Now that Apocalypse v0.7.1 is public I will publish a new sample path for it. Note, it is a sample only, not a walkthrough as there are millions of other paths possible. I did a complete new replay as my previous path had become worthless due to changes in the game. For this run I focused on getting as many children as possible. You have to plan for that as producing a child takes 11 weeks in total. 3 weeks in the harem before a girl can be impregnated and another 8 weeks before the child gets born. As you can only impregnate one girl per week you can have only 5 girls pregnant at a time, as you need to keep 1 slot open for others girls to rotate them into and out of the harem. If you get the first girl into the harem in week 1 the first child can be born in week 12. With two children for Taylor and a current maximum of 7 girls that can get pregnant a total of 9 could be reached.
What does this sample path do:
- it gets all scenes in the gallery
- it completes all 22 missions that can be completed at this point in time
- it visits all explorable areas
- all 7 possible harem girls get impregnated
- dates done for all girls that have a date
I have stopped this path at day 118 as there is not much else to do except wait for more children to get born. The following girls are still pregnant:
- Taylor, birth calculated in 2 weeks
- Ayla, 3 weeks
- Nancy, 5 weeks
- Gwen, 7 weeks
Note: in the first tab of the xlsx there are a lot of handy tables. What girls can be found where etc. The list of the areas is really in a short form as the Hints Guide by the dev is a much better description on the areas.
The path is included in an xlsx in a zip (to defeat security stuff that doesn't like xlsx'es) and a pdf for direct viewing and people that don't have something available to view an xlsx.