No matter what resolution I pick in the lanuch window, the game always launches an extremely small window that can't be resized. I'm playing on a 1440p monitor, is there any way to make the game either run in full screen, full windowed or to just make the window size actually match what I pick in the launcher?
Also, after closing the game and relaunching AA2Play.exe, resolution is back to default. Then I changed the savedconfig.lua file to read "res_play="2048x1080" (which is not the max resolution for my screen, but the max that was available in the drop-down options that still fits my screen as a window). Now the launcher displays that resolution by default, but the game still launches in the smaller, default resolution...
Edit: I've also tried to follow instructions from
4.DPI/Scaling/High Res Issues
in the troubleshooting section of the modern installation guide, it made no difference that I ticked the check box called "Override high DPI scaling behavior", and picked "Scaling performed by application" from the drop down menu. Or maybe it did make a different somewhere, but not in the window resolution.