3.80 star(s) 32 Votes

Slick Bean

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2023
HEre is where you are horrobly wrong.
If you read or played through the reveal of her secret, Steph is supposed to adore threesome with her and her man, not Jason, not Tori, never 1on1 with any other idiot you see in this game. She is back to being a whore free use town bycicle, however you wanna spin that, she is into threesomes and nothing to do with servicing random idiots.
I doubt Steph will become a cum dump
Threesome means three people, that is her fetish, not swinging, not sharing, not BBC, not NTR,
not anything you wanted to see in here - Steph is most happy with her hubby and another girl or another man - end of story.
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Message Maven
Mar 25, 2021
HEre is where you are horrobly wrong.
If you read or played through the reveal of her secret, Steph is supposed to adore threesome with her and her man, not Jason, not Tori, not any other idiot you see in this game.

Threesome means three people, that is her fetish, not swinging, not sharing, not BBC, not NTR,
not anything you wanted to see in here - Steph is most happy with her hubby and another girl or another man - end of story.
The game is focused on swinging
It even says so on the store page

And yes, that is something I want to see
Because what I want to see most is Steph having fun & enjoying herself

Slick Bean

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2023
You and me both ... cannot stand how this game pushes so many 1 on 1 Steph action with literal shitstains when her whole shame about her fetish is that she needs her hubby and someone else to really get off; if this was the way she gets off and feels most stimulation, why show all the retards get her as a free use brain dead whore?
Why dev decidedd to shit on Steph and just stomp on her fetish - threesome with her hubby and another man or woman - is beyond disrespectful to Steph and clearly lying to players everywhere that someone who wants threesomes would ever just abbandon herself to be a free use town bycicle to literally anyone the dev wants to throw at her. Threesomes you work for, you groom the participants, like how her ex did with her, you do not do stupid disgusting stuff totally outta your kink and then be a lame lying politician about all of them.
Even a simple dialogue adjustment would have made a big difference to me, something like: "Hey [mc], I'm willing to try letting you do your thing with the threesome, but I'm also worried I may feel jealous or lonely or left out. If that does happen, would you be alright with me inviting Donny or Paul over?"
The reveal makes a lot of her behaviour understandable, it certainly doesn't excuse it. I took the Steph is in the shit option every time and I did say that to the dev on Steam. I'm not rewarding her behaviour (manipulation and lack of disclosure). I don't know what consequences will come, probably not much by the sound of it, but there better be some or it will undo some of the good work the reveal did. the reveal doesn't fix everything but it certainly helped a lot IMO. I also think the game needs some early likeable characters to offset crazy Steph and keep the reader engaged. Putting up with a crazy wife is not enough IMO to keep new players sticking it out to get as far as the reveal.
So basically “Another Man Having My Wife” is really the true title after. BRB learning photoshop to mod in the real title
But Steph is only a "horrible human being" if you have unrealistic expectations for human behavior, especially in reaction to others' behaviors.
Because what I want to see most is Steph having fun & enjoying herself
The reveal makes Steph the absolute trash, lying dumb whore because all throughout this game she is constantly looking for 1 on 1 with absolute brain dead shit stains, totally outside of her actual fetish of a threesome. This prooves that dev was lying all throughout this game as Steph had no motivation whatsoever to cuck her hubby with some idiot, she just confessed she wants a threesome with her hubby and another man or woman, that is her whole motivation, the fetish she has, not NTR, not 4 way swinging, not being the free use whore she is presented in this game.



Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2022
You and me both ... cannot stand how this game pushes so many 1 on 1 Steph action with literal shitstains when her whole shame about her fetish is that she needs her hubby and someone else to really get off; if this was the way she gets off and feels most stimulation, why show all the retards get her as a free use brain dead whore?
Why dev decidedd to shit on Steph and just stomp on her fetish - threesome with her hubby and another man or woman - is beyond disrespectful to Steph and clearly lying to players everywhere that someone who wants threesomes would ever just abbandon herself to be a free use town bycicle to literally anyone the dev wants to throw at her. Threesomes you work for, you groom the participants, like how her ex did with her, you do not do stupid disgusting stuff totally outta your kink and then be a lame lying politician about all of them.

The reveal makes Steph the absolute trash, lying dumb whore because all throughout this game she is constantly looking for 1 on 1 with absolute brain dead shit stains, totally outside of her actual fetish of a threesome. This prooves that dev was lying all throughout this game as Steph had no motivation whatsoever to cuck her hubby with some idiot, she just confessed she wants a threesome with her hubby and another man or woman, that is her whole motivation, the fetish she has, not NTR, not 4 way swinging, not being the free use whore she is presented in this game.

Listen, from what I've heard about Steph, I'm not her biggest fan either but... you might wanna go seek some therapy if you're this pressed over an adult game and a fictional character in said game.


Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
Love it ! I like that the Dev seemed to take all the drama out of the story now.. Steph confessed the secrets which explained past actions. Now we can move forward and see some fun !
I agree. I thought it was good. I still have a couple of issues but the story makes a lot more sense. I was way off the mark about Tori and I'm happy about that. I just hope that there are some consequences for Steph for what she did. MC should just not roll over and cop it like a simp. For the first time in a long time I'm looking forward to what is next.

