
Apr 5, 2017
hes from Venezuela so that 780 is a heck of alot more over there. Average living wage there is 150,000 venezuelan bolivar per month hes making 26110386.90 per month. His countrys economy is a fecking mess. These tansfer rates are based on figures from november so not sure if there still accurate. The wage per month is equivilant of 8 dollars. SO right now rainces is laughing all the way to the bank. Having said that he did spend almost 6k dollars on a laptop This is again due to hyper inflation. So on one hand he has alot of money and on the other hand luxery tems and electronics cost an arm and a leg i a country ravaged by hyper inflation

ohh well its really logical but i think if u think so then i would bet if he would make 174 times his salary then even dumbest ppl would do all they can to keep theire salary

so by ure logic i would think it is opposite instead of getting 174 times salary from patreon maybe he is making 10 + times more in his real job and this game he was making as hobby and all of ure kind words on this site is really inspiring him to put more time in game
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Major Wanker

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
ohh well its really logical but i think if u think so then i would bet if he would make 174 times his salary then even dumbest ppl would do all they can to keep theire salary

so by ure logic i would think it is opposite instead of getting 174 times salary from patreon maybe he is making 10 + times more in his real job and this game he was making as hobby and all of ure kind words on this site is really inspiring him to put more time in game
Hahaha kind words ? guys a tool lol I like the game but not the dev. I think its a simple case of his income on patreon has never dropped below 600. So if you can make 600 a month for doing fuck all why would you even bother to work? Especially when that 600 makes you essentially rich in a country with a piss poor economy.
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Jan 6, 2019
I have been a fan / supporter since the beginning so I am waiting to seen how this update plays out.

If it just a basic update or a rush job I am planing on creating a mod for this game and rewrite the code and finish of some of the scenes he left behind in the game for example the Night scenes, Shoplifter scenes and update the interface etc.

The main reasons I am waiting it will take a few weeks to rewrite the code to a point it is easy to maintain and update so hoping the update he gives us is amazing.

View attachment 513675
I highly recommend this project! I will support every month

Major Wanker

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
Major Wanker, what makes you think Rainces is from Venezuela? There are Spanish-speaking people with an explosive character. Rainces is much calmer and more cool-headed. :unsure:
He spoke previously about being from venezuela one of his excuses a long time ago was the riots there. So i base it purely on his previous statement. We could have been lied to it is possible but seems odd that he would know about riots there if he did not live there. Saying that all trust of the dev has gone out the window and i see his page being supsended at some point as alot of supporters claim they have reported the page

Major Wanker

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2017
Major Wanker, I've never been to Venezuela in my life. But I know just as much about the riots there. I have Internet on my phone. I will say more: even my washing machine knows about the riots, since it is also connected to the Internet. :giggle:
Fair point . I suppose no one will truly know especially when the dev constantly lies about what is going on

Deleted User #713463

Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2018
I see pepole start to loose it i dont love when pepole dont stand behind they words what can i do and its does not matter the most importent if he said in 11 so he need to release in 11 and not promise thing p.s cant recall his name but he should create a game i am sure its going to be great game


New Member
Dec 21, 2018
In the mean time I will finish off some renders I been working on :)

View attachment 513649
Thing is, this is not my Bobby or Lucy.. Lucy should have a look of terror and Bobby isn't the dirty mother fucker he always is in this render. That's why Rainces was great because you decided how Bobby was. Seeing this render i already know you mod will suck because this is not how they are..
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