3.90 star(s) 31 Votes

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
I do think it's a little off putting how hard she pushes for the lifestyle on some of the low-C/low-D routes, but it's not like she stops touching her husband (usually a feature of this sub-slut wife trope).
PS I forgot to ask. If you managed to get the early Friday night scene where Steph gives hubby a BJ and then goes off to play with herself dreaming of multiple men, was that in anticipation of the plan with Tori, or was it just coincidence?
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Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
Guys I know Steph can be a little frustrating at times
But I think I can help her overcome her craziness

Maybe it would strengthen our relationship
If I told Jason to get Steph pregnant?
Starting a family might put things into perspective for her


Oct 14, 2020
I do think it's a little off putting how hard she pushes for the lifestyle on some of the low-C/low-D routes, but it's not like she stops touching her husband (usually a feature of this sub-slut wife trope).
PS I forgot to ask. If you managed to get the early Friday night scene where Steph gives hubby a BJ and then goes off to play with herself dreaming of multiple men, was that in anticipation of the plan with Tori, or was it just coincidence?
As Steph feigned anger and hysterics later, Oscar sobs on the sidelines.
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Ilcoriglianese forte

Active Member
Sep 7, 2023
Damn you have been hanging out with Nurikabe I'm sure of it :LOL:. That is a huge compliment by the way. I pretty much agree with all of your post and I don't think I can add too much. I just want to address one thing and then answer your end questions.

I do think it's a little off putting how hard she pushes for the lifestyle on some of the low-C/low-D routes, but it's not like she stops touching her husband (usually a feature of this sub-slut wife trope). I agree and its this sort of thing that makes it very hard to trust Steph and believe what she has to say. The dev said that as well, I would probably not believe Steph's big secret since it is Steph saying it. I'm prepared to accept it because the dev has said it is the truth and he created the story. We could put Steph's reaction down to NRE (New Relationship Energy for those who don't know) and accept it on that basis, but the switch flips far too quickly even if you do nothing with Donnie until the Saturday, the switch has flipped. Maybe its my distrust of Steph and the devs red herrings and I could be reading too much in to it, but it doesn't sit right with me. I feel there is more too it.

Now to the thought experiment. This is fun BTW. "You find out she lied about being a nymphomaniac but felt terrible about it, she comes clean, and says she just wants you in her life no matter what your future sex life holds." Younger me would have been naïve enough to accept that at face value. Older me would say, that's what every woman who deceives her husband says (especially cheaters), and they nearly always go on to do it again. She may even believe those words, but I just couldn't trust her and no trust rules out any relationship for me.

I don't want to be checking phones and locations and shit, too old for that. Honesty, trust, loyalty, respect and honest communication are vital. I could also be spoilt as I have those in my marriage now. Living an alternative lifestyle doesn't worry me, we've lived one for years, but I won't be disrespected and humiliated and my wife is even more fanatical about it. We are on the same page as her first marriage was very similar to mine. Once you open that door for someone like Steph, you are deluding yourself if you think you can close it and go back to a traditional marriage. That is just asking for heartbreak. So to answer your first question Yes, no and no.

The nymphomania is a massive red flag. To accept that would be to accept she will cheat and do so multiple times. The fact she is willing to deceive me to get what she wants and I let it go, means she will lose respect for me and I would lose respect for myself. The chances would be extremely high she would do it again because it would be easier to do it again the next time he thinks she has a 'good reason' and the next time after that and so on. The big thing with both of those scenarios is there is no trust. I'm not going in to that sort of relationship again. Younger me would have been stupid enough to believe I could change her. Older me is too old for that shit. So to answer your question, both.

I may seem harsh but after the shit I have been through and am still going through (22yrs after the divorce), self-preservation kicks in.

