So I'm fairly close to the end, where the 3 of them are fighting in Similicrons, (Rain's Path), and the game crashed on me shortly after destroying the tanky type bot that was attacking the ICE Gate. After that the launcher vanished from the file and when I tried to re-install. (Both to the original folder, and to a brand new folder after a delete the game failed to launch saying it was corrupted or had viruses.
I'm fairly sure no viruses since the download and file got a clean bill of health from Malware Bytes, but I'm wondering what might be wrong.
Also I saw pretty much no lewd content, the MC was just getting to potential lewds with Rain but not quite there yet. I am running on Jap Locale, so not sure what else to do here.
Currently I'm re-downloading after deleting the previous d/l.
Read through the posts, somebody said Win Defender might be the culprit, I'll see if I can't beat it into line, and will try again.