Why hello there, it's been a while hasn't it?
After Greed7781 posted a link to the fan wiki in june, which contained a complete and detailed map (albeit unusable in japanese) , I was kinda stumped, but frankly not surprised that this thing existed.
At first I wasn't sure what to do, since i spent an unacceptable amount of time into my own mapping efforts. I kinda wanted to continue doing just that while using the fan wiki in an indirect sense to count the "nodes" and amount of rooms/areas to speed up my own work, but by that time I lost my energy for this and let it rest for a few months while doing other stuff.
Now forward to November, and I got some free time, so i thought I would finish the job for good.
After some consideration about the Pro's and Con's of both formats
The Wiki Map:
-More Compact
- Shows the location of items, adventure logs, old coins, check points ... etc.
-Less Offensive on the Eyes and easier to read.
-Shows the rough outline of an area and makes it easier to navigate
-Already complete
-Doesn't has a direct way to reference each area numericaly.
-Atleast the untranslated source material doesnt name the star lanterns, so you have to guess which is which.
-^ Same goes for bosses which are simply marked as "Boss".
-Only shows a small sub area of a given Region instead of the whole.
I had to swallow my pride and go with the Wiki Map, but not without improving on it.
But even without adding additional stuff I basicaly had to visit all area's to confirm naming of items, bosses and star lanterns in english, not terribly hard, but still enough work to keep me occupied for a solid week.
Hey I even found a typo, in the Shenith Refuge: It's 155 mana instead of the 115 Mana mentioned in the source material
Since I couldnt replace Kanjis like 話 with the word Shop, while fitting it into the little squares, I had to make my own pixel art pictograms.
The original only gave names to the connections to other maps, I took the liberty to add names to the star lanterns aswell as the bosses.
So in a sense the english community version of this map is superior to the source,.
Of course the heavy lifting of creating the maps in the first place is something a applaud them for.
Here's a comparison between the source material and my translation ( the example being Purga's Border here):
Translated and enhanced with Star Lantern naming: