Hopefully we can get some clarity on the way the game is going to go. Its a good analogy, a kinetic novel. I agree on the menu option, it would make is simpler. The pet names aren't used much either.
TACOS was the first example that came to mind and it is well known, so I used it. Someone has been reading Steam forums. Your user name wouldn't be a bit earthy by any chance?
I wouldn't throw this game in the recycle bin, it has redeeming features to learn from. I was just making a general comment about VNs that go down the kinetic route with meaningless choices and poor stories. I've sent a few in to the recycle bin. I'm waiting to see post Steph's secret who I want to add to my kick out of MC's life list
. There is a lot to reveal, the receipt, phone call, Christmas party, Chuck, etc. So far Suzy, Jason, Tori are on my hit list before I even start. I see a big mod coming on
. Got to get value out of the game with a kick-ass-out-of-MC's-life satisfaction mod