- Jun 26, 2018
- 8,680
- 12,180
I'm sorry if you think that I complain about your post, It isn't my intention. I quote you because I answer you, and I'm not saying that think about the game is bad, it's only that I see your answer of my post and think "wow, this is really a explanation". Posibly I didn't choose the proper words to say this.I'm unsure what the point is of quoting me and then complaining I'm thinking about the game and formulating my opinion when I'm replying to you, but I'm not about to go off on tangents. I simply care about the story as well.
To keep it simple: a) either there are deficiencies, weird jumps in the writing department imo and I've not been alone on this, b) these aren't deficiencies, but set-ups for story twists, and some commenters in this thread hope actually hope for those twists. I'm just open to be impressed, but in equal parts concerned.
By the way, you really did misunderstand the sisters' position. I just reread the final part of the VN after you choose to have a private conversation with one of them. Julia's side escalates even more quickly and they both want the same thing. Good or bad, it's curious anyhow considering the Martin subplot and this is one of the reasons why I started asking questions.
And, change the subject, I just want to say that your point may be a bit confused (this word I think that no has exactly the meaning that I search, but I don't know a translate of the word that I want to use, enrevesado). But it is possible that I am wrong and you are right (something not ruled out at all) That it is confused does not mean that it is illogical (which in fact is a perfectly reasonable explanation, even more consistent than what has been explained at now in the game) But, as this is a game, plot errors and script mismatches can be just that.
I can be wrong about the sisters, as I say, I not reread the conversation (and I don't know if, after the end of the main story of this prologue exist more explanations, becouse I don't play more) But I reread, and see if you are rigth. And I think that you are rigth about the extrange behavior of Julia, but, as I say, it can be something more, or a defense of the past experiences (she only act like this or something similar for protect herself, well, I didn't really think much about this and it may be stupid what I'm saying), or only a non absolut consistent decision of the Dev. Human mind can be a mistery itself, and you really don't know how people can react at extreme situations, and how the Dev can explain the diferent parts of the game (If he really wants to explain more about this, It's posible that he thinks that it's already clear, or not write more about this). Becouse of this I prefer wait and see.
And as I said, I prefer that if the game is going to something more dark or strange, It appears at the beggining (The prologue or the first or second updates), or that the Dev advertise about this to know if people can enjoy the game (posible some people enjoy and another not, but it isn't a problem, I think)