr plotline; the other characters aren't bound by rules or misfortunte, only MC shoulders that burden.


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
Joshy you never cease to amaze at the range of women (and some times types) that you lust after. :D
You do you mate. If you enjoy Steph don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I do have a diverse range lol
And yeah, I have been lusting after Steph for a while now
I still want to take her on some romantic dates
I would be the best husband ever

Some of the things she does drives me insane
But I do think she is a good kindhearted woman underneath
Hopefully by the end of the game she can show us her full potential
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Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
I do have a diverse range lol
And yeah, I have been lusting after Steph for a while now
I still want to take her on some romantic dates
I would be the best husband ever

Some of the things she does drives me insane
But I do think she is a good kindhearted woman underneath
Hopefully by the end of the game she can show us her full potential
I think she is a manipulative selfish Bitch, but I don't have to date her you do :ROFLMAO:
You never know, even I might grow to like her. Your optimism inspires me my friend.
3.90 star(s) 31 Votes