
May 3, 2019
There is many games with no trans character, in fact that's the case of an immense majority of the games out there. Why bigots can't just play those and shut up?
There a quite a lot of games that feature trans-characters, and I don't think that more that a handful of them receives amount of hatred&bigotry that this game (allegedly) gets. Which means that either the whole conflict is overblown, or the problem lies in something other than simply "Look, there's a trans-character in this game! Let's hate it!!!"
What is even more hypocritical is those guys are always whining about a supposed cancel culture when they are in fact themselves bullying everyone who is different from them into silence.
Let's just admit that such people exist on the both sides of the fence.
I'm a trans woman myself: that's nice once in a while to play a game where there is someone like me. If i had any talent at making art, i would also probably try to create some.
The gamemaking (as well as many other things, if you think about it) is more about "experience", rather than "talent". If you have a desire to make something, just try it - coding is very newbie-friendly these days and free engines are free.
The dev obviously know a lot about transidentity and what hell life we live because of a loud minority of bullies. Nea is really well written, the events are totally believable. We need more quality games like this one.
I don't know much about trans-identity, or how realistic Nea's character is, and while I like her as a character, there's a certain point in her route that makes said route absolutely revolting for me (call me a bigot, if you want, but there's that). So, the main plotline of Nea's route is MC acting as a white-knight for acceptance of Nea's trans-identity, raging whenever somebody misgenders her and refuses to see her as a woman, jumping at them and demaning from them to change their views, and overall acting very supportive of Nea being a trans-woman. A bit too political for me, but whatever, it's a matter of taste. The point it makes is that MC is presented as a very trans-accepting person. Remember that. Now there's another plotline in her route and that is "MC's inner thoughts and his feelings for Nea". And here is where that problem lies. MC, who is normally portrayed as a literal manwhore (in one scene he literally pees at the face of some random girl he never saw before, without mentioning the fact of him fucking his entire family), who goes for every woman he sees (and yeah, you could say that it's a sandbox game and there are different routes, except that in order to progress in some routes you actually MUST progress in others, which means that all of them are connected in one storyline), but in case with Nea he SUDDENLY gets very careful with how he sees her - very careful to see her only as a friend and not be attracted to her - at one point literally says something like "Wait, did I just thought that Nea is cute? That doesn't makes me gay, does it?". And at this point the entire main plotline with MC being Nea's white knight turns into an extremely revolting hypocrisy, because the enitre time that he advocates for her being a trans-woman and forcing other to accept it, he himself doesn't actually sees her as a woman.
Now, how to make it all less disgusting? Easy - just flush down the toilet that entire subplot and replace it with something like "Manwhore MC know who he is and is afraid to hurt Nea's feeling so he ignores her feeling and keeps his distance, until he finally realizes that by doing so he already hurts her feelings". That at least would make sense with relation to the route's main plotine. Or, if the "I'm not gay, am I?" is so important, just change Nea from trans-woman to an effeminate gay guy. The story would retain its conflict points (bigot who screams "gay", bigot dad, woman's clothing as a crossdressing fetish), although it would lose the trans-ideas, which would obviously upset some people.
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May 2, 2019
The MC initially don't even know Nea is trans. He just defend her because she's victim of bullying and he doesn't like that, also he's new here and want friends (eventually with benefits). The MC is supposed to be a former victim of bullying himself.

That part is kinda realistic too. He starts to see her a bit differently when he learns she's trans but at least he keeps saying Nea and using feminine pronums. The guy initially know nothing about transidentity. He changes by educated himself a bit and on contact with Nea. Most people out there are influenced by all the conservative propaganda about transidentity, gender and sex. That's really hard and long to deconstruct all that brainwashing, even about someone you like (in fact even when you're trans yourself).

Many people have those internal conflict, even some trans people around other trans. You can be the best trans woman advocate and don't like dick (please note not all trans women have dick too, maybe Nea would do the genital surgery some day). Attraction and love isn't something fully rational.

