PER speculation here...
I believe we will see a route where the MC gets with Tori (high confidence), Where Tori takes charge (medium confidence), and a route where Steph, Tori, and Jason get it on while the MC is watching (low confidence).
I think Steph will fuck Jason. I don't think there will be a way to avoid that. The devs seem to be solidly in the camp of equal swinging here. Personally, I would prefer that he isn't involved. Or at the very least, that he is a normal human and not a metahuman with a dino-Dick that destroys all pussies. In fact, if they make it about the BBC, I will be unhappy.
Right now, my biggest concern about the game is the business trip. The Tori stuff I think will be... vanilla... for lack of a better word.
Mirrored my thoughts exactly, but from past posts I know you're in the same camp towards this stuff.
I think Steph will fuck Jason. I don't think there will be a way to avoid that.
If this isn't the case, I will be extremely impressed with the devs, not because I'm anti share (or will neccesarily play it that way), but it would shirk the IR stereotypes in a big way. Like you, I highly doubt this will be the case.
I'm calling it now; the event on high confidence will be a normal swinging event, similar to friday night but with all people active and with normal dialogue, on medium a mixture, and on low chock full of bbc this bbc that while mc is either in the corner or offscreen. I profess I'm man enough to come back here and admit I'm wrong if it turns out differently
The Tori stuff is more variable for me; so that's the stuff I'm more excited for, I've no idea what to expect, it could go vanilla like you said; or, with faith in the writers given what they delivered already in story, maybe it takes a wild left turn.
Additionally, I can already guess what the Steph trip stuff will be on low confidence, so zero interest, what interests me is how they'll handle it on high confidence, I've genuinely no idea.....We'll see!