You're great, the problem with most of these games is that they are created by the inexperience of those who create them, many of the Devs think that similar stories always end up breaking up the couple or create real sexual monsters within a day, for many creators all it takes is for a wife or girlfriend to see a bigger dick and they immediately lose their mind and belittle their partner, many are described as Praying Mantis, who eat their partner or Black Widows, in every game you can see a standard of relationships and stories , all Mc cuckolds and passives without character, all the wives who go from goody-goodies to devils in one day, without respecting their partners, are men transformed into women who think with their pussy, just as men think with their cock, right they are games, but no one prevents the story from also showing a bit of seriousness, which has never happened.
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Jan 16, 2017
Though that makes their behavior even stranger, because the speech style of their weekly news sounds very much a patreon dev, trying to assure their fans that they're still working.
the one reason i can really say why they act like that is because on steam there's also a lot of small dev (even some big devs) that's well known to left their game unfinished in the early access category.
and even worse some of them didn't even communicate at all with the players,
so this dev is trying to communicate that so they won't be listed as like the others that just left their game unfinished on steam (basically leaving an impression to new people for their game) especially in the adult section category
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Active Member
Jan 16, 2017
The positives:
- The game won't be updated this week but next week. Its the first time we have had a clear time frame for this update so that's positive.
- The skipping path is going to something "yummy" for Steph and MC? I so wish he wouldn't use that word. Anyway, I'll take that as a positive as well. Benefit of the doubt.

- Once again Steph's 'reveal' is not even mentioned and has been downplayed in recent dev updates after being promoted as the centre piece of the entire story. Why is that? Has that changed?
- The one thing I would be excited about is the return of Gina and sadly I'm not. If they hadn't nerfed Gina and the dev been so hostile towards her, I would think her return as a good thing. Here we have the dev talking about her as if she is a wonderful character when I know he doesn't feel that way. So are they going to trash Gina some more? Unless they have accepted the fact people prefer Gina to the two main toxic women? So Gina's return could go either way. If Gina is visiting MC then what is Steph up too? I have my suspicions.

- Paths tied and untied, "tougher" route, the usual word soup that doesn't mean much to players without more input explaining what that means. Again old saves are useless. Players will have to restart the game again since the mechanics changes go back to the Saturday night and there are more changes to the Tori/Jason scenes.
- A tougher LC route mean the MC has to endure an even more toxic Steph. No thanks.

Asahibito, I hope you are updating that mod, I'm going to need it. :LOL: :coffee:
the positive part of this news for me is still the same aussie,

i still hate Tori because she still gives me bad vibes :LOL:
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Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
the positive part of this news for me is still the same aussie,

i still hate Tori because she still gives me bad vibes :LOL:
LOL unfortunately a very busy Aussie of late. I've been quiet on F95. I know what you mean about Tori, the dev said she is trying to help in her own weird way. I'd feel safer going for a swim in the local croc infested river. I know there are those who like Steph, but I don't remember anyone ever posting they like Tori. The devs sure failed on that one.

What is Jason's deal? Is he really that dumb and just a walking dildo or does he actually have a purpose?


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2022
Game is not bad made but i ll wait with my support on patreon until i know in what periods this dev will throw updates.
Ii alreay support some devs but unfortunatley they nearely all have updates at the same time so i want to fill up the time in between ...:)
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Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
Game is not bad made but i ll wait with my support on patreon until i know in what periods this dev will throw updates.
Ii alreay support some devs but unfortunatley they nearely all have updates at the same time so i want to fill up the time in between ...:)
I did try to support them early on but I couldn't find them on Patreon. So I bought the game on Steam. I'm not sure they have Patreon at the moment. They seem to be relying on Steam sales.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2017
LOL unfortunately a very busy Aussie of late. I've been quiet on F95. I know what you mean about Tori, the dev said she is trying to help in her own weird way. I'd feel safer going for a swim in the local croc infested river. I know there are those who like Steph, but I don't remember anyone ever posting they like Tori. The devs sure failed on that one.

