
Mar 31, 2020
where can i get to the end game? so i can finish the game im a bit confused of
Depends where you stand, the initial goal is to kill every distortion of Asylum, after that the dialogue will automatically pop up telling you where to go/what to do, you may check if you already have killed all 7 distortions or if you talked to every NPC.

Last resort, go to Menu - Event tab, at the top there is a "Current objective" box telling you where you should go next to progress with the story.
Apr 18, 2021
That Bringer loss thing is so spoily. I wouldn't have figured out that you have to lose a completely winnable fight just to access the remaining 20% of the game, including the hardest boss fights.

BTW, those who are saying you need to access dim forest etc. to win the game, are wrong. You can access the icy region through the windy region, by going down all the way down from the locust boss location. It's easy to miss because the path up and down look the same, so you may think you explored it already. I got to NG+ before getting red feather.
Level design in Asylum is pretty terrible. It wasn't good in SEQUEL, but it didn't have this much pointless waking and repetition.


Active Member
Jan 5, 2018
That Bringer loss thing is so spoily. I wouldn't have figured out that you have to lose a completely winnable fight just to access the remaining 20% of the game, including the hardest boss fights.

BTW, those who are saying you need to access dim forest etc. to win the game, are wrong. You can access the icy region through the windy region, by going down all the way down from the locust boss location. It's easy to miss because the path up and down look the same, so you may think you explored it already. I got to NG+ before getting red feather.
Level design in Asylum is pretty terrible. It wasn't good in SEQUEL, but it didn't have this much pointless waking and repetition.
the idea in asylum is to get lost, beside hakika did well in trying new stuff on spin off rather the main games to not damage the reputation or sales of the series

this is a paint made sketch, so far all sequel games you zigzag a linear route but at the end of a area you unlock a shortcut for a quick travel. Asylum is a maze but at least can reach diferent areas on diferent routes
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Jun 20, 2021
Hello I would like to post a very rough WIP map to show my progress (for example the alignment lines still visible), i don't have all areas covered because i haven't finished the game yet.
I would also like to turn away from the circle indicators to feature rough area sketches eventualy, but for now this is better than nothing.
I know very little about creating maps and this is very much learning by doing.
When I first started i did little circles for areas with pen and paper and this translated into the first few digital microsoft paint files.
My hope is to eventualy map out the entire game and create a comprehensive and easy to understand map so you can focus your energy more on being horny rather than breaking your head trying to find a way through this maze of a game.
Anyways here it goes:
L1 [Route to Distortion]
1: Purga's Border
5: Purga's Border Caves
8:Albus Tower Outer Wall



L5 Karitas / NewGame Area
1: GateWay to Karitas
3: The Area where you start the Game

2: Purga's Border Aqueducts
4: AlbusTower
5: GateWaytoHuma
7: AlbusTowerBasement

SIDENOTE: L1 is the canonical starting point of my maps, all lines that extend to the left of that have odd numbers and all lines going to the right hand side are even numbers. This has little nothing to do with the actual physical locations of the areas.
Also note that these lines are made with lots of guessing and can be compressed in a process i like to call refactoring, this hasn't happened for this WIP version of amelitae.
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Jun 20, 2021
I also want to post my progress on unfinished maps that i haven't fully explored yet or are even shittier because i hadn't standardized my colors and workflow yet (Patienties being one of the earliest and worst aged ones) :
L1 [Forest to Graveyard Route]

1:WoodlandRuins, MonsterEggQuest
5:ForestOfRain, Wrong Chicken
8: PutrefieldGraveyard Upper
10:Items accessible at L5 13
12:Merge with L5, Sideboss: Fencer(Avoidable)

L3 [Crossroad between L1 und L5]
2:Woodland Hinterland

L5 [DistortionRoute/Graveyard]
2: Passage/Items if coming from 3
3: GreenOldCastle/ to L7
5: GreenOldCaslte Basement
6: Access to Item in 5.5
9: Putrefield GraveyardLower
13: Putrefield Graveyard/Connection to L1 12
17: Putrefield Graveyard Altar
23: DistortionRoom

L7 [Castle Area]
3': Garden with Cutscene
3'': Fireplace with Massgrave/Items
4': MonsterQuestRoom(Butterfly)
5':Tower with Level to open Room 6
6: Bossfight with Butterfly

L9 [Pools of Hatred]
1: Fuck this place is huge (sic)
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Jun 20, 2021
Lots of stuff that isnt polished or doesnt make sense, i post everything i wrote down anyways
1:StartZone from Birdcage
2:GustyTranquillita Devilquest
8: PiercingCragOvergrowth
12: PiercingCragMountainTrail,MonsterDogofTranqu Boss

L3 Stardragon
1: Connection to L1.2 Stardragontrace

L2: Piercing Crag
2: Piercing Crag
9: Piercing Crag Lower BossCarrion
14:FleshEatingVillage, Big Area
15':ItemZone Aged Coin
22 :FleshVillageFrontOfShrine
22' :BarDeadend
23:Item92Mana, Itemroom 28' 310 mana
25:CrossRoads OldCoin in the ' Area coming from 28 the Boss: VillageFlesh

