3.90 star(s) 31 Votes


Oct 14, 2020
Forgive me if you weren't referring to me. I've been lurking since 1.4 or 1.5 (I think) and also bought it on Steam. Honestly, maybe because I do like both swinging and NTR games that I am not as hung up on the same subtle changes that some of you are. I don't see any major difference in the story between versions. Of course it didn't progress as far in earlier versions, but the direction seemed obvious to me. Maybe I was reading something into it that you weren't, or vice versa. I don't really think of this as a strictly NTR game. To me, it is a swinging/open relationship game at one end and a cuck game on the other, depending on how you play it. Maybe we disagree on this point, but that's ok.

The current version has: (1) threesome w/ Donny that MC instigates (Fri night) or Steph instigates (Sat aft) or 4some w/ Donny & Gina that MC instigates (Fri night), (2) MC x Amber at club, (3) threesome w/ Gina that Steph instigates but is focused entirely on pleasing MC or foursome w/ Paul & Gina that MC instigates, and (4) scene w/ Steph and Jason if MC gives permission or w/ Steph and MC if he doesn't. There are also several minor scenes w/ Steph and MC by themselves. None of the scenes are NTR scenes, except the extremely low confidence path where you refuse to go home when your wife and Donny leave. If anything, the MC gets more action than Steph does, and that's not even counting Tori. And remember, the scenes with Donny and Paul were both started by the MC because he wants to fuck Tori. The original threesome that everyone is/was so mad hasn't happened yet or now for some reason don't want to happen at all anymore?

The game only becomes an NTR game if you don't know what NTR is. NTR is not the same as cucking and Steph doesn't cheat. She doesn't have a single encounter w/o permission. Someone mentioned that you either have to go down the path of giving permission or it's game over. I agree, that is true. So why not take that as a sign that the game isn't made for everyone? Some people will like it and others won't. Maybe some people thought the game was something different or was going to be something different. Maybe the game actually was something different at first and changed. That happens sometimes in creative work. What we have in front of us is what the game is now. I guess I don't understand why something one jerks off to, hypothetically, is causing such dismay. The whole Internet is at your disposal! You can literally find a bunch of colored pencil drawings of all the different characters in Harry Potter fucking each other.

My only real objection is not with the differing opinions on the game. It's the vitriolic, misogynistic, and frankly disgusting language that is being used by some (not pointing fingers at anyone specific) to describe Steph and Tori, but not the MC or Jason. There's just no justification for it. Anyone who hates the game/plot/characters so much that they have to be so vile, should just stop playing. It doesn't matter if that person think they were promised one game and got another. The game is what the game is and it's just a game. If a fucking adult game is causing someone that much of a problem, they really need to go do something else.
Your message means the following: “The author deceived the audience and started making another game.” The author did not announce a change in the concept of the game and continues to claim that everything corresponds to what he promised. The players' complaints are not about the events of the game, the complaints are about the inconsistency of the events, the promises of the author. The current game does not live up to its promise. It's not the players' fault. We were promised adventure, adventure is fun. Only with the wrong choice could trouble happen. There are no adventures. The whole game is bad choices. But is it the players' fault?
Steph invites Gina not for the MC's pleasure. Return to the MC/Steph dialogue before your sister's visit.

s "My know-it-all sister will be sitting there with a woman who sucked your cock last night while I watched."
s "If she knew, she'd fucking die!"
scene ikitch11a with dissolve
s "My know-it-all sister will be sitting there with a woman you hit on last night while I watched."
s "If she knew, she'd flip."

Further in the dialogue there are similar expressions. Steph invited Gina for one sole purpose: to stroke her ego, to have the opportunity to humiliate and insult her sister. To satisfy her petty revenge, she uses Gina and MC as consumables, they mean nothing to her. This scene shows Steph's true colors very well.
As I understand the current version of the game.

Surprise & Delight

Active Member
Game Developer
May 28, 2020
Indeed that's just it though! If I could find a lot of other games that were chock full of scenes like the first night foursome or the second night Paul foursome, I'd be playing them instead of posting here! The reason I spend a lot of time on threads like this is because we DONT have a lot of games like this, with what, Exciting Games, Perfect Marriage, Life worth Living...... that's about it. If you want swinging/sharing games and don't want grody old men or overdrawn black guys one's options here are extremely limited.
True, those are three of my favorites as well, though I wish EG would stay away from the "18 year old" boys that look 12. ALWL and PM are both a bit of a slooooow burn so far, but the storytelling is so well done it is forgiveable (perhaps necessary?).


Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2021
Yeah maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I swear the game started with just swinging tag, then somewhere along lines netorare tag was added...
IDK, you might be right, sometimes the tags are added later too.
Anyone can petition for a tag to be added/removed. Unless he comes clean, nobody will know who requested that tag to be added. As it stands in the current game, there is no NTR according to F95's definition.

Surprise & Delight

Active Member
Game Developer
May 28, 2020
Your message means the following: “The author deceived the audience and started making another game.” The author did not announce a change in the concept of the game and continues to claim that everything corresponds to what he promised. The players' complaints are not about the events of the game, the complaints are about the inconsistency of the events, the promises of the author. The current game does not live up to its promise. It's not the players' fault. We were promised adventure, adventure is fun. Only with the wrong choice could trouble happen. There are no adventures. The whole game is bad choices. But is it the players' fault?
Nope, that's not what my message means. As you don't seem to have the "Game Developer" tag, I'll assume you are not. Creative works, like this and other games, sometimes evolve as they are being created. The creator goes where the inspiration takes them. That's not deception, it's just how creation works. Also, you seem to have completely ignored the entirety of my message.

Steph invites Gina not for the MC's pleasure. Return to the MC/Steph dialogue before your sister's visit.

s "My know-it-all sister will be sitting there with a woman who sucked your cock last night while I watched."
s "If she knew, she'd fucking die!"
scene ikitch11a with dissolve
s "My know-it-all sister will be sitting there with a woman you hit on last night while I watched."
s "If she knew, she'd flip."

Further in the dialogue there are similar expressions. Steph invited Gina for one sole purpose: to stroke her ego, to have the opportunity to humiliate and insult her sister. To satisfy her petty revenge, she uses Gina and MC as consumables, they mean nothing to her. This scene shows Steph's true colors very well.
As I understand the current version of the game.
Gina literally sucks the MC's dick before dinner, then makes out w/ him at the club, and then MC fucks both Gina and Steph after they get home and do a lingerie show for him (unless the MC invites Paul back, in which case, he only fucks Gina). But your interpretation is that despite all of the sexual content between Gina and the MC----and Steph herself says she is not into girls and doesn't behave otherwise----is that Gina is not there for the MC's pleasure? :rolleyes:

Also, what "petty revenge"? How is Suzy humiliated or insulted? Steph is amused at the idea that they have a secret. That's all. Revenge would require doing something that has literally any negative effect on Suzy. Your entire take on this entire dynamic is just bizarre and makes your irrational contempt for Steph just glaringly obvious.


Sep 28, 2021
The reason I spend a lot of time on threads like this is because we DONT have a lot of games like this, with what, Exciting Games, Perfect Marriage, Life worth Living...... that's about it. If you want swinging/sharing games and don't want grody old men or overdrawn black guys one's options here are extremely limited.
Pardon me, but I don't remember A Perfect Marriage being a swinging/sharing game. Hence it doesn't have the tag and lost the vote for the wife's path. But if you mean A Happy Marriage, yes, it is one of the swinging game, tho it has the black guy's trope.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 7, 2022
Pardon me, but I don't remember A Perfect Marriage being a swinging/sharing game. Hence it doesn't have the tag and lost the vote for the wife's path. But if you mean A Happy Marriage, yes, it is one of the swinging game, tho it has the black guy's trope.
You're right I mispoke - I meant A Happy Marriage. I didn't have as much of a problem with the black guy character in that because at least he breaks from a few of the stereotypes (is a programmer, owns IT company)

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
The game only becomes an NTR game if you don't know what NTR is.

My only real objection is not with the differing opinions on the game. It's the vitriolic, misogynistic, and frankly disgusting language that is being used by some (not pointing fingers at anyone specific) to describe Steph and Tori, but not the MC or Jason. There's just no justification for it. Anyone who hates the game/plot/characters so much that they have to be so vile, should just stop playing. It doesn't matter if that person think they were promised one game and got another. The game is what the game is and it's just a game. If a fucking adult game is causing someone that much of a problem, they really need to go do something else.
I enjoy some NTR scenarios. I don't hate it, but I have been accused of being anti-NTR and attacked because I point out the game isn't NTR. I agree its ridiculous.

