Hmmm, do I say anything about 0.0.9...
Damn straight I do!
So this is T4bbo's game, but since I'm on the team, I'll try to share something....
Without sharing any spoilers, I can say that some of the speculation in the last few posts is off the mark. While there are two primary paths (the Silver route, the Robert/Jess route) there are several outcomes along each of these paths that are becoming more apparent as things go along.
While of course Uncle and Christine are the focus of the story, Jess, Sonya, Silver and Robert are also involved in this story, and all have a role to play. And, this being a game, if Uncle is off of his game, then others will step in to fill the void. This hasn't changed over the last few updates, but now that the 'terrain' has been defined, and now that the 'primaries' have made their intentions known, now it's time for some serious progression in the next update.
That being said, don't assume that Christine is going to just 'give it up' in the next update. But, there will be some progression nonetheless, the exact nature of said progression being based on a few decisions...
Christine has four 'options' currently, although the fourth option (Jess) is maybe a bit less clear/a more recent thing. Also, depending on who your 'MC/Uncle' is interested in at this point based on some of the story decisions you've made, well at this point your choices may be narrowing a bit. It may have seen like a bit of a 'free for all' r.e. who you could chase, but now it's time for people to 'choose' and stay focused.
This isn't to say that the more 'intriguing' endings aren't in the cards, just that we are putting a lot of thought into exactly 'how' a multiple partner ending might come about (my term for this is 'Uncle managing to balance things perfectly'. The various points being tracked up to this point will play into this heavily, and this may be particularly hard to achieve.
This will cut both ways though. If Uncle is messing up a lot, someone else might end up with that 'multiple partner' ending instead. As T4bbo has said, this is a game after all.
We are a ways off from endings though, based on the story discussions the Babysitter team is currently having. Things are going to get interesting from the player's perspective r.e. character backgrounds very soon, and a couple of bread crumbs have been dropped here and there already...
I can say that there will be some sexy stuff in the next update, but as to who is 'being sexy' with whom, I'll leave that question open/won't spoil it. Also, this story may be a bit 'deeper' that it appears, and certain characters have some stuff going on which is slowly being revealed as we go along...
As to potential issues with content, there's a game plan for that. Note what various modders and such can easily restore such things in Renpy games, and as Ignazzio pointed out the story can stay essentially intact with very minor changes anyways.
This is definitely a rather involved story, not a 'wham bam thank you ma'am' affair, so if you are looking for lots of sex with all of the characters simultaneously in the next update, well this isn't that game. And we do want Christine's progression to be 'special' with Uncle, and not overly dragged out but not sudden either. That one is a very delicate balance, and of course I'm always keeping the idea of avoiding the M.M.P. (Milking Patrons) thing in the back of my mind as I help with the writing. Sure, the Stairway to Heaven game thing is on our mind, it's a game after all, but I'm personally not a fan of overly large stairways...
And this is a story too. T4bbo has this story he wants to tell, and as I'm becoming immersed with it, well obviously it's not going to be a literary masterpiece, but there is a backstory here to go along with the game that the team is being mindful of going forward. Not that people look for 'deep stories' in porn games, but there is a deeper story going on here in this case...
There, hopefully I was sufficiently vague but still managed to allay some fears... I'm just a member of the team though, this is T4bbo's baby.
Back to work!