
Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
This game is wonderful
Please introduce a game like this
It means that the female characters of the game should not turn into prostitutes
The main character has to trick them regularly
And the body of the girls of the game like this game should be great
Also, they are very hard to corrupt or cannot be corrupted at all!
This type of game actually requires writing effort so we rarely see new ones.
tarzan999, that's exactly the effort, because writing something decent, and at the same time not knowing in reality what it is, really requires a certain imagination. In fact, the story (let's call it incest) is not as funny and frivolous as it seems to us. The stories of family relationships are usually complex, tense, and sometimes tragic. Therefore, authors, as a rule, simply write their erotic fantasies, which in no way are even remotely plausible.
The game is not well written, unless the English version is just incredibly poorly translated. But if so, that's on Rainces to line up a better translator. I'm pretty sure there is no shortage of fans who would be willing either to help translate or just rewrite based on the English translation there is. Instead, Rainces seems to do his own translation based on their knowledge of English. In other games this may have a charming Engrish effect. Here though, more often than not, it just makes the characters all sound like they aren't very smart. I suspect they sound that same way in their native language though.

The story itself is awful in most places. It's not so much one grand story, but a bunch of story pieces that are loosely tied together but not given any unity. Many of the ideas from the game, including specific events, or either just broad incest game tropes, or taken outright from other games. Playing this game years ago while also playing Big Brother made it clear this game had taken quite a bit from that one. There's very little we haven't seen in this game before, and what is new is just bizarre.

The game's premise is that of Bobby being bad, in an evil or naughty way. But instead, it's just "bad" in an incompetent way. His "tricking" efforts often fail, or if they do work, they and the progress they brought are undone when suddenly his "love interest" gets the upper hand and resets the progress, or Bobby does something stupid and resets the progress.

They come across as hard to corrupt because there is not any meaningful progress in this game. As mentioned above, when there is progress, it is later undone. The game has largely gone nowhere, taking around eighteen updates and several years to do so. It's where a brand new game could be in a few months with a developer that wasn't trying to milk people endlessly. I've seen games recently that put out several updates over the course of several months that told a cohesive story and then wrapped it up with a fair amount of sex during the time (The Fosters). But there are others too that are still ongoing that have accomplished far more in months and a handful of updates than Rainces has done in years and coming up on twenty updates.

There's really nothing special about BBS other than the models, although they're getting increasingly dated because the game has been around so long. If you're a fan of repeatedly getting cock-blocked by a game or sleep-creeping or dry-humping, then maybe this is the Citizen Cane of games for you. Or I guess for me the only thing the game has going for it is potential. The basic premise of Bobby being a bad boy and seducing/tricking/forcing/whatever his family combined with the models used has such an incredible amount of potential. Rainces could have done so much with the idea. He still could, if he got off his ass and 1) actually put out an update and 2) made it worth the wait and gave actual progress and story. But we all know that's not going to happen. BBS is going to forever remain the butt of a lot of jokes, and the example of a game that squandered so many possibilities in the name of milking money from supporters.


Active Member
Aug 11, 2016
too much damn text
Rainces is my favorite developer because he understands pacing and corruption better than anyone else(besides akabur probably). His scenes are dialogue are perfect for this type of game and they push all of the right buttons, imo.

The goal of a porn game should be completely different from the goals of other games and the people who are obsessed with polish or minigames most probably don't care about anything else. Unless you have the skills and time to create a game like that(and Rainces clearly doesn't) he shouldn't concern himself with them.


Mar 11, 2021
Rainces is my favorite developer because he understands pacing and corruption better than anyone else(besides akabur probably). His scenes are dialogue are perfect for this type of game and they push all of the right buttons, imo.