But i agree on the critic about Nea plot not working well with the harem stuff.
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May 3, 2019
The MC initially don't even know Nea is trans at start. He just defend her because she's victim of bullying and he doesn't like that, also he's new here and want friends (eventually with benefits). The MC is supposed to be a former victim of bullying himself.

That part is kinda realistic too. He starts to see her a bit differently when he learns she's trans but at least he keeps saying Nea and using feminine pronums. The guy initially know nothing about transidentity. He changes by educated himself a bit and on contact with Nea.
Yes, he doesn't know that from the start, but upon learning about Nea being trans-person (which happens pretty early in her route) he immediately becomes very supportive of her, which makes it seem as if he etiher doesn't care about stereotypes and rumors or haven't heard about any of them before; to the point of not caring if talking to her harms his reputation (since she's basically a pariah). The "I'm not gay, am I?" moment happens much later in the story (without mentioning the fact that throughout the entire story, until the very end, in his inner monologues he actively refuses every notion of finding her cute/attractive), which is AFTER MC repeating many times to the bigots and Nea herself that she's an absolutely normal girl and there's nothing wrong with her. It would've been logical if he was confused upon learning about her being a trans-person, but throughout the story would've come to accept and support her. So again, it all comes down to the very mismatched external/internal plots of Nea's route.
Also, I don't live in US and don't care about its politics, so I might be mistaken on that, but from what I remember, this game takes place in Illinois, which is supposed to be pretty "liberal" state? Is it logical that literally everybody in Nea's life (except MC and his family) are "conservative" bigots? Again, I have no idea of how it works irl, but didn't she received some transitioning help from some internet group? And there was nobody who wanted to support her later on? Although in any case that might be too much logic to ask from a porn game, so whatever.
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Oct 20, 2017
It would've been logical if he was confused upon learning about her being a trans-person, but throughout the story would've come to accept and support her. So again, it all comes down to the very mismatched external/internal plots of Nea's route.
I find this mismatch to honestly be very in-line with reality. Your first thought when being supportive of someone and their life after finding them attractive isn't "does this make me gay," but rather a total denial you could find them attractive because of their circumstances. After this first reality is hurdled, coming to terms with you finding them attractive and could see yourself liking/dating/loving them, then comes the tackling of your own sexual preferences. This was my experience when I was exposed to the world of trans-people and my first trans girlfriend. I came to conclude the the labels largely didn't matter to me, but rather the person I liked was the important factor. Whether someone else outside of our relationship found that to be gay or straight was irrelevant to me. It's why when someone asks my preference I usually answer with Pansexual. The person matters much more than their genitalia, for me.

Also, I don't live in US and don't care about its politics, so I might be mistaken on that, but from what I remember, this game takes place in Illinois, which is supposed to be pretty "liberal" state?
The city of Chicago is very liberal, the state as a whole however is more conservative. This is actually very commonplace in the US, where city centers sway heavily to democratic/liberal, and the surrounding areas are republican/conservative (See Austin, Houston and Dallas, TX and Texas as a whole).

Is it logical that literally everybody in Nea's life (except MC and his family) are "conservative" bigots? Again, I have no idea of how it works irl, but didn't she received some transitioning help from some internet group?
Given the map seems within a rural/suburban part of Illinois (just based off the map and layout) it'd be pretty safe to assume you'd have a fair mix of both types of people within the game map. Again following the outline I layed out above, the city area would have more liberal-minded people within it, and where Nea resides (more rural, denoted by the larger yards, houses and overall space) would have more conservatives. Depending on where the school actually is in physical relation to the city vs the rural areas of the game map, it'd be safe to say that it probably resides more in the rural area, and would not have much support for someone such as Nea.

Although in any case that might be too much logic to ask from a porn game, so whatever.
I don't disagree with this sentiment, but for a game to be good, not just a porn game but any, it's scenes and scenarios have to make sense. Largely I feel Luxee has done an outstanding job in not only making the characters and MC within their story feel like people, but the environment which they are in resulting in these types of characters.