What is Jason's deal? Is he really that dumb and just a walking dildo or does he actually have a purpose?
same aussie, i've been like silent skim reader as of late tbh myself
but speaking of Jason, i think he has something to do with the "trader" variable on the script
we've been focusing on steph,tori etc but that one variable called "trader" still unknown.
not sure where the dev is trying to take that one variable to fit in the story unless the dev going to make Jason "trader" story crosspath with Gina in some point
since Gina did mention about working for a company that we the player was looking into (if my memory was right that was the kitchen talk we have with Gina if we decides to know her better in the option CMIIW)
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Nov 18, 2017
the "trader" variable on the script
Does this have to do with the work investigation Jason and MC may (or may not be) pursuing depending on C choices?

How do you plan to solve the problem of your wife’s high need for sex, without the help of your neighbors?
I've seen a few reactions that highlight just how bad a decision Steph made with her approach in some "MC multiverses." Just the act of lying about it to the MC doomed Steph in some of these relationships, which adds a tragic element to the story because in many of those cases being open with MC about her secret early on would have led both to a much happier future. I don't think she's an out of control nympho based on her past behavior with the MC, but I can understand how this would be a concern. Would you all feel the same way about a lover finding out she had possibly terminal cancer before her wedding and then got married without sharing the info? Does the seriousness of the cancer affect your feelings (1% terminal vs. 99%)? What about hiding a family history of dying early from heart attacks? Those health conditions also present risk of the relationship ending early, and would be similar examples of lying by omission, though not directly related to fidelity and sex. Would they be as offensive to hide?

For players that want to stay with Steph but realize they don't like sharing her given the impulse control issues, I imagine they would revert to the traditional marriage. Given the benefit of author notes, we know Steph is both happy and able to maintain a relationship like this long term. She values the MC more than she does wild uninhibited sex, she's just tempted by Tori at possibly having the best of both worlds. Even if players believe the real world doesn't have trustworthy nymphos, in this fantasy game she's confirmed to be the "one in a trillion." A loyal nympho wife sounds like a hell of a lot of fun to me, suspension of disbelief in an absurd fairytale be damned, as long as we can discuss and correct behaviors that make either party feel uncomfortable.

I believe Steph is opening up in this (irresponsible and dangerous) way to get her secret out to the MC with her own idea of a controlled environment. It's the MC/player's reaction to it that determines how the couple move forward. I definitely agree that "break up" is a valid outcome for many that should be present as an end route. This has certainly opened my eyes to how important trust is when judging motivation, and how little story beats can severely impact trust. It's almost like a Minority Report situation - is it ethical to imprison a criminal if you're 99.99% confident they will commit a violent crime in the future, but they have been good citizens up until that point? To me, Steph is susceptible to temptation but entirely able and willing to control it. I view her as trustworthy, though an assumed sexual condition leaves her especially primed to the temptations MC is pushing her towards as he tries to get Tori. I now view her actions motivated not out of unfaithfulness and disregard for MC, but out of her being afraid to open up to MC (maybe since that first party she met him). She now has a manipulative friend who is "helping" her share this with MC, convincing her it's the right thing to do, and Steph is enticed by uninhibited sex with her husband just like MC is enticed by Tori. There's a lot of context to consider behind everyone's actions in this game, and some important background details we all still don't know. The authors did a good job of muddying the waters but keeping some behaviors consistent throughout to use as anchors.

PS I forgot to ask. If you managed to get the early Friday night scene where Steph gives hubby a BJ and then goes off to play with herself dreaming of multiple men, was that in anticipation of the plan with Tori, or was it just coincidence?
I think Steph's propensity to fantasize with a wild imagination (about a very wide variety of kinks) is likely a direct result of her nymphomania/sexual condition. If I'm thinking of the same fantasy, the MC is still in it (she's fantasizing about sucking his cock while getting fucked, which eventually manifests with Donny and MC later). I remember the scene where she describes being with Jason on the low-c first night as well, with MC present. Steph's fantasies DO include situations with multiple men, and while Tori is the hook for the MC she ultimately wants it to be an "even playing field" when they swing - not just MC going off and fucking other wives. I do understand this desire from Steph, while I don't agree with her approach. I too wouldn't be happy in a relationship where my partner is being shared but I'm always on the sidelines. She is trying to make sure this won't be the case if they move forward.