The goal of a porn game should be completely different from the goals of other games and the people who are obsessed with polish or minigames most probably don't care about anything else. Unless you have the skills and time to create a game like that(and Rainces clearly doesn't) he shouldn't concern himself with them.
And he never updates and steals people's money


Active Member
Aug 11, 2016
And he never updates and steals people's money
Actually people are THROWING their money at him to increase the chances of more updates. Allegedly the next focus will focus heavily on Lisa, but is being delayed so more content can be added.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
Is this game now dead or what? He said in May the next update is almost ready.
I give it maybe a 50/50 chance there will be another update. As long as there are enough suckers who keep sending him money every month to do nothing, Rainces has shown they have no interest in producing actual updates. The past has shown that it takes a drop in their income or a real threat to it for them to take action. In the last couple of years, we haven't seen an update come out just because it was time for one or because that time was when it just happened to be finished. It's been because their patreon numbers had dropped, or patreon themself made him redo the game, or there were multiple remakes of the game about to come out from multiple devs. Unless something like this happens, I don't see Rainces putting out another update out of a sense of duty to his paid supporters or anything like that. Even if a threat did arise, at some point they're likely just to shrug and go on with their life and still accept the diminishing patreon money as long as it comes in.

He's said multiple times that the update is close to ready, but that's been part of their modus operandi for years. People keep falling for it, getting excited, and subbing on Patreon. In turn, Rainces has more money after that, so has no incentive to work on the update.
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Jul 23, 2017
Let me guess....
Worst renders than original. As buggy as original. 5-10% new content which might include game over scene. Story is still stuck where rainces left off.
Am I close?
What's your alternative? One update a year? At this rate, RA will probably finish making this game in 15 years. And believe me, you will probably not play it in such a horizon.

I have a positive approach for this mod. At least someone is trying to move the story.


Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2017
What's your alternative? One update a year? At this rate, RA will probably finish making this game in 15 years. And believe me, you will probably not play it in such a horizon.

I have a positive approach for this mod. At least someone is trying to move the story.
Please keep moving forward. I want to see you succeed first of all so we have something to run with the potential Rainces started but abandoned. But secondly the more pressure that gets put on Rainces, the more likely he is to put out another update. Although I suspect another update will be more of the same.

If Rainces does ever get their act together, you'd be well positioned to make your own game. We need more games like BBS in some ways. But not at all like it in certain ways.


Oct 14, 2018
What's your alternative? One update a year? At this rate, RA will probably finish making this game in 15 years. And believe me, you will probably not play it in such a horizon.

I have a positive approach for this mod. At least someone is trying to move the story.
Talk to me in future, if this mods get regular updates then I'll gladly say that "I was wrong". But, if this mod gets abandoned or put on hold just like the original game then, I will ask you this in the future again "Was I close?"
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Active Member
Dec 19, 2019
Talk to me in future, if this mods get regular updates then I'll gladly say that "I was wrong". But, if this mod gets abandoned or put on hold just like the original game then, I will ask you this in the future again "Was I close?"
I think Rainces either;
hit burn out if this is the case then he she it they them "could" just be honest and say hey I am tired and I we me it just wants to quite,
he she it they them became a scam dev finding it easier to play kick the can with promises of updates then doing any actually updating, meanwhile continuing to earn money on whatever money earning platform he she it they them are on from subs.
The honest route immediately leaves one with a loss of income, while the dishonest route has a slow decline in revenue.
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Jun 23, 2018
Talk to me in future, if this mods get regular updates then I'll gladly say that "I was wrong". But, if this mod gets abandoned or put on hold just like the original game then, I will ask you this in the future again "Was I close?"
I played it only for 10 min so far but seems good. The UI is improved and the grindy annoying stealth play was removed.

All in all, it's a shame this game game isn't continued. It had this strange rapey charm which was equally dark and lighthearted :D
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Jun 24, 2018
I think Rainces either;
hit burn out if this is the case then he she it they them "could" just be honest and say hey I am tired and I we me it just wants to quite,
he she it they them became a scam dev finding it easier to play kick the can with promises of updates then doing any actually updating, meanwhile continuing to earn money on whatever money earning platform he she it they them are on from subs.
The honest route immediately leaves one with a loss of income, while the dishonest route has a slow decline in revenue.
True, unfortunately. The idea of all businesses is continual income, which always ends up as mandatory payments(taxes).

Looking at how frequent a mod can be updated and released shows RAinces works on his game when he feels like it. He could easily update the game with half baked renders and improve them at a later update. He has no reason to do any of that with people still giving him money.
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May 1, 2022
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