Aug 8, 2020
Hello everyone, sorry for silence, personal life and all.

Thanks for lot of feedback. I recommend starting a new save for v 1.1D.

As a small fyi, while using the 0200 code is convenient, it may also result in bugs due to the cheer amount in scripts running each maps, we had people report bugs on the discord which were linked to that.

Is using save cores more recommended than?
Or is the issue the same?


Jan 14, 2021
Can someone explain to me, what to do here? After the conversation it start again and again. I dont know how to continue the story.
"Rise and shine, amantha- not to imply youve been slacking on the job, no one in the world is more deserving of a rest."


Active Member
Jun 22, 2022
how do you even progress with the gym girl or weapons/gear shop girl? just some random quest that shows up sooner or later?

also is the expedition broken? i click places or random squares and i dont see my ship move but it uses fuel, i dont get it
Last edited:


Jan 14, 2021
Hello everyone, sorry for silence, personal life and all.

Thanks for lot of feedback. I recommend starting a new save for v 1.1D.

As a small fyi, while using the 0200 code is convenient, it may also result in bugs due to the cheer amount in scripts running each maps, we had people report bugs on the discord which were linked to that.

to make your job easier, i complied a list of bugs both that i found and that other users found, most of these are from 1.1c or d

it might be because my save is from an older version, but none of the latest updates have fixed the blood axe black screen bug [1.1d]

There's a constant (though low) frequency of misspellings - including literally in the first combat tutorial ("see what you're dealing iwth")

When Wellz disappears as you walk away, in the upper left of the screen it looks like an effect that should be over him as he disappears (a blue glow) was mislocated.

In the training tab of the menu (the one showing progress of Strength/Mind/Agility/Endurance), they default to having one pip filled in even if you have 0 in the respective stat. makes keeping track at the start of the week a massive pain.

During the bar drink serving minigame, there is in fact a timer - it's just never mentioned at all. It's the bar of light along the very bottom of the screen. It's also SUPER long, and resets per drink. You probably have two minutes per drink. Also, the screen showing the drink order errors out (on purpose - it adds challenge), and the length of time increases with the difficulty of the orders. But you can cheese the system by opening the game menu (w/ Escape) and closing it immediately - the screen will turn back on. You'll basically always have the screen and the drink-making goes much faster.

When working for the rebels, the end day is missing the costume for working with them.

When selecting the jobs from Raven, after you leave, you are put in the backroom of the spa, and not the apartment.

Later stages of the game, when you ask Kiwi for the target, there is still the W.I.P screen.

Teacher perk not working at all, it has been 55+ days and it never gave me bonus point at all(supposed to have 25% chance)
so the perks might need to be checked.

Make the STD cure and the stress reducing drug be usable on the map, and not only when u are in battle.

Maybe add Skip or reduce somehow the ending day screen. Later stages becomes annoying.

the package devilery quest bugged with alissa, she wont take it, the dialogue never happens. also its possible for the quest to tell you to deliver to people whos store is closed that day [alex on sundays, alissa on wednesdays, etc]

theres a visual bug with expeditions, when you return from one it layers over both the vasdonas [purple planet] and whatever planet you came from.

minor visual bug during the drink mixing game, the one with the lady swinging her legs is fixed, but theres another with the lady in the yellow jacket, her arm slightly clips into the first drink

the beggar outside the arcade doesnt seem to count as a physical entity, you can just clip right through him

bug with the "days till next match' counter falling out of sync with actual day, idk how it happened but it did

if you max stress in boss rush sim and get burnout it carries over into normal game
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Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2020
Hello everyone, sorry for silence, personal life and all.

Thanks for lot of feedback. I recommend starting a new save for v 1.1D.

As a small fyi, while using the 0200 code is convenient, it may also result in bugs due to the cheer amount in scripts running each maps, we had people report bugs on the discord which were linked to that.

When is the screen freeze issue gonna be addressed? I feel like that should be the top priority over buffing Leona. What's the point of buffing a character when you can't even play the damn game?

As of currently the fix change the if (this._skipCount === 0) { to if (this._skipCount <= 0) { in the rpg_core from karatista36 is how people was able to get through with this game. Honestly, why doesn't the rpg_core coded like that to begin with?


Apr 5, 2021
You cant gain affection with some girls (the furry one) gifts do not appear in the ''give a gift'' section when you talk to her.... even if you do have a lot of them


Aug 8, 2020
If its the same problem I had then he's using the wolfgirl, the circle won't appear and it's a new save
That's what I thought too because I had the same issue.
But with the recent update it got fixed for me even tho i was using a save from a previous version.


Jun 1, 2017
I don't remember the hounds fight being so hard in the demo. I mean I am playing Armida this time, but still, the window for a win was really slim. Am I missing something? Mostly just spent the week training skills up to about 4 each.


Respected User
Jun 12, 2017
That's what I thought too because I had the same issue.
But with the recent update it got fixed for me even tho i was using a save from a previous version.
Maybe im using an old version, yup i am lol
Jun 7, 2022
I don't remember the hounds fight being so hard in the demo. I mean I am playing Armida this time, but still, the window for a win was really slim. Am I missing something? Mostly just spent the week training skills up to about 4 each.
If u want easy fight take the human girl


Jun 12, 2017
I don't remember the hounds fight being so hard in the demo. I mean I am playing Armida this time, but still, the window for a win was really slim. Am I missing something? Mostly just spent the week training skills up to about 4 each.
Invest in AGI heavily for the evasion boosts. You want to avoid getting that bleed as much as possible, since it cancels the health regen of Fury.


Dec 27, 2017
Good evening, I don't know if anyone else had this problem but when I try to download the game, with any of the links the download stops, as if the internet was cut off and until I close the download and the browser doesn't come back, that is to say I can't download the game
Jun 7, 2022
Good evening, I don't know if anyone else had this problem but when I try to download the game, with any of the links the download stops, as if the internet was cut off and until I close the download and the browser doesn't come back, that is to say I can't download the game
Do you download in incognito mode ?


New Member
Jun 26, 2020
Invest in AGI heavily for the evasion boosts. You want to avoid getting that bleed as much as possible, since it cancels the health regen of Fury.
I took the opposite approach with Armida - bumrushed Strength and Endurance to 12 and got the immunity to bleeding effect.
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Feb 2, 2018
When is the screen freeze issue gonna be addressed? I feel like that should be the top priority over buffing Leona. What's the point of buffing a character when you can't even play the damn game?

As of currently the fix change the if (this._skipCount === 0) { to if (this._skipCount <= 0) { in the rpg_core from karatista36 is how people was able to get through with this game. Honestly, why doesn't the rpg_core coded like that to begin with?
RPG_core is a native package of RPG Maker, affecting many rpg maker games, as mentionned by other users, such problem should be reported to RPG Maker devs themselves. We'll see if modifying the file permanently in the engine breaks nothing on the game itself.

Is using save cores more recommended than?
Or is the issue the same?
Any saves happening not in the day saving map screen may cause issues, from intense bloom to potential crashes.

Thanks again for all the bug reports, much appreciated
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