3.80 star(s) 32 Votes


Oct 14, 2020
I am glad that my assumptions were completely justified. Conspiracy against MC created by Steph/Jason/Tori. MC manipulation. Steph is a hypocritical whore and that's a very mild expression. Steph never liked MC, she used it, it was convenient. The author is lying, there has never been love or a happy marriage. Always and everywhere for Steph, only her ego, only her interests, only her comfort are important. Always and everywhere Steph does only what she wants. Always and everywhere the MC is insignificant for Steph. During the conversation, Steph was only concerned about herself, her ego and her interests.
All of Steph’s explanations boil down to one thing – Steph wanted to drive MC into conditions that were convenient only for her. Steph was never interested in MC's opinion, she only wanted to hear “YES”. Steph says she wanted an opinion, that's a lie. On Saturday morning, she gives MC an ultimatum, “MC must fuck Donny,” this is not getting an opinion, this is imposing an opinion. Let's add that Steph wants to win the argument with Tori, for Steph her ego is more important than the MC. Steph's ultimatum confirms that she doesn't care about MC or his opinion. She knew that Tori would not fuck MC in the evening, she could get MC's opinion as planned. Steph only wants to hear “YES”. After Donny, if the MC responds with “I loved it if you did”, Steph will kick him until the MC says “YES”. Later in the conversation, she herself will confirm that she only sought “YES” from the MC. She doesn't care about MC's opinion. Steph doesn't consider herself guilty, she doesn't think she manipulated MC. Steph doesn't apologize - she justifies her actions.
Tori stuck her dirty paws into someone else's life. The Tori idea was wrong from the start. Her plan can only be carried out if Tori has full control of Steph/Jason and their interests coincide. Tori does not control them, moreover, Steph is not interested in the opinion of the MC, she wants to return to group sex, and Steph only needs one answer “YES”. When the whole plan began to fall apart, Tori did not stop it, but began to put out the fire with gasoline. My opinion of Tori hasn't changed, she's a manipulative bitch. For Tori, the saying “If you can’t take a shit, don’t torture your ass” is appropriate. What these three bastards, Steph/Jason/Tori did, is many times more disgusting than what Chuck did. Compared to these creatures, he is an angel.
They deserve a basin of cement for their feet and a deeper pond.
How disgusting now Steph’s demand “if you want to fuck Tori, I have to fuck Donny” looks, then Steph demanded sex with Jason, then demanded Gina. Steph KNEW that Tori was only planning a conversation with MC. Steph KNEW Tori wasn't planning on fucking the MC. Is this called “getting an opinion”?
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Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2019
Ill probably skip the update about tori and MC, i don't give a fek about Tori. That being said my only issue and has been this way for updates is the sudden ending to the party. NO CLIMAX?... Just going from sex to Oh time to go home, no finish to the actual sex scene which is dumb imo. And btw what new animations or scenes? All i get is the convo at the end.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2022
Ok, for those who want the secret, here it is. Will present it as best possible without extra fluff. There are options that change the flavor of some of the conversation, but here's the nutshell version (as best I can). Note this is VERY LONG as just reading through this update took 30-40 minutes, along with seeing if some dialogue choices changed things (I didn't test all of the options)

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Thanks so much for this explanation of everything. You have definitely saved me some time, this game indeed won't be for me, if Steph still isn't taking responsibility for her actions and just making excuses and trying to justify everything she's done, then I won't like her character even with the option to close the marriage. She has already lost my respect and trust, and I haven't even played the game.

Also it seems like there are some sex scenes that are extramarital that aren't avoidable, and even in a swinging/netorase focused game, I still am not a fan of that. It seems this stems from the MC allowing Steph to call the shots early on, it seems like he does eventually put his foot down and grows some hair on his sack, but too little too late if you ask me. It really seems that Steph, Tori, and Jason are the ones pulling the strings up until a certain point, that combined with Steph's behavior, and her inability to be able to truly apologize and take responsibility, makes me wanna give this one a pass.