Guys I know Steph can be a little frustrating at times
But I think I can help her overcome her craziness
With all sincerity Joshy, I think your preferences and personality would jive very well with what I'm assuming is Steph's true nature. She's loyal, but loves to indulge fantasies and kinks that scare most men off (but which you happily dive into like the deep end of the pool in summer)!

more like a rotten ghoul
First I have to say, I dislike and distrust Tori as well. That said, I would never let a rotten ghoul s my d but let's be honest gentlemen... in a closed room with news never getting out so that the rest of us can tease each other... it's gonna happen with Tori. You don't need to trust someone to interact with them comfortably, you just need to understand their behavior patterns. There could be Machiavellian approaches to dealing with Tori successfully. I do have to say I find her attractive and would totally fuck her, just never trust her. If Jason truly is a derpy good-hearted guy being strung along by Tori, then I'd have no problem continuing to swing with them in my own "final" route. Pushing Tori's buttons could be a hell of a lot of fun, and I did enjoy interacting with her on high-c routes where she treats MC more like an equal than a duckling.

A succubus is my vote, deceptive and sucks the life out of you.
Spot on! Don't invest emotionally and know when to pull out (right before the soul leaves your body), and succubi are great company. That "don't let them suck your soul out" part is very important though, and the darn things never come with an instruction manual!
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Slick Bean

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2023
As offensive as being the town bycicle and basically treating MC and acting like he is the only man she ever does anything intimate with,
being that very thirsty for pleasing him and them banging together, only to actually find out she does dogging, she does man eating,
criminal offensive sexual explicit behavior in public, one night stands and hook ups with literally the most disgusting of strangers,
brain dead despicable offensive deplorable dumpsterfire assholes night and day?

That is literally what she does with Danni and all the other assholes in this game:
- even the dum brain dead disgusting Jason is fkked the very first day she ever met and had to talk to that garbage mouthful of stupidity.
Would you all feel the same way about a lover finding out she had possibly terminal cancer before her wedding and then got married without sharing the info? Does the seriousness of the cancer affect your feelings (1% terminal vs. 99%)? What about hiding a family history of dying early from heart attacks? Those health conditions also present risk of the relationship ending early, and would be similar examples of lying by omission, though not directly related to fidelity and sex. Would they be as offensive to hide?
Not to mention it is Jason the asshole incel who offers his wife to MC in the office while MC never ever even talked to her, let alone believe a word of his lying asshole shit smiling idiot of his despicable colegue.


Active Member
Jan 16, 2017
Does this have to do with the work investigation Jason and MC may (or may not be) pursuing depending on C choices?
yeah, if we agreed to investigate, the trader variable gonna be 1 from there
and when we talk to gina in the kitchen there's gonna be a slight dialogue of mc remembering that building was the one jason was looking into and the variable gonna be 2
so not sure where that variable gonna fit in the story unless it's just a way for the dev to crosspath jason with gina


Nov 18, 2017
one night stands and hook ups with literally the most disgusting of strangers
I'm just coming off Perfect Housewife and dealing with Arnold (who I absolutely despise), so I may just be desensitized to gross swap partners here. I didn't feel the male swap partners were that offensive in this game. Donny is too pushy for my tastes, but I like Jason if he proves to be a true friend who doesn't know the full extent of his wife's plans. Paul is determinant and more of a blank slate dildo who isn't included in the group until MC makes it clear he's having fun with their game (MC has to go with Amber for him to show up, I think). He wasn't part of Steph's original plans for that night, she wanted to set up a tryst between herself + Gina + MC.


