I really like the game but does everyone have to be a whore??
20 year old virgin beta mc who's according to violet, mom's a whore and were told violets a whore whom may have fucked his father?? The girls at assassin's club are of course whores you got two shut in girls one is cam whore the other whom started after you and is allowed to go on missions had no problem striping down and watching some old guy stroke himself to her while waiting for mc so obviously possible future whore??
And of course these are supposed to be our love interests why do they all have to be whores???
So out of all this we are of course the beta 20 yr old virgin who calls some tool master and all mc ever says is oh well guess I have no choice
Story really needs alot of work because so far not interested in any of the whores violets story is upsetting I really was kinda liking her then she referenced fucking mc's dad what the fuck?? Then were told she fucked anything that moved yeah that's a really special love interest!
The worst thing is you can't really avoid any of them hoping for a love interest that's not a whore you have to be with the whores to progress the damn game??
And I'm not going to even talk about the Dr how many clients does she have?? Horrible not worth spending the money to be with her or the other escort/whore at least that's optional you don't have to do that to progress story so I stay away from them let them have how did she put it clients that she doesn't like being with ugh
I will keep playing hoping it changes or gets better then I would consider supporting and promoteing this game but I'm not sending money for a game where all the love interests are whores maybe violets not really like that maybe this is all just for show and there not all actually whores hope none of the escorts are love interest because they've already talked about being with other men of course there whores but I'm not into ntr just my personal opinion and if there fucking other clients then yeah no thanks!
Thank you for your time

and hoping for love interest that aren't whores
It's just if there all whores and fuck anything that walks as we're told violet did then what makes there relationship to mc special??
He's just another guy that they'll fuck no different really then any other they've already fucked there's nothing special because there all whores that don't care who sees them nude they don't care who they've fucked so relationship with mc is just another day at the office not a special relationship especially when all you need is a hundred bucks and they'll be right over!!! Needs prostitution tag