Hey guys!
I need to know a couple of things.
1) What is the highest Friend level, on the 'friendly' route you've been able to achieve with Christine as of the end of 0.7? Also, where did Christine's horniness end up?
2) What is the highest Horniness level (Christine's Horniness, not yours), you've been able to achieve on the 'horny' path? And where did Christine's friend level end up?
I've been focused on Steamy mod until now, which has additional points, so I'm not sure what the 'normal' maximums are if you 'do everything right to get Max friend or Max Horny. This ties in to a few dialogue choices I'm suggesting/scripting...
On that note, here's a flowchart for Day 1 I put together, to get a better feel of the differences between maximizing horniness and maximizing friend points on day 1, and the difference between the 'pick her up' path and the 'forget to pick her up' path. It's not complete, but it will give you an idea of how some decisions may affect your day 1 playthrough...
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