Oct 14, 2020
I've seen a few reactions that highlight just how bad a decision Steph made with her approach in some "MC multiverses." Just the act of lying about it to the MC doomed Steph in some of these relationships, which adds a tragic element to the story because in many of those cases being open with MC about her secret early on would have led both to a much happier future. I don't think she's an out of control nympho based on her past behavior with the MC, but I can understand how this would be a concern. Would you all feel the same way about a lover finding out she had possibly terminal cancer before her wedding and then got married without sharing the info? Does the seriousness of the cancer affect your feelings (1% terminal vs. 99%)? What about hiding a family history of dying early from heart attacks? Those health conditions also present risk of the relationship ending early, and would be similar examples of lying by omission, though not directly related to fidelity and sex. Would they be as offensive to hide?
Before you start listing all the diseases in alphabetical order, two people can play this game. Steph found out about her problems yesterday? Does the second partner have any obligations in the relationship? Why are you shifting responsibility from a sore head to a healthy one? If I have “problems” that force my other half to make “difficult” decisions, I will end the relationship myself. You can’t shift responsibility to your partner. This is love and respect, not fucking with the football team while manipulating the MC.

She values the MC more than she does wild uninhibited sex
Steph appreciates so much that in all variants of sex with Donny after the bar, on the HC route too, she tries in every way to get rid of the MC and fuck with Donny without the MC. This is what love and respect looks like now? The author's rhetorical justifications for Steph have no meaning to me.
And in the scene with Donny, Saturday morning, Steph simply blackmails MC with an ultimatum - MC fucks Donny or it’s over. Blackmail and ultimatum are love and respect? Let me remind you, MC is not forcing Steph to fuck Tori.
And how much love and respect for the MC there is in this dialogue. Dialogue between MC and Steph before lunch with Suzy.
s "Do you mean I'd end up fucking your friend?"
scene ikitch6e
e "Well that's not exactly what I was thinking."
scene ikitch7s
s "If I agree to this, you better be comfortable with something like that happening."
The MC should humble himself and submit, is that love and respect?

as long as we can discuss and correct behaviors that make either party feel uncomfortable.
How can MC correct Steph’s behavior? She's completely uncontrollable. Give an example in the main story where the MC radically changed Steph's actions. Amber/Paul are dummies that have no effect on the main story. They create the illusion of choice, the illusion of the importance of the MC, this does not exist. By discussion do you mean the moments when the MC has only six options to say “yes”? Is this a discussion?

I now view her actions motivated not out of unfaithfulness and disregard for MC, but out of her being afraid to open up to MC
Jason/Tori evening. Before leaving the house, MC and Steph agree:
"Let's hear what they have to say before we make any decisions."
"No, I wouldn't. Not with a friend."
"I think we should go and at least hear what they have to say."
"Just remember, today is supposed to be just talking.":
e "Let's agree right now to keep our clothes on while we are there."
e "We can take them off as soon as we get home."
s "That's a deal!"
Steph immediately forgets about his promise to this MC and gives a striptease in front of Jason. If after the first part the MC chooses “Thanks, I appreciate that”, Steph will order the MC to shove this choice deeper into his ass, and she will continue the striptease. The importance of MC is no more important than the rug under Steph's feet. Steph wipes his feet on MC. What does the MC control? Doesn't control anything. Can MC affect Steph? No. Everything is managed by Steph. The rhetorical justifications the author came up with for Steph don't matter to me.
Tori then blindfolds Steph. Here Steph decides to demonstrate his mouth work and dick riding skills in front of Jason/Tori. When MC reminds him of the agreement, Steph orders him to fulfill her demand. This hypocritical slut can't control herself. Steph wipes his feet on MC. The scene only evokes contempt for Steph. Can MC affect Steph? No. The role of the MC is the role of a dildo with which Steph satisfies his desires. Everything is managed by Steph. The rhetorical justifications the author came up with for Steph don't matter to me.
These two episodes are an exact copy of sex with Donny after the bar. Whenever Steph has to choose between MC or Jason/Donny, the choice is not in favor of MC. In one evening, Steph twice breaks his promise to the MC (betrays) - Steph is a hypocritical whore. If this is "love and a happy marriage", then I am a Chinese ballerina.
After this, the author wants to convince the players that Steph, who did not fulfill her promise to MC for one evening, has not cheated on MC for four years. Who will believe this?
The described events occur at all levels of the “dom1” variable (dom1=5 too).
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3.90 star(s) 31 Votes