Steph may or may not truly change for the better here in the final stretch of the game, but I don't know if I wanna really sit through all the other bullshit to get there. It's not a guarantee anyway, she might still be unbearable until the end. This is the only netorase/swinging/ntr(?) focused game where I would want to avoid that content at all costs, just as a fuck you to Steph. Then close the marriage when the game finally let's the MC have a say on how to run the show.

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Conversation Conqueror
Sep 7, 2022
So question for those who played other paths.. From the above, is the "true" path Steph and Jason having sex after the dinner party? Am I reading the dev update correctly?

I've been trying to play the game as close to HC and "sharing" only with the MC's permission and direct consent, and it's sorta done ok at that (Friday night is still a huge negative mainly in how it went down), so wonder if the path I'm on is considered one of the false paths.

If Steph was supposed to 'lose control' with Jason, and Tori got upset, it really proves that Stref really is just a no impulse control slut with zero will power. Worse yet, she has zero impulse control but tries to apologies later (maybe some who buy words instead of actions would buy that excuse like a sucker), instead of curbing her inpulses or at least making sure she doesn't cheat on the MC. I say 'cheat' as opposed to share because if she's downstyairs fucking Jason, while MC and Tori are upstairs talking, and that's the 'canon' path, that's nothing BUT cheating. There's zero sharing at that point, just a slut who can't keep her legs closed, regardless of her excuse.

Also, anyone ID what the "bypass path" is?
It's complicated. The "bypass path" can either on dom1 = 5, dom1 = 4, or dom1 = 3/1 and answering in the negative to when Steph asks you "just talking?" when leaving the house. None of the other responses matter afterwards.

The dom1 path is determined at the end of Saturday night. Dom1=4 path is if you have confidence 2 or more, dom1=5 is same but invited Paul over. Dom1=3 is -2<confidence<2, dom1 is high voyeur stat AND confidence < 2, and dom1=2 is low confidence no voyeur.


Overall, the update fixed some of my prior complaints about game flow, like having the sesex var automatically kick the player to a "bad end". On the other hand, some of the same simple issues are still there, like it's irrelevent for condition checks what you say to Jason about your comfort level, all that matters is what you tell Steph before leaving the house.

The Tori dialogue at Jason house still feels as off as ever, I see people above saying Tori's more sympathetic becasue she can't control Steph going crazy, but it's not like she actually does anything to stop it. On that route, mc is uncomfortable, and Tori agrees and sympathizes, yet our favorite bbc fetishist dev dare not have Tori interject and actually say something like "Jason, you should stop, they clearly aren't comfortable with this as a couple."


Storywise, (and I see I'm not the only one), the "reveal" made me dislike Steph much more, despite it trying to paint her in a more sympathetic light. Why? Because it's all about her.

Look, I get it. She had a traumatic experience, and I'm not belittling or trying to displace that. A traumatic experience is exactly the sort of thing she should have communicated it to her HUSBAND, and not some rando. MC isn't a fuckboi boyfriend, he's her HUSBAND. The entire framing of the conversation just assumes like this is the most understandable thing in the world.

Some other random musings with screens:

How I wish the game let you respond.

The famous "water drink" scene - if you answer that it bothered you, [a very reasonable answer in a couples talk about boundaries], Steph gets derisive and dismissive (note this is on HC playthrough).

While others dislike the water scene, this has always been my most hated. On ALL paths, this scene still exists. It's not what she's saying, it's the way she's saying it, totally undermines the idea of a loving swinging couple.

"Well, just so you know, if you get yours I get mine!", such a nasty tonality. Can you imagine MC speaking to her on the phone that morning: "Look, it's okay if you want to have Donny over, but just so you know, I'm not gonna sit there idly, I'm gonna go find some girl at the club"?

Even a simple dialogue adjustment would have made a big difference to me, something like: "Hey [mc], I'm willing to try letting you do your thing with the threesome, but I'm also worried I may feel jealous or lonely or left out. If that does happen, would you be alright with me inviting Donny or Paul over?"

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
It's complicated. The "bypass path" can either on dom1 = 5, dom1 = 4, or dom1 = 3/1 and answering in the negative to when Steph asks you "just talking?" when leaving the house. None of the other responses matter afterwards.

