Paloma Studio :
Found an error, seems strange because I started a whole new game on a fresh install... Undefined variable "SofiaPoints", but it's defined in "script.rpy"... It seems to be related to simply have copied my old saves to the new version - BTW, the old saves crash the game, that's why I restarted it, but it clearly leaves something rotten somewhere.
That's the second time I need to unpack the whole RPA and decompile the RPYC to play: first time to apply properly the mod because of translations, second time to be able to play...
There is also the missing "[" in translation file, for "start_40994a31".
Some Spanish punctuation are still displayed in English version, too ("¡" and "¿"), in particular a "¿?" and a "¡!" in Bathroom's scene (found a LOT of these, way over 20).
In bathroom, seeing MC saying
"Besides, we're Sister, so there's no problem, right?" is a bit funny - it's always annoying to see that devs don't take care of capitalization with custom names, but clearly that's not the real point here. You should rephrase that. Chloe is also called "he" at a time - I hope it's not a clue for a future "Futa/trans" tag...

Definitively, you should find a proofreader for the english version...
More tests are needed before releasing. Also, it would be nice to remember language settings, it's annoying to (re)select "English" each time we restart the game.
Also, there is some meaningless choices (like the one regarding the exam): NO consequences, there is nothing done for both choices - why was it necessary to add this, if only Amy's answer is different with any other possible impact, not even a graphical one?
There is also a strange (cultural) choice, I think... Being French myself, I don't see any problem to greet people I know with kisses on the cheek - on the other side, a "USA hug" bothers me a lot. I'm think that most US/UK people wouldn't think that it's a natural thing to do, even more when it's not done with other characters.
Otherwise, I like the models - male ones are quite ugly, as usual, but I'm quite sure that my own heterosexuality is somewhat involved in this remark. Female ones are fine.