Looking forwards to that.
Couple of more bugs from the arcade if they haven't already been reported and fixed:
* Super Gacha Tower is super broken. Just hit space as soon as the game starts and win 20 tickets every time. Also, if you try to play it without cheating it looks like you always fail?
* The 'special' items are 500 tickets, but you can only have maximum of 99 tickets in your inventory so it's impossible to get them. Same for the largest plushie which is 100 tickets.
* Alliah says the first game of the day is free, but it isn't. You can't claim back your 10 credits or play free.
Also, sometimes one of the 'actions' for the day isn't carried out by the gladiator. Like, the gladiator has 'Work as waitress / Spa bath / Sparring at Gym' but the waitress action doesn't happen (and no free time instead either)
When you have the mission to rescue Erin, she's still sitting at the construction site as well.
Suddenly twins.
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After the third battle (BEES) my gladiator was following me around and guess who was in her room waiting for us? Her twin sister.
The 'Return to Amanthi' objective in the debt collector quest is broken. Talking to her does nothing, and now I can't get work or buy things from her.