Objection noted but I respectfully disagree. I find it interesting you are outraged about comments about women yet ignore and/or fail to see the disgusting and vitriolic comments aimed at the MC, as a cuckold. I have seen the MC being called all sorts of vile names and condemnation poured on him. There has been plenty of it of late. Its being just as disgusting as anything else said on this page. I notice it as I know how cuckolds are misunderstood, reviled and stereotyped and it makes me sick.

Jason was particularly lambasted on this page as much as Tori if not more so for betraying his friend, especially by me. The only reason that stopped was because the dev said Jason isn't part of the conspiracy and yet the dev wanted us to think he was. I don't understand that one. Steph and Tori remain the bad guys, so there will be aggro aimed at them and rightly so.

Your objection did cause me to reflect upon my own comments and I am possibly over the top in my attitude towards Tori. Its hard to say as I don't know the extent of her actions yet. I do know, the threesome proposal was design to get the MC to agree to Tori's plans for Steph. Tori's conversation with the MC is solely for Tori to see how ready the MC is for Tori and Steph to go to the next level (compliments of the dev). That level of deception and manipulation alone warrants condemnation as far as I'm concerned whether a man or a woman.

Re Steph, All I will say is, have ever been married to a woman like Steph?

Many VNs are just games, some are serious efforts to create a story like this game. The thing about VNs like this, they are stories about the human condition and some times those stories have an element of truth that transcends beyond just a game and can effect people in many ways. Lets not belittle storytelling to just a game, just a book, just a movie when it can mean so much more to people in ways others can not understand.

Big Rooster

Forum Fanatic
Mar 16, 2018
It was added some times after 1.06 is all I can tell you. Tags aren't always accurate on this forum.
That would explain a recent influx of interest.
the NTR tag usage is kind of ambiguous because it covers at least three types of infidelity.

'netorare', basically means cuckoldry; where a character's love interest (or important person) is 'stolen' by another person.
'netori', where the main character is 'stealing' another person's love interest.
'netorase', which is basically swinging (sharing partners).

Yea I know, it's already been beaten like a dead horse!

Big Rooster

Forum Fanatic
Mar 16, 2018
I enjoy some NTR scenarios. I don't hate it, but I have been accused of being anti-NTR and attacked because I point out the game isn't NTR. I agree its ridiculous.
haters gonna hate
It was added some times after 1.06 is all I can tell you. Tags aren't always accurate on this forum.
That would explain a recent influx of interest.
the NTR tag usage is kind of ambiguous because it covers at least three types of infidelity.

'netorare', basically means cuckoldry; where a character's love interest (or important person) is 'stolen' by another person.
'netori', where the main character is 'stealing' another person's love interest.
'netorase', which is basically swinging (sharing partners).

Yea I know, it's already been beaten like a dead horse!

Many VNs are just games, some are serious efforts to create a story like this game. The thing about VNs like this, they are stories about the human condition and some times those stories have an element of truth that transcends beyond just a game and can effect people in many ways. Lets not belittle storytelling to just a game, just a book, just a movie when it can mean so much more to people in ways others can not understand.
Making a game is like writing a small novel, writing the code for the 60's era Apollo computer and then making the animations for a cartoon. They all take a lot of time, prone to mistakes and system crashes. So anyway...

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
Making a game is like writing a small novel, writing the code for the 60's era Apollo computer and then making the animations for a cartoon. They all take a lot of time, prone to mistakes and system crashes. So anyway...
Ahem, some of the best things are made in the 60s thank you. Sexy love gurus like me for example :LOL:
I'm definitely broken down though so maybe not lol


Active Member
Dec 11, 2021
I enjoy some NTR scenarios. I don't hate it, but I have been accused of being anti-NTR and attacked because I point out the game isn't NTR. I agree its ridiculous.

Objection noted but I respectfully disagree. I find it interesting you are outraged about comments about women yet ignore and/or fail to see the disgusting and vitriolic comments aimed at the MC, as a cuckold. I have seen the MC being called all sorts of vile names and condemnation poured on him. There has been plenty of it of late. Its being just as disgusting as anything else said on this page. I notice it as I know how cuckolds are misunderstood, reviled and stereotyped and it makes me sick.

