3.90 star(s) 31 Votes

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
When talking about the original release, you are 100% correct. The devs want the player to feel distrust when in reality, the couple trusts each other entirely. Many people have complained that the MC will not fight back against Steph being bitchy or assert himself, especially when on the low-confidence path. The current release has removed most of the information that made the player distrust Steph. The devs have even made Steph more loveable and Gina less likable for the purposes of taking the argument away from the people complaining about Steph and choosing Gina. The latest version has been written to ensure that the player understands that they are working together, they are in love, and will not leave each other no matter what sexual choices the player makes, high- or low-confidence.

The dev is not aiming for a game where the couple has an unhealthy relationship. The original idea was to make the player think there was an unhealthy relationship. Due to players' complaints, most of the "clues" that led the players to believe there was an unhealthy relationship have been removed. Now, we could argue that the couple is not in the right headspace to enter into an open relationship or any aspect of the swinging lifestyle. I would argue that most people are not prepared to do so. More importantly, trying to apply real world, common sense, and hard lessons learned to a simple game where the point is to get a couple into a simple, open relationship, porn scenario will drive you insane. I think we all hoped that this game would be a much more realistic and sensible story about a mature couple entering the lifestyle. This is not that game.
Sorry mate I can't agree. Most of the things that lead to distrust are certainly still there. The receipt, the phone call, the water, etc are still present. The dev said the thing with Tori goes back to the Christmas party. Steph has never trusted her husband enough to tell him her secrets, Chuck, her sex secret, etc. I'm not even going to start on the sexcapades. The MC is supposedly madly in love with her but pushed her to fuck Donnie because he can't get fucking Tori out of his head. It doesn't sound like a couple in love to me. Steph says she loves MC as if he was the most important person in the world, her hero, but she doesn't show that in actions.

Sure the High Confidence path is a lot softer then it was and Steph is tolerable, but in love? No, not convinced. The medium path and low path, Steph is still a bitch. Its not a healthy relationship no matter how it is dressed up and the dev proclaims otherwise. Actions speak louder than words. The end result is they will remain together, but I'm just not accepting their relationship is healthy.


Forum Fanatic
Sep 7, 2022
OMG guys I just had a sexy idea

What if Steph, Tori & Gina go out one Friday night
And they come back home with cum all over their faces and with three creamy treats for me

My goodness I think I would die of happiness
It's more likely you get your wish than I get mine, especially if they make a second game.
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Oct 14, 2020
Sorry mate I can't agree. Most of the things that lead to distrust are certainly still there. The receipt, the phone call, the water, etc are still present. The dev said the thing with Tori goes back to the Christmas party. Steph has never trusted her husband enough to tell him her secrets, Chuck, her sex secret, etc. I'm not even going to start on the sexcapades. The MC is supposedly madly in love with her but pushed her to fuck Donnie because he can't get fucking Tori out of his head. It doesn't sound like a couple in love to me. Steph says she loves MC as if he was the most important person in the world, her hero, but she doesn't show that in actions.

Sure the High Confidence path is a lot softer then it was and Steph is tolerable, but in love? No, not convinced. The medium path and low path, Steph is still a bitch. Its not a healthy relationship no matter how it is dressed up and the dev proclaims otherwise. Actions speak louder than words. The end result is they will remain together, but I'm just not accepting their relationship is healthy.
Everything is just like that. Words don't mean anything. When I look at Steph's actions. When I look at the format of the Steph/MC relationship, I do not see respect for the MC on the part of Steph, for me it is a “mistress-slave” format. I cannot imagine the previous four years the way the author describes them.
Author: “help him convince his wife that this is a journey they want to take together.” I don’t see in any event that the MC needs to convince Steph. I don't see Steph doubting any event. On the contrary, Steph runs ahead of the locomotive.


Oct 14, 2020
I would argue that most people are not prepared to do so.
I don't agree. Players came for swinger adventures. I think many people play ALWL and “Babysitters” and there are no problems with swing. I have passed these VNs on all routes and have not had such a negative impression, even on the NTR route. I would say that the characters in these VNs and their writers are more honest. They don't show love with words, they show it with actions. I expected the same kind of relationship from this game. I am sure that for most players the term swing is an exchange of partners between married couples in one event and one place. For example, a country hotel in ALWL. The players did not receive such relationships.
All of us, players, form an impression of the people around us based on their actions. The author wants players to evaluate the characters by how he describes them and not pay attention to the actions of these characters. Players won't do that. It doesn’t matter to me how many times Steph says “MC I love you” when there is Donny, when Steph arranges a striptease and sex, promising the MC “only conversation, no undressing.” No one will believe in Steph's love for MC, words don't matter.
I don't see any changes in Steph across versions. Steph does the same things. Steph has the same main goal. Steph also wipes his feet on MC. Nothing changed.
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Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
I think Tori is really pretty
But if she thinks she can pull me away from my honey buns
Then she is in for a shock because I will never leave Steph
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Mar 12, 2020
I was so tired it took me the longest time to figure out when they said "game" they meant "Scene".

