As good as the game is and especially this update... i can't shake off the plot holes and illogical aspects to the story presented with this update. It doesn't really bother me and should be expected since it's a sci-fi AVN, but still...
- The warehouse was locked down like fortknox. Yet just a little later Cris, the invader, is seen running out the backdoor. Did Desmond not lock the door behind him? And why would he go in solo... the invader is stuck in there. To not have backup in that situation is insane especially since you have all the time in the world.
- Kindra is so confused why anyone would break in because "there's nothing of value" in there. Meanwhile in the same render original Koko is sitting there in the display case. Kindra has to know the AI code is on a computer chip inside his frame. That's not valuable, Kindra? And would you not check to make sure it's still there? Why is Cass so happy to receive it also. Cass literally developed that code with the MC and then contractually screwed him over for the sole proprietary rights for it. She had the code already. If she stupidly just deleted the original code... Why send mercs, just send a team of lawyers. I'm sure her corporation has the best ones money can buy. Not to mention is a previous chapter she tells the MC she didn't even use it and started from scratch. Strange how she screwed over a ten year relationship for coding she didn't even use.
- The secret "safe house"... Then you find out later is was the home of Kindras uncles when they were in college. And her uncle mentions all the good memories of this place. Meaning they probably had massive parties there. Doesn't sound so secret and has no defense in comparable to the warehouse/bunker. They're also leaving the bunker that has the most advanced tech on the planet at a time when Artemis just came to life. Probably not a smart move, folks. Kindra runs diagnostics on Koko 5 minutes after revival, yet they don't do the same for Artemis??? And why did it take the MC a whole week to check her code when she clearly wasn't operating properly? He found the errors instantly.
- The mall. So you're telling me they're staying in a safe house and come up with brilliant idea to take Artemis to the mall... The most valuable asset on the planet, easily worth trillions, thrown into an environment that would likely cause sensory overload and who knows what catastrophe may happen. Right... and not only that, the MC is so careless with her that he lets a practical strange run off with Artemis while he closes his eyes on the couch. And then later Artemis walks away from him without him noticing?? Wow.
- Which brings me to the super tech genius, V. So let me get this straight... She not only helped the MC with an error in the AI code, but she found it instantly... so she had to at a minimum understand the somewhat the function of the code. Then the MC strolls up with Artemis at the mall and they meet V. Quickly she finds out how unusually strong Artemis is, and has the mental ability of a 2 year old because "brain surgery"... then discovers Artemis has an incredibility advanced cybernetic arm and mentions she must have a billion dollar body. A super tech genius would be in awe right now, jaw on the floor... yet she just brushes it off like it's nothing. Some of us might have noticed in an earlier chapter, but Artemis also a belly button looking thing on her lower back that looks like something plugs in there, but the whole time in the dressing room while Artemis is shirtless spinning around V, she doesn't notice it??? V also takes notice of Artemis's eyes, which btw, make a weird flashy blink reaction everytime Artemis learns something. AFTER all that, you're telling me V wouldn't throw a million questions at the MC???? Or at a minimum some inner dialogue of "WTF???"
Side note and more controversial... i don't understand the love for Kindra. After slapping the MC for trying to save her from the bear, i lost a lot of interest in her. And in this update, she lost patience with Artemis twice and EVEN YELLED and THREATENED her for not being able to follow her poorly worded instructions. Nail in the coffin for me. Team Anti-Kindra.