Jason was particularly lambasted on this page as much as Tori if not more so for betraying his friend, especially by me. The only reason that stopped was because the dev said Jason isn't part of the conspiracy and yet the dev wanted us to think he was. I don't understand that one. Steph and Tori remain the bad guys, so there will be aggro aimed at them and rightly so.

Your objection did cause me to reflect upon my own comments and I am possibly over the top in my attitude towards Tori. Its hard to say as I don't know the extent of her actions yet. I do know, the threesome proposal was design to get the MC to agree to Tori's plans for Steph. Tori's conversation with the MC is solely for Tori to see how ready the MC is for Tori and Steph to go to the next level (compliments of the dev). That level of deception and manipulation alone warrants condemnation as far as I'm concerned whether a man or a woman.

Re Steph, All I will say is, have ever been married to a woman like Steph?

Many VNs are just games, some are serious efforts to create a story like this game. The thing about VNs like this, they are stories about the human condition and some times those stories have an element of truth that transcends beyond just a game and can effect people in many ways. Lets not belittle storytelling to just a game, just a book, just a movie when it can mean so much more to people in ways others can not understand.
You doing too much bro, it just a game, a porn game at that. I get what you trying to say but this ain't it. And who cares if they are the bad guys? like wtf okay so? Maybe some people like them being bad guys? You type as if these were real people, I think somebody spent a little too much time on F95zone.
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Conversation Conqueror
Jun 11, 2020
True, those are three of my favorites as well, though I wish EG would stay away from the "18 year old" boys that look 12. ALWL and PM are both a bit of a slooooow burn so far, but the storytelling is so well done it is forgiveable (perhaps necessary?).
WRONG, “A life worth living” is not slowburn. There is swinging scenes and cheating in every update bro, maybe go back and play it again skippy, “perfect marriage” is definately slowburn to the point that the dev refuses to even show the wife nude in the game, (said he’s waiting for her first extra marital affair to show it) that’s the most fucked up thing a dev has ever told me.

Surprise & Delight

Active Member
Game Developer
May 28, 2020
WRONG, “A life worth living” is not slowburn. There is swinging scenes and cheating in every update bro, maybe go back and play it again skippy, “perfect marriage” is definately slowburn to the point that the dev refuses to even show the wife nude in the game, (said he’s waiting for her first extra marital affair to show it) that’s the most fucked up thing a dev has ever told me.
Cool bro, you're right about ALWL. Guess I'm WRONGGGG!!!

Surprise & Delight

Active Member
Game Developer
May 28, 2020
Re Steph, All I will say is, have ever been married to a woman like Steph?
No, all of my wives were real people, not video game characters. J/K

All seriousness aside, I think we can agree to respectfully disagree about the game/characters in general. I would also like to applaud the entire thread for (almost 100%) having a conversation about NTR (not really) that stayed generally respectful. On F95. Gonna go to church and beg for forgiveness now as I am sure this is a sign of the pending apocalypse. ;)

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
Cool bro, you're right about ALWL. Guess I'm WRONGGGG!!!
lol I have to concur with Rat. ALWL started out slow, but plenty of action in the updates these days.

No, all of my wives were real people, not video game characters. J/K

All seriousness aside, I think we can agree to respectfully disagree about the game/characters in general. I would also like to applaud the entire thread for (almost 100%) having a conversation about NTR (not really) that stayed generally respectful. On F95. Gonna go to church and beg for forgiveness now as I am sure this is a sign of the pending apocalypse. ;)
I wish my ex-wife wasn't fucking real! :LOL:

I'm happy to agree to disagree. Generally the guys here are a good bunch who all started out enjoying this game. We are a bit disillusioned but I am hopeful better days are ahead with the game and this page. I'd love to return to the pre-1.06 days. We had a lot of fun and a return to optimism and fun would be awesome. Cheers


Feb 4, 2023
Does anybody knows when will we have a big uptade? i mean, new content and new days from the stoy? Not just "added scenes" or "fixed bugs" updates

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
Update: The game will now start (after the next update to the game) with a two item menu to enter your own name details or use the defaults, and it shows the default values so you know. One click - quick and easy. This was a fan request the devs catered too. Not a big deal as far as the game goes but its nice addition. Thanks devs.
3.90 star(s) 31 Votes