I feel like planning might be their biggest problem currently. their updates of their progress have been all over the place... New male characters introduced, Steph's trip... now it's all about the Tori Jason scene still (which yeah needs work still since it doesn't seem to take all the choices you make into consideration ) and now bringing back best girl Gina (hopefully not to make her unlikeable even more to try and make us like Steph and Tori more).

Which to me was the wrong idea they shouldn't tear down one character and do minimal efforts to make the others more likeable.

Also the one progress update made me feel like a veiled attempt to try and introduce more doubts about her being faithful content... then a couple updates were it doesn't touch on those things at all and ignores them. But focuses on they are super happy and we are even giving them some sceneswith both of them cause they love each other so much.

I have a sneaking suspicion Steph's big reveal is being pushed off this update.

also from what I'm understanding in the post (might have it wrong), The choice you make that you decide not to go talk to Tori and Jason, leads into the last scene of Tori and Jason's apartment talking to them??

There are two games trying to be made here!! :illuminati::illuminati::illuminati:

Gods I'm rambling... were is my caffeine!!:FacePalm:


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
Yeah, this game confuses me sometimes too
I have decided to just hardcore simp for Steph and not pay much attention to the plot
Otherwise I'll just get even more confused
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Forum Fanatic
Sep 7, 2022
I was so tired it took me the longest time to figure out when they said "game" they meant "Scene".

I feel like planning might be their biggest problem currently. their updates of their progress have been all over the place... New male characters introduced, Steph's trip... now it's all about the Tori Jason scene still (which yeah needs work still since it doesn't seem to take all the choices you make into consideration ) and now bringing back best girl Gina (hopefully not to make her unlikeable even more to try and make us like Steph and Tori more).

Which to me was the wrong idea they shouldn't tear down one character and do minimal efforts to make the others more likeable.

Also the one progress update made me feel like a veiled attempt to try and introduce more doubts about her being faithful content... then a couple updates were it doesn't touch on those things at all and ignores them. But focuses on they are super happy and we are even giving them some sceneswith both of them cause they love each other so much.

I have a sneaking suspicion Steph's big reveal is being pushed off this update.

also from what I'm understanding in the post (might have it wrong), The choice you make that you decide not to go talk to Tori and Jason, leads into the last scene of Tori and Jason's apartment talking to them??

There are two games trying to be made here!! :illuminati::illuminati::illuminati:

Gods I'm rambling... were is my caffeine!!:FacePalm:
I'd say their biggest problem is just complete lack of progress.

While I'd also agree with your sentiment on lack of planning, we really have to look at how much they've put out. I just checked the steam news page history, it was back in Weekly Update #10 (!) they introduced the main Tori house visit. That was mid-August. Over the last 6 months, it's been minor dialogue and variable tweaks, the total labor amounting to what many devs would do in a small QoL update.

Like has anyone else woken up to this yet? It's become an absolute joke. I'm talking aside from all our debates on content, characters, story, likeability of Steph, etc. The game has basically been dead for 6 months, and that's in total lifespan of 8 months.

Of course I'll temper my criticisms recognizing they're a steam dev, so it's not like they're actively ripping people off or deceiving them into funding a dead project, you buy it and that's that. Though that makes their behavior even stranger, because the speech style of their weekly news sounds very much a patreon dev, trying to assure their fans that they're still working.


Nov 18, 2017
The game has basically been dead for 6 months
I've fallen into the "distrust/dislike Steph and Tori" camp over time like many others, but I think for a $6 single purchase game on Steam there's a ton of value here (and we're getting the rest for free eventually, we just need to wait). It's not like they're milking a fanbase for $$$ every month and stringing everyone along knowingly, they're just trying to collect feedback and make changes to address unexpected audience responses. As someone hobbling together my own little story/game in my free time, I totally understand how writing and imagination can quickly outpace the development intricacies required when charting and programming VNs. Especially for these types of games, in my opinion it's fair for the developer to take all the time they feel they need. I really value that this crew is willing to tweak and change their work to fit their intended vision (even if we all don't agree with the characterization changes).
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Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
The positives:
- The game won't be updated this week but next week. Its the first time we have had a clear time frame for this update so that's positive.
- The skipping path is going to something "yummy" for Steph and MC? I so wish he wouldn't use that word. Anyway, I'll take that as a positive as well. Benefit of the doubt.

