I'm taking it as a positive. Maybe Patreon said he does actually need to produce something more often after people complained. Or maybe they're doing this of their own free will. Maybe they understand that unless they feel the economic impact, they won't make another update. So that leads me to think we're much more likely to see an update in August so that they can then un-freeze their Patreon.A very late but good step in the right direction. At least he's showing some decency (sincere or forced) for his patrons finally and trying to prove that he's not a scammer I guess.
This game could become one of the popular games if he worked on it regularly and much much harder. He could be earning 3000 a month or even more easily.
And yeah, this game could be raking in a lot more money even if it just had updates every other month and they paced the sex a little faster than they had before the last update. Part of me wants to say a contributing factor to updates being delayed is that Rainces still doesn't have any idea what to do with the game or the story. That's why for quite some time when we did get updates, the same stuff would basically repeat in a different way, or the current progress in one area would be abandoned and suddenly Bobby would be trying some other tactic even though the last one hadn't been explored fully.