Just noting that the Babysitter staff is following the posts here, as well as comments from other sources.
Right now we are mapping out 0.0.9 as far as 'what happens next'.
I should note an earlier comment about the 'friend' route possibly resulting in more horny points than the 'horny' route. Personally, I don't have a problem with this, because as the saying goes, 'good things come to those who wait'. However, there are other variables in play as well, so Horniness doesn't tell the entire story.
But nonetheless, we are having a serious discussion right now about the meaning of the various Friend and Horny stats going forward, as well as a few other flag variables. Obviously, Christine is more resistant to some things due to the 'familial' relationship with Uncle, so she'd need higher thresholds along those lines, but nonetheless point logic is very much on our minds at the moment.
Personally, I'm not a believer in 'absolutes' though, although the team may have a 'chart' in the background that lets the writing team know generally when certain activities might be on the table for a given relationship. Life is fluid, and while various endgames are on our minds, how the story gets there may not be as 'rigid' as people may be accustomed to seeing in other games. This is primarily a visual novel, so the story should finally make some sense once it reaches it's conclusion, even if some things may not be as clear now.
Also, it's a balancing act. T4bbo is committed to one update every month, so you may see the stories 'leapfrogging' between updates, an example of which being why Silver's storyline seems to have advanced a lot while Robert's individual storyline didn't progress much in 0.0.8 (although Jess and Robert share a 'general path'). And of course, not all characters made appearances in this update, but that doesn't mean we have forgotten about them...
Anyways, back to work!
p.s. the 0.0.8 walkthrough is now available for Patrons, as well as the updated 0.0.8 version. Of course, since I'm on the payroll now, I won't be sharing those here, but should someone else decide to share...