- Once again Steph's 'reveal' is not even mentioned and has been downplayed in recent dev updates after being promoted as the centre piece of the entire story. Why is that? Has that changed?
- The one thing I would be excited about is the return of Gina and sadly I'm not. If they hadn't nerfed Gina and the dev been so hostile towards her, I would think her return as a good thing. Here we have the dev talking about her as if she is a wonderful character when I know he doesn't feel that way. So are they going to trash Gina some more? Unless they have accepted the fact people prefer Gina to the two main toxic women? So Gina's return could go either way. If Gina is visiting MC then what is Steph up too? I have my suspicions.

- Paths tied and untied, "tougher" route, the usual word soup that doesn't mean much to players without more input explaining what that means. Again old saves are useless. Players will have to restart the game again since the mechanics changes go back to the Saturday night and there are more changes to the Tori/Jason scenes.
- A tougher LC route mean the MC has to endure an even more toxic Steph. No thanks.

Asahibito, I hope you are updating that mod, I'm going to need it. :LOL: :coffee:


Forum Fanatic
Sep 7, 2022
I've fallen into the "distrust/dislike Steph and Tori" camp over time like many others, but I think for a $6 single purchase game on Steam there's a ton of value here (and we're getting the rest for free eventually, we just need to wait). It's not like they're milking a fanbase for $$$ every month and stringing everyone along knowingly, they're just trying to collect feedback and make changes to address unexpected audience responses.
Oh absolutely, the tone is just weird. It doesn't sound like a hobbyist, it sounds like corporate press releases.

Don't disagree they've already released $6 in value, but that was also true back in August.


Nov 18, 2017
If Gina is visiting MC then what is Steph up too? I have my suspicions.
MC is going to need something to do while Steph is on her trip to the bar and the pool, right? Seems like the perfect time for Gina to pounce. I remember the developer referring to Gina as someone who enjoys taking what's not hers and then acting innocent, which sounds like her main motivation is getting attention. I think with the changes the devs wanted Gina to come off as more of a "lovable troublemaker" than the pure sweetheart she initially seemed to be in comparison to Steph. Especially since the first interaction with Gina is during a night/next morning full of Steph actions that are very contentious to players. They may have over calibrated and went too far "troublemaker," since the past few updates seem to be aimed at rebalancing player perception of Steph into a more positive light.

Edit: Also, I will be imagining heart shaped nipple pasties underneath Gina's preview image coat until new information surfaces.
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Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
MC is going to need something to do while Steph is on her trip to the bar and the pool, right? Seems like the perfect time for Gina to pounce. I remember the developer referring to Gina as someone who enjoys taking what's not hers and then acting innocent, which sounds like her main motivation is getting attention. I think with the changes the devs wanted Gina to come off as more of a "lovable troublemaker" than the pure sweetheart she initially seemed to be in comparison to Steph. Especially since the first interaction with Gina is during a night/next morning full of Steph actions that are very contentious to players. They may have over calibrated and went too far "troublemaker," since the past few updates seem to be aimed at rebalancing player perception of Steph into a more positive light.

Edit: Also, I will be imagining heart shaped nipple pasties underneath Gina's preview image coat until new information surfaces.
I agree that is probably the way they are going with Gina. That is what first came to my mind, but then there is the unused render of Steph in bed with Tori and Jason. So it could go that way as well. Another mystery to me is why the MC/Steph/Tori/Jason would not just swing with the MC onboard instead of this splitting the couple up shit.

I get very frustrated with the devs reasoning. They created Steph to drive the players crazy but not crazy enough to leave the game. They also threw out red herrings to make Steph look like she was cheating, but she isn't. Then they get upset and wonder why people don't like her and preferred Gina. Steph is not a likeable person and she was created that way. Why they think people are suddenly going to start liking her by adding a few nice words when her actions speak otherwise is bizarre reasoning to me. Since the devs have said the MC won't leave Steph, its pointless at this point in bringing in Gina to try and steal the MC, when we know she will automatically fail. The only reason to do so is to further tarnish Gina. Considering she is one of the few characters their fan base actually likes, its not going to serve them very well to do so.
3.90 star(s) 31 Votes