I hope that Luxee does eventually continue this story and that the thought and care they have put into this thus far continues to have lots of quality. I check in regularly to see if an update does occur, and I will continue to do so.

Master of Puppets

Conversation Conqueror
Oct 5, 2017
Given the map seems within a rural/suburban part of Illinois (just based off the map and layout) it'd be pretty safe to assume you'd have a fair mix of both types of people within the game map. Again following the outline I layed out above, the city area would have more liberal-minded people within it, and where Nea resides (more rural, denoted by the larger yards, houses and overall space) would have more conservatives. Depending on where the school actually is in physical relation to the city vs the rural areas of the game map, it'd be safe to say that it probably resides more in the rural area, and would not have much support for someone such as Nea.
Suburban is not rural. I don't remember seeing anything to suggest that the game is set in a rural area.


Mar 18, 2020
bruh i wasnt even excited for the next update since it was pool with no Nae... and your telling me i got wait again after this, IF the dev updates
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2019
The hate that Luxee got didn't come only from trans character, but also from lack of choices. Plenty of haters would have been happy if there were friend-route for her. Not to mention overly dramatic turns in the plot dealing with her (which was left unresolved so far).

I also wonder how many "gay-haters" were originally attracted to her, which then turned into self-loathing and hate when they figured out she had male parts down there.

Me, having never been attracted to males, played totally Nea's storyline prepared to go balls deep in her, because she was such a great character (and cute enough).

It's really sad if this is abandoned. I was most curious to see how Luxee would write the scenes with Millie. Way more taboo than trans-character.
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Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
It's a good game.
I just wish it had more branching and stuff like that.

It feels more like a porn game than an AVN at times.

And I'm not really a fan of the sandbox.
But the girls are hot. I suppose that's the most important thing.
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New Member
Sep 12, 2017
But i agree on the critic about Nea plot not working well with the harem stuff.
I kind of wish there was a mod for the game that removes any mention of Nea being trans, not to remove a trans character, but because it feels like a massive amount of valid criticism is being painted as "bigotry" and casually dismissed because "who gives a fuck what a bigot thinks." It feels like if the game were written identically, but there was nothing about Nea being trans - and before anyone says "it makes zero sense if Nea isn't trans!": tell that to all the people who are shat upon by peers, their parents, everyone in their life they know and don't know, along with all the families of people who have ended their lives because of feeling so unwelcome in the world - then there would be next to no defense for the response of both Luxee and people supporting Luxee's stance on making the primary love interest in a game with ONLY a harem path be so emotionally fragile that a glass of water with crushed ice instead of cubed ice would cause a mind break.

Seriously, I wish people had the option to play through with Nea not being trans, not having any sort of bias one way or another flag in their head, and see how absolutely disjointed and out of place the mix of this specific romance and a forced harem game are.

(Add.: I read the rest of your comment, but I didn't have much to say about it, be it in response to or in line with it.)


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2020
there are gay haters?
it is more like you are eating a nice steak and then you cut the next slice and live worms and beetles pour do not want that lol, not what you signed up for when you ordered
Jesus Christ, that was unnecessarily graphic and unpleasant. Blocked.
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Keeping Families Together
Mar 5, 2019
I don't really get the problem to be honest. We learn that Nea is trans very early on and the options exists to just say "I'm out of here. Bye." It's not like people are romancing this little cutie then suddenly get a dick slapped in their face - unless they're not reading anything and just ignore all the options.


Conversation Conqueror
Jan 26, 2021
I don't really get the problem to be honest. We learn that Nea is trans very early on and the options exists to just say "I'm out of here. Bye." It's not like people are romancing this little cutie then suddenly get a dick slapped in their face - unless they're not reading anything and just ignore all the options.
The average F95tard user isn't even smart enough to read the OP... and you expect them to read the story of an AVN? :KEK:
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