We have a genius here why don’t become a developer since you are smart
Well, thank you for the compliment
, but I already do have a full time job that I actually like most of the time, that requires for me to mostly sit and work behind a computer screen, that requires a wide set of various skills and also some coding skills among others, occasionally. So, with the coding part of the game developing, I could do rather well, the writing a captivating story part I'm not so sure about.
This lack of either skill hasn't stopped some other game devs who's work you can see here in the F95zone - there are some sandbox games here with a complicated event system, yet very little story behind them and also very well written VN's with a non-existent coding skill behind them (which does not automatically mean that the VN doesn't work or is bad, VN just doesn't require much coding). I would prefer to create a game that excels in both areas and until I'm not ready to write a good story, I won't waste my time on trying to hide a poor story behind a flashy sandbox.
I also prefer to do something other than
working on a computer on my free time, since I do it most of the day already.
However, since I was talking about the coding skill, reading the code of this game here could reveal you, that the dev of this game seems to be somewhat over his head at trying to create a sandbox game. He would easily be able to create a simple (from the coding point of view) VN, but this sandbox could be getting too complicated. His struggle with the code and bugs in it could be behind the hiccups at developing this game and maybe also a reason behind creating a new character, rather than creating new events that depend on the previous combination of events and choices for the existing characters. This could be an attempt to keep doing
something fast that he
can do to give something new to his patrons.
He seems to be getting better though and I've actually seen worse (I checked out the code again and it doesn't look as bad as I remembered).
I do not want to jinx it and still hope for the best.
I wouldn't be surprised if the pauses he takes from creating this game and posting on his Patreon site have something to do with the stress of this coding job.
I know another game dev who started with a sandbox game after creating a rather successful VN, who currently also seems to be struggling with the complicated coding part of it, but he's stubborn and also seems to be learning a lot during this process. In his case he'll probably pull through with it.