The dom1 path is determined at the end of Saturday night. Dom1=4 path is if you have confidence 2 or more, dom1=5 is same but invited Paul over. Dom1=3 is -2<confidence<2, dom1 is high voyeur stat AND confidence < 2, and dom1=2 is low confidence no voyeur.


Overall, the update fixed some of my prior complaints about game flow, like having the sesex var automatically kick the player to a "bad end". On the other hand, some of the same simple issues are still there, like it's irrelevent for condition checks what you say to Jason about your comfort level, all that matters is what you tell Steph before leaving the house.

The Tori dialogue at Jason house still feels as off as ever, I see people above saying Tori's more sympathetic becasue she can't control Steph going crazy, but it's not like she actually does anything to stop it. On that route, mc is uncomfortable, and Tori agrees and sympathizes, yet our favorite bbc fetishist dev dare not have Tori interject and actually say something like "Jason, you should stop, they clearly aren't comfortable with this as a couple."


Storywise, (and I see I'm not the only one), the "reveal" made me dislike Steph much more, despite it trying to paint her in a more sympathetic light. Why? Because it's all about her.

Look, I get it. She had a traumatic experience, and I'm not belittling or trying to displace that. A traumatic experience is exactly the sort of thing she should have communicated it to her HUSBAND, and not some rando. MC isn't a fuckboi boyfriend, he's her HUSBAND. The entire framing of the conversation just assumes like this is the most understandable thing in the world.

Some other random musings with screens:

View attachment 3179596
How I wish the game let you respond.

View attachment 3179600
The famous "water drink" scene - if you answer that it bothered you, [a very reasonable answer in a couples talk about boundaries], Steph gets derisive and dismissive (note this is on HC playthrough).

View attachment 3179601
While others dislike the water scene, this has always been my most hated. On ALL paths, this scene still exists. It's not what she's saying, it's the way she's saying it, totally undermines the idea of a loving swinging couple.

"Well, just so you know, if you get yours I get mine!", such a nasty tonality. Can you imagine MC speaking to her on the phone that morning: "Look, it's okay if you want to have Donny over, but just so you know, I'm not gonna sit there idly, I'm gonna go find some girl at the club"?

Even a simple dialogue adjustment would have made a big difference to me, something like: "Hey [mc], I'm willing to try letting you do your thing with the threesome, but I'm also worried I may feel jealous or lonely or left out. If that does happen, would you be alright with me inviting Donny or Paul over?"
I agree, you point out two of my bugbears as well. I'm going to bring them up when I've had a chance to look through the reveal again.

The reveal makes a lot of her behaviour understandable, it certainly doesn't excuse it. I took the Steph is in the shit option every time and I did say that to the dev on Steam. I'm not rewarding her behaviour (manipulation and lack of disclosure). I don't know what consequences will come, probably not much by the sound of it, but there better be some or it will undo some of the good work the reveal did. the reveal doesn't fix everything but it certainly helped a lot IMO. I also think the game needs some early likeable characters to offset crazy Steph and keep the reader engaged. Putting up with a crazy wife is not enough IMO to keep new players sticking it out to get as far as the reveal.

BTW, the dev wrote the +2 trader variable for forgiving her will be going after I asked about it and pointed out it makes no sense.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2021
So basically “Another Man Having My Wife” is really the true title after. BRB learning photoshop to mod in the real title :p

Have prior commitments this weekend so mod updates will take some time. Doesn’t help that yet again there are major revisions to content from previous updates and, imo, needlessly convoluted stat manipulation through the choices just to see the sex scene in this update. BTW where’s Gina and Steph’s trip from the previews these past few weeks? I thought they would be part of this update.

Grumpy Old Aussie

Engaged Member
May 6, 2023
So basically “Another Man Having My Wife” is really the true title after. BRB learning photoshop to mod in the real title :p

Have prior commitments this weekend so mod updates will take some time. Doesn’t help that yet again there are major revisions to content from previous updates and, imo, needlessly convoluted stat manipulation through the choices just to see the sex scene in this update. BTW where’s Gina and Steph’s trip from the previews these past few weeks? I thought they would be part of this update.
What? You have a life? How dare you. ;)
Its just not allowed.