6': ManaSeed
7: TranquillitaTableland, 1AgedCoin
8: BoulderBlockingPath solved from L2

1: TranquillitaGhostTown, PathBlockedL8
2: Boss: VillageShaman CaneOfCursesWeapon, Deadend, Item on the Bed:SuccubusFluid

2: SecondCellManaPotion
3: VaseAgedCoin

1:TranquillitaGhostTown, PathBlockedL8
3: SecondCellManaPotion
4: VaseAgedCoin


One last note, english is not my native language and sometimes i write stuff down in my first language, so i had to hastily translate some stuff and since i didnt play this game in two weeks i have no idea if that stuff even makes sense, i still hope it can help some people
Apr 18, 2021
so far all sequel games you zigzag a linear route but at the end of a area you unlock a shortcut for a quick travel. Asylum is a maze but at least can reach diferent areas on diferent routes
It's not the problem here. The problem is that there's a lot of repetition and pointless space.
SEQUEL games are more "dense", less padded. The respawning materials, while grindy, also made the maps easier to navigate by making them distinct.
Asylum has many improvements, like guaranteed guardian drops, material grind removal, lowered level reliance and thus grind (before mirage grind starts, then it gets much worse than levels were). But the huge, empty levels filled with easy monsters and pathetic items, are an even bigger problem than they were in Colony.
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Jun 20, 2021
Good news everybody, i managed to get back to work, and work I did.

This time I focused on Karitas (atleast the part I can explore with my progression)

I have moved away from the circle topography and worked out a new template.
I have also moved on from the "color matching" approach of my earlier maps. You can see what I mean in the "How to" section.

The new template is rectangular, and while arguably uglier, makes way for the possiblity to add room geometry to the map.
You can already see a little example at Magenta-3.
Also it allows me to place the exit points more accuratly.

These maps take a long time to make and refine so i hope you can forgive me if it takes a bit.
Even a relatively small area like Karitas took me a well over a week of work, for the sixty odd rooms that needed to be mapped out.
However I suspect that the next ones can be made faster since I have a solid foundation now regarding the method, even if it is still made in Microsoft Paint.

Because I am no longer color matching, the maps i already posted, while by no means useless, will be rendered obsolete once I come around to update them to the new standard.

Without further ado, here's my little Karitas Map. (500kb was too big for the Forum lol)

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New Member
May 31, 2020
What's the maximum stats that Aryaum's Jewel/Aryaum's Mirage Robe can go up to per intensity?
I know that intensity 1 can increase stats up to +100.

Intensity 2 can go up to +200
Intensity 3 can go higher than 500. (I'm still grinding it to max.)
there is a guide that said the aryaum's jewel/mirage robe goes up to +50000 on intensity 4

that's the link, and here's a link to asylum's wiki though it's in jp



Jun 20, 2021
there is a guide that said the aryaum's jewel/mirage robe goes up to +50000 on intensity 4

that's the link, and here's a link to asylum's wiki though it's in jp

Do you even know how important that link you posted is?
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Mar 31, 2020
I missed quests 40th, 41st, 42nd. Where to find these?
They all are part of the same questline, the starting point is the flesh lump whos at the far end behind the guardian in flesh eating village, when you stumble upon the guardian, go all the way till the end until you find a lump who has a quest for you.


Aug 9, 2021
Ok guys this game is super tilting..

I've a lot of questions if someone can answer or link me a walkthrough !

1) In the Manzion with locked doors the first was 5 for braziers, the second one asked me how many candlesticks, I only see 3 pods, but I tried every answer 0 to 30 and it didn't work.. so ?

2) In the shrine of the Eating-flesh Village, when I used the Shrine I'm tped in a room without any stuff do to, I just can interact with the "food" and there's a locked door on the left side, so I've to use the Ino's Sign to get back

3) I didn't find the treasure head for the Quest 15 : A Monster's search, do you guys find it ?

Thanks you for reading,
Apr 18, 2021
Ok guys this game is super tilting..

I've a lot of questions if someone can answer or link me a walkthrough !

1) In the Manzion with locked doors the first was 5 for braziers, the second one asked me how many candlesticks, I only see 3 pods, but I tried every answer 0 to 30 and it didn't work.. so ?

2) In the shrine of the Eating-flesh Village, when I used the Shrine I'm tped in a room without any stuff do to, I just can interact with the "food" and there's a locked door on the left side, so I've to use the Ino's Sign to get back

3) I didn't find the treasure head for the Quest 15 : A Monster's search, do you guys find it ?

Thanks you for reading,
1. Interact with candlesticks
2. You need a better key that you get later
3. It's a drop from one of those respawning bosses. You have to unequip it before being able to give it. You can get it back by beating the boss again after that.
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