It's seems to me that Gina wants the MC for her self and take Steph out the picture completely
Gina does and she won't.


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
It's not a netori game but it's only a "cuck game" if you choose to make it one. It's not very difficult to play in a way that Steph only ever has sex with another man in a threesome with the MC *after* he spends a lot of time talking her into it.

Also, that was the most biased summary I have ever seen.

The game does not have a non-sharing route. That's true. If you aren't interested in a sharing game, don't play it. It even tells you this pretty blatantly at the beginning. Especially in this new update, but going back several updates as well, at every key point where Steph could potentially hook up with another guy, you can choose to end things, and it's a game over. If you continue to play, you have to content to sharing her.

But Steph is only a "horrible human being" if you have unrealistic expectations for human behavior, especially in reaction to others' behaviors. A lot of the complaints in this thread blame Steph for having sex with another guy (or guys). Though the only reason she does that is because the player literally **talks her into it** as a way of convincing his wife to let him get away with sleeping with another woman. He is literally **visualizing the other woman naked** while he is talking his wife into first flirting with and possibly sleeping with a stranger. If anyone is a "horrible human being" it's the MC.

OTOH, if you play games for fantasy or wish fulfillment, etc. (which a lot of people justifiably & reasonably do), I can understand that this is a difficult position to take about a Player-Character. No one wants to imagine themselves as a bad person. People naturally rationalize their own behaviors. And no one ever really wants to get what they deserve. So this game isn't for everyone. Personally, I love it. To each their own.
Eh, first off, a dev of a game all about a woman "exploring her sexuality" obviously paint Stef in a picture where they excuse all her actions, just because. It's apparent you would find no fault in anything she does, her actions or justifications because of your biased outlook.

You said my summary was biased? How? I clearly called out the paths I chose and if you truly look objectively at what Stef really says, not what you think she says, you'll see what I sumarized was true.

1. Stef lost control in the bar. NEITHER of them said the evening was ok to have sex, just to go talk to other people and see where things went. Stef ADMITTED she lost control and things went much farther than she intended when she got jealous of Gina, and then "Ms. Hyde came out" and she was determined to fuck Donnie no matter what the MC said or did. This is obvious based on the fact the player has little to no say in events other than to talk her into just going over and talking to Donnie. After that the only choices the player has related to Stef having sex is if they want to be there or not, period.

2. As others mention ed, Stef's whole thing about if the MC went to Jason and Tori's, she was going to go fuck someonme else, is NOT about swinging or sharting, it's all about Stef being selfish and apeasing to her ego.

3. Stef leads the charge with having sex with other guys basically for the first few encounters, because that's her desire, and as she proved with the Donnie, and/or Jason scene, it really doesn't matter what the MC says or does (unless playing HC), she will fuck and suck whomever she wants, when she wants it. Stef only seems to care about the MC after the fact, primarily, (based on the story) after Tori trells her how selfish and inconsiderate she is. Stef's approach to the entire "let's explore a bit" was internally a "I finally have a YES, greenlight to fuck everyone!!!!" How it that obvious? See Friday's event, also her other actions with other guys.

4. I'm not sure how you think a fantasy of imagining another woman naked, even if you're married, makes someone a "horrible human being", because that's a far cry from going well past any boundaries that were loosly discussed and bringing some rando dude back to your bed to fuck. And then fucking him regardless ifd her HUSBAND agreed to it or not. Is Stef a "horrible person"? I wouldn't say that, but it's very blatantly obvious that she's a narsassist type personality, where only her ego, her wants, and her desires matter to her. She only feels remorse after the fact wheh she realizes she may have taken things to far and it actually impact her marriage.

Summary is this.. The game isn't really about another man's wife, unless you want the MC to be considered "anotther man". The game is really all about Stef. There's no couple both dabbling into swinging or even sharing, it's all a plan for the true MC, Stef, to manipulate the situation to get what she wants, which is an open marriage. She says she doesn't "need" the group sex or sex with rando strangers, but really wants it. She wants it so bad that it was impacting her thoughts and actions, even outside it being tied to memories of her former BF.

Stef doesn't want to admit to herself she's a slut because she doesn't want to have that title, but her actions all point to her being exactly that. There's nothing wrong with being a slut, or liking sex, the issue here with many people is that Stef wants everything to only go Stref's way. She only relents when she realizes that her actions may have very serious consequences, but even then, depending on the choices, she does it anyway, regardless of what her husband/player MC, says about it.

If the player wants to excuse and justify all of Stef's behaviors that's up to them to do. I will say that any IRL relatrionship that has nothing but focused on one partner doing what they want, regardless of their partners wishes won't end well. In this game, the premise was to experiment and then Stef goes hog wild for 3 entire days, and then only after the fact does she say why, and then she's not apologetic about anything she's done, only apologetic abvout the consequences. As I mentioned in the summary thoughts, this is like someone being caught after stealing and they aren't sorry they stole something, they are only sorry they were caught.

Time will tell if the dev tries to tweak this mess into something, but the entire entry into the story paints Stef in a negative light to many people, and her selfish "me first" attitude is also off-putting to many people. Add in the entire "reveal" where she explains and justifies things but never really apologizes for "losing control", simply says that she does one or more times. The MC at this point, with her backstory and her apparentl lack of self-control should really add options for hoe the player/MC steers things going forward, but time will tell. Up to this point it's been very much a "Stef show" and the player has had limited ability to steer some things, and others not steer at all. Not having players be able to control the story is never good for any game about choice.
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Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
It's there, but it is a little bit more difficult to get, and it's only one scene now, not 2 or 3 variations. And instead of Tori watching & thinking it's hot, she gets pissed at Steph. Kinda weird, honestly.
No, Tori geting pissed at Stef is natural because, you know the entire plan was NOT for Stef to go hogwild on every guy she meets, but to talk things through and work things out. Tori never agreed to the plan Jason blurted out of being in a threesome with the MC because she felt it was a bad choice and wouldn't help the situation. She said she would do it but it wasn't in the works.

Stef losing control multiple times is what Tori has already chewed her (Stef's) ass about a few times already. She did it in the gym after the Friday night and also when they were upstairs changing at the dinner party.

You only get to the point of not understanding why Tori is upset, if you don't understand the concept of consent. Stef was not supposed to fuck with Jason at all until after she had told the MC the story and then all 4 of them sit down and discuss. Up to that point Tori knows that one of them is dreadfully out of the loop and needs more info to be on the same page as everyone else.

Hint to you, and this may be a new concept.. In a true swing one partner does not just go off and start sex with someone else. That's one of the major groundrules that most couples. You could say "well they were sharing" and I would say that's a no also, because again, both marriage partners should be aware of and approve of the actions before hand, that's the entire point of both those situations.

If you don't understand all that, and why it was changed to where Tori went from it being hot to pissed off, then you just want a game where all the women are sluts, and have no real value in their relationships, trust, communication and they only just want a dick between their lips (either set).


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
It honestly doesn't make sense, because she should agree with his choice.
Yep, if the game was really all about being an open marriage or testing the waters, then Stef should have been willing to bring Gina home on Friday night with just the couple. However, we all now know that wasn't the story that would have to be told because Stef needed to get her threesome so she could stratch that itch (several times basically before Tori verbally bitchslaps her and tells her to stop being selfish) and Stef really wasn't interested in any threesomes of group events that wasn't her + other dudes.

Only after Stef got fucked a few times to get her threesome itch scratched do we see her actually seem to start giving a shit about her husband and asking what he wanted and incorporating the idea of him, her and another woman. And this part of the story will vary wildly depending on player choice.
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Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
Dev is of another mind than you, dear gamer. You like NTR, dev wants nothing to do with NTR,
as the latest dev talk revealed, the whole JAson NTRs MC by disrespecting his wishes was a low confidence bad ending dev wanted to show off ahead of the actual end of this game.

This game was supposed to be MC easing into sharing, not MC being a cuck or anything.
Steph was supposd to do to MC what was done to her, but she is such a narcissist the blew it all to hell and the second game is Steph being railed by all the black bulls you want to see naked.

Wait a little, just be mindful dev has nothing to do with your NTR fetish.
lol, not sure if this is made up or not.. Hard to tell with the various posts in the thread.


Engaged Member
Oct 15, 2016
I agree. I thought it was good. I still have a couple of issues but the story makes a lot more sense. I was way off the mark about Tori and I'm happy about that. I just hope that there are some consequences for Steph for what she did. MC should just not roll over and cop it like a simp. For the first time in a long time I'm looking forward to what is next.

Gina does and she won't.
I agree!

This next update, maybe two, will really tell what kind of game the dev is making. Will the relationship be truly equal, or still the "Stef show"? Will the MC actually become the bull in the relationship (for those who want it) or just a patsy who trundles along while Stef calls all the shots and he really doesn't care who fills her full of cum.

Ilcoriglianese forte

Active Member
Sep 7, 2023
The real problem of the game comes from its badly written story, and the creator in trying to fix everything has made it even worse, the final part of the update is a mockery for the story and for the players, the Dev has invented something that clashes with the story, he only dealt with Sthep's selfishness making her a selfish sex addict, just to think that she finds such a devious story to be allowed to fuck whoever she wants, she had to create all this comedy with Tori and Jason, also lying about the plan, the right thing in the next update would be the option MC leaves Sthep for Gina, and for MC to take revenge by telling Stthep's sister the whole story, we want Stthep humiliated and put out of the house.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2023
Steph was always a hypocrite. Especially when she tells MC that a FFM with Gina is of the table, because she is not bi. Because what diffrence is a MMF with vaginal sex and oral sex to a FFM with vaginal sex and oral sex. in both cases no interaction of the two people of same gender is nescessary.
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3.80 star(s) 32 Votes