Surprise & Delight

Active Member
Game Developer
May 28, 2020
Thanks for summary. I will never play this game, but I like reading plots of games about open relationship that present it in the worst way possible. Steph is horrible human being and MC should divorce her. By the way could title of this game be even more misleading. It is cuck game and title suggest netori game.
It's not a netori game but it's only a "cuck game" if you choose to make it one. It's not very difficult to play in a way that Steph only ever has sex with another man in a threesome with the MC *after* he spends a lot of time talking her into it.

Also, that was the most biased summary I have ever seen.

The game does not have a non-sharing route. That's true. If you aren't interested in a sharing game, don't play it. It even tells you this pretty blatantly at the beginning. Especially in this new update, but going back several updates as well, at every key point where Steph could potentially hook up with another guy, you can choose to end things, and it's a game over. If you continue to play, you have to content to sharing her.

But Steph is only a "horrible human being" if you have unrealistic expectations for human behavior, especially in reaction to others' behaviors. A lot of the complaints in this thread blame Steph for having sex with another guy (or guys). Though the only reason she does that is because the player literally **talks her into it** as a way of convincing his wife to let him get away with sleeping with another woman. He is literally **visualizing the other woman naked** while he is talking his wife into first flirting with and possibly sleeping with a stranger. If anyone is a "horrible human being" it's the MC.

OTOH, if you play games for fantasy or wish fulfillment, etc. (which a lot of people justifiably & reasonably do), I can understand that this is a difficult position to take about a Player-Character. No one wants to imagine themselves as a bad person. People naturally rationalize their own behaviors. And no one ever really wants to get what they deserve. So this game isn't for everyone. Personally, I love it. To each their own.

Surprise & Delight

Active Member
Game Developer
May 28, 2020
The beginning is framed as MC being an everyman whose chief motivation is not to get Steph to sleep around (though this changes somewhat at bar convo and "vegas"), but whose original motivation is Tori.
His chief motivation is always Tori. Getting Steph to sleep around is a means to an end. Never a motivation unto itself.

Surprise & Delight

Active Member
Game Developer
May 28, 2020
I played HC route, Jason never fucked Steph.
Don't tell the angry little cucks that that path exists. Apparently no matter how they play the game, Steph is always a cheating whore who has been running around fucking every other dude on the planet for years. She tricked the MC into spending an entire date night trying to talk her into fucking a stranger so that he could fuck another woman, who is also in on the whole conspiracy. /s

Seriously, I can't believe some of the insanity on this board. There are few people (who shall remain unnamed) that desperately need therapy.


Mar 12, 2020
I've had a lot of criticism over the game narrative and choices, some on the coding. And I can often get heated in those messages.

Everyone comes into these types of games about relationships with bias born from their own lives. Some may see a scene and think it's playful banter, others might see the same scene and think the one party is being sarcastic.

People that have had a loved one that has cheated on them will have different reaction to things that someone who has never had a loved one cheat on them. And even within people who have been cheated on will have different reactions. Some will brush it off and others will take it internally and let it fester. I'm unfortunately one of the later who had it debilitate me for a year. I will see signs (often even innocent things) and associate it with cheating as I'm just coded now to be afraid of them. it creates an involuntary reaction in me that makes me feel things sickness feeling in my core. So my reactions can sometimes swing too hard in one direction.


Long story short. Don't sell the game too short. It's always good to listen to what people are saying but the best judge of the content in the end is you. There have been many games that people have hated online that I have loved.

EDIT I realize this might sound like I thought before she cheated in previous version and I never got that from any version of the game. She just pushed the boundaries a bit too much for me at times. Which the new update explains.

Dom Toretto

Active Member
Apr 17, 2020
So is there another update coming out tomorrow also togo with today just asking a little confused on everything I read


Active Member
May 23, 2023
I don't like the MC's wife, there are 3 options in the game, choose the blonde
choose donny
both go to the MC's house.
However, the blonde option is useless, when choosing this option the wife of (mc bitch, whore, controlling, is a liar). he invites Donny, after being satisfied, he ends up inviting the blonde the next day.
3.80 star(s) 32 Votes