Hey, thanks a ton for taking the time to answer a pain in the ass like me. I really apreciate it. Just a few points. In 0.5 , we know Mr. Silver is connecting with Jessica. In 0.6 we see it again, but it's not new, nor new info is added. We didn't needed the whole Bible right there, but a couple chapters would've made it for me. Just a line, in fact. But we got nada. I never said the underwater thing was a dream, and if the intention was to show "Jessica is doable", well, that point was made, again and again, since she showed up. Hey, a single expression would've done it for me. Like her looking at the MC, through the corner of her eye, and biting her lip. That would be enough to establish "Jessica is into the MC". At the very least, don't pull the "oh, it was just a dream" again. I'm sorry if it looks like i'm busting your balls, i